Just Another Free Book Friday


If you ever wondered what complete exhaustion looked like, here it is. He had a rough day of eating two cans of catfood and wandering around outside looking for lame squirrels he might be able to catch. Then he came inside and collapsed.

Maybe he’s still in vacation mode. I know I am! But–got a call from my editor yesterday asking for some minor revisions on a potential new series I’ve proposed. I can’t tell you more. If I told you what the series was about, I’d have to kill you. Suffice it to say, it’s creepy and cool. Very fun! Back to work for me….

So, who wants a pick out of my contemporary backlist? I’ll have my daughter pick a number tomorrow for a winner!:lol:


  1. Robyn says:

    Poor kitty, such a rough life.
    I’ll go for the book, thanks.

  2. Christy says:

    Please add my name in for the drawing.
    Have a great weekend!

  3. Toni Anderson says:

    I wish I could sleep like a cat–or my dog for that matter. She falls into a deep snore in seconds. Wonderful πŸ™‚

  4. Teresa says:

    Since I don’t think I’d like being killed, I guess I can wait until you can tell us more about the new series!:wink:

    And LOL at kitty. He looks like our old lady who goes to the food bowl and thinks she’s ran a marathon.

  5. Melissa says:

    Cat’s work so hard don’t they? Mine’s asleep in his rocking chair. Yes, he has his own chair.


  6. Jorie says:

    He had a rough day of eating two cans of catfood and wandering around outside looking for lame squirrels he might be able to catch.


    Can’t wait to hear about your new series!

  7. Stacey115 says:

    LOL- Don’t all cat’s have their own furniture? Mine do.

    Please enter me into the contest.
    Thanks and have a great weekend everyone!


  8. Kelly says:

    Good luck, Suzanne! I hope you get a new contract soon!

  9. Eve says:

    Ahh, told you he looks like my Seamas – I’m nervously waiting to find out if he has a serious medical problem or is just looking for attention. There’s a picture of him on my blog today – so you could see the resemblance.

    I would definitely like a book.

  10. Juanita Stender says:

    Sounds like the makings of a new book where the mysterious author murders the innocent readers who read her private thoughts on her blog. Ohh so creepy!:shocked: Please put in for the book drawing and stop feeding that lazy cat so much!:rotfl: Have a great weekend!:smile:

  11. catslady says:

    Aren’t cats great πŸ˜† I have 5 of them and they’re all so different. In my next life I’m coming back as one! Would love to win one of your books:yes:

  12. Maureen says:

    It’s a tough kitty life. Please enter me in your contest.

  13. Lis says:

    Oh such a cute picture!!
    *raises hand* Love to be in the drawing, thanks :wave:

  14. Marcy says:

    Sheesh. I fear I looked that way this morning when I fell asleep sitting on the couch. 😳 And to stop the questions before they begin…I don’t have a tail, but squirrels better beware. 😈

    I’d love a book!

  15. Estella says:

    Our cats own our place—we only pay the mortgage and feed them:lol:
    Please add me to the drawing. Thanks!

  16. Carol says:

    Me too! I’m coming back as a spoiled kitty!
    I can’t wait to hear about your new series! :yes:
    I would love to win one of your books!

  17. May says:

    I would love to win a book! πŸ™‚

  18. kacey says:

    poor kitty, so exhausted…life is rough sometimes, you explained that to him, yes??? :blahblah:

  19. Danica says:

    I’m always game for a book!

    And I’m terribly jealous of how contented that kitty looks. πŸ™‚

  20. Cheryl S. says:

    Ahh . . . the kitty’s so cute! And you are teasing us again with the promise of more great books.
    Please enter me in the drawing too. Have a great weekend.

  21. Jennifer says:

    I’d love to be in the drawing.

    My dog has her own lazyboy recliner. Sometimes I wake up and hear her rocking, no joke.

  22. ruby55 says:

    If your daughter knows what wicker is, she’ll feel better after I tell this little incident.

    I just came across a little white teapot with blue trim and it’s made of wicket. It was sold by Avon several years ago. When we had a sales meeting during that time, a new representative said she had a problem. “Do I have to return a wicker teapot if it’s been used?”

    “What do you mean “used”? Has it just been taken out of it’s package and put on display?”

    “Well, no,” the rep replied. “I sold it to a woman and a few days she called me and was quite indignant, ‘That teapot is quite useless. I can’t even make any tea in it. The water just runs out of it.'”

    I’m as exhausted as Butterboo but I know I don’t look that cute. But then we’re only made to sleep about 8 hours a day and cats on average sleep about 18, isn’t it? Sometimes I wish I could sleep 75% of my life away.

    Yes, please, I still don’t have enough books. :footinmouth: I’d like to be added to the giveaway list.:yes:

  23. ValMarie says:

    LOL at Ruby’s story! πŸ™‚

    I’d love to have my name in the drawing by the way.

  24. Eve says:

    I like Juanita’s storyline.:rotfl:

  25. Gina says:

    I love when you post pictures of your kitty. I’d love a shot at the book!

  26. Jeanette Jackson says:

    I’d like to be included in the book draw please

  27. TeresaH says:

    Please pick beautiful daughter! :thumbsup:

  28. Michelle says:

    I’m so happy to hear that your editor loves the idea! Can’t wait to celebrate another book contract! :hyper: