My New Hobby


Or fetish. Or oddity. Or whatever you want to call it.

Driving on backroads and photographing old barns.

Winner of the PAX mug: Danica! Email me!:thumbsup:


  1. Tori Lennox says:

    Hey, some people get paid to do that! So I don’t think it’s a fetish or odd. 🙂

  2. ruby55 says:

    Well, if you’re interested in old barns photograph them and note where they are and you might be able to publish a coffee-table book of them. Other people enjoy covered bridges.

    I enjoy photographing rock formations or stratifed rock. I don’t think I’m odd but some people might think so. But I don’t care as long as it’s not somebody who will nag me “Why did you have to take another picture of an old hill?” “Why did you have to pick those weird little rocks off the shore?”

    Luckily, most of the time I don’t have anybody like that around.:heart:

  3. Melissa says:

    Congrats, Danica! 😀

  4. Marcy says:

    Congrats Danica! :thumbsup:

    I love old barns. I always wanted to convert one into a huge house. :mrgreen:

  5. kacey says:

    Oh, what a cool thing to do! I love to get out in the country and drive around. Neat idea to add photographing old barns while you’re at it!