That’s Miss Little Hen to You


She’s still a-kickin’, in case anyone was wondering!

Don’t know the Crooked Little Hen? (That’s Crooked to me, Miss Little Hen to you.) Try:

The Crooked Little Hen Saves the Day


A Crooked Little Hen Love Story


  1. Hlhohnholz says:

    Yay Crooked! She’s almost as old as Buttercup. 😀 But not as grouchy.

  2. Junebug says:

    Glad to see “Little Miss Hen”. I love all the critters there on your place. As I live in an apartment, I cannot have any animals, so I have to live on a farm vicariously through you. Thanks for taking such good care of my place and all my animals. You Go Girl!!!

  3. Flowerpower says:

    I am glad Miss Little Hen is still well and scratching around. :happyflower:

  4. amysoup says:

    I can’t wait for your book to come out this fall! I. Can’t. Wait.

    I love your writing, love your stories. My one complaint is that you just don’t write enough to satisfy ME!!! 😉 Thankfully you have lots of wonderful stories that I can re-read! I never get tired of them!

  5. Dghawk says:

    Hooray for Miss Crooked Little Hen! She is one smart cookie, and knows how to look after her man. Does she still lay? :snuggle:

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