So Far, So Good


Dumplin, in the front barn yard.

A couple days ago, I brought Glory Bee and Dumplin back across the road. My intention was to bring them straight across the road, into the house yard where I could shut the driveway gates and not worry about anyone going anywhere they weren’t supposed to go (Dumplin) while I moved them into the front barn yard. Glory Bee came galloping out from the field, of course, ready to follow me. I hadn’t brought a lead. I can bring Glory Bee anywhere without a lead if I maintain her focus. Since the distance is short directly across the road, I was sure I could keep her focus that long. Unfortunately, Dumplin didn’t come galloping out the gate with her and while I messed around trying to get Dumplin out the gate, I lost Glory Bee’s attention and she wandered off up the access roads and discovered the grass.

Now I was in trouble. I tried to get her attention back and bring her around to the front gates, but I was competing with grass and it wasn’t working very well plus I had Dumplin dancing around in circles distracting everybody. I gave up on the front gates idea and eventually brought them in through the back barn yard gate. This is not ideal because then I had to separate Dumplin from the back barn yard instead of the simpler task I had in mind of separating Glory Bee out of the front barn yard. Anything to do with Dumplin is not the simpler task.

Still, I managed to get Dumplin into the front barn yard in short order, Glory Bee in the back, and I’ve had them separated for 48 hours, across the fence from each other. The fences are strong here, and so far, so good. Nobody’s torn a fence down–or the alleyway gate, though there is a lot of ANGRY MOOING.

But, me, I have milk, and I really want some butter!


  1. STracer says:

    Shoot, You want angry mooing? Try having 15 cows who had their babies taken to the market yesterday. The current prices make the noise worth it to us, not so much to them. :moo:

  2. SwissMiss says:

    The expression on her face says it all. She is not pleased with this development. She sure is a nice looking heifer. Looks like a good set of feet and legs under her and a nicely proportioned body.

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