Freeeeeee Book Friday


Sweet Savage Love by Rosemary Rogers. It wasn’t the first romance I read, but it was the first romance I read that was so hot it burned my eyeballs. I’ve read, and forgotten, a lot of books over the years but I’ve never forgotten this one. What about you? What book can’t you forget? (Anyone else read Sweet Savage Love? It’s available in a reissue version now.) I read it over and over and OVER when I was a teenager and I so wanted to BE Ginny…..and to have Steve rip my clothes off. :yes:

Anybody want a free autographed book? Post here and I’ll have my daughter pick a number tomorrow to win a pick from my contemporary backlist!


  1. Cheryl S. says:

    You know what? It’s actually one I had to read in 6th grade . . . The Witch of Blackbird Pond. I think because of the whole angst and forbidden love conquers all theme that teenagers can identify with at a time when there are so many changes going on within themselves. Maybe that was why.

  2. kacey says:

    my son had to read Witch of Blackbird Pond and hated it. Must be a female read? (and his teacher so did not have male reads that whole year…what was she trying to do? Turn a male reader off?)

    Oh, back to Suzanne’s question? And I just mentioned this on my blog. The Williamsburg Series of books by Elswyth Thane. A kinder, gentler series of romances that I read when I was young. Turned me on to romances…and onto series books!

  3. StDebb says:

    SSL was . . . like the third romance I ever read. First was Devil’s Desire, by Laurie McBain, and second was The Flame and the Flower, by Kathleen Woodiwiss. I went back and read SSL and its sequel years later, and was shocked at how rough they were! What can I say, I’m a sheltered little flower.


  4. Carol says:

    Gone With The Wind was my first romance novel but I also read all of Rosemary Rogers and Kathleen Woodiwiss’s books! I

  5. Toni Anderson says:

    Kathleen Woodiwiss and Catherine Coulter! Oh they were good!!

  6. Mary says:

    Suzanne McMinn and Suzanne McMinn. I love her writing.

  7. Sandy J says:

    My first ‘hot’ romance at the tender age of 17 was ‘Forever Amber’. I was amazed. Then years later I read ‘Skye O’Malley’ and thought “Can they put that in books?” I now have so many that are my favorites it is hard to list. Can you believe I have never read Rosemary Rogers? Un-American I know! Or Kathleen Woodiwiss (although I ate dinner with her one night). But, now I am adding you to my favorites list, Suzanne! Just started The Beast Within and loving it. :heart:

  8. catslady says:

    I also remember Forever Amber and all the Woodiweiss books as being my favorites but I started out reading all of the books mentioned above (except the Witch one lol). But the Earth Series by Jean Auel seems to stick in my mind the most. Thanks for a chance to win one of yours!!:yes:

  9. Kim says:

    Most memorable book for me was Whitney My Love by Judith McNaught. That was the first romance novel I ever read and definitely a “keeper”.

  10. Melissa Marsh says:

    “Knight in Shining Armor” by Jude Deveraux. Sigh…SO romantic. I’ve read it several times and even got my husband to read it (and he’s a Dean Koontz, James Patterson, Clive Cussler-type guy)- he LOVED it.

    Judith McNaught has so many that I’ve loved, but a few stand out: Kingdom of Dreams, Paradise, Perfect, and Whitney, My Love.

  11. Robyn says:

    Sandra Brown’s Texas Trilogy-Texas Sage,
    Texas Chase and Texas Lucky are re-reads of

  12. Kelly says:

    The first book that’s stayed in my memory was Flowers in the Attic. Creepy and intense for a 13 year old. 😀 The first romance I ever read was by Nora Roberts, Born in Ice.

  13. Eve says:

    The Insiders by Rosemary Rogers. At that time the more sex in the book the better I liked the book – what do I mean, at that time …:hyper:
    Must pick up SSL, never got around to that one. I have an autographed book from you, so I’ll let someone else get one.
    Ah look – Dirty Dancing – love that one. “Nobody puts Baby in a corner.”

  14. Trish says:

    When a friend of mine and her mom introduced me to romance novels, it was their collection of Kathleen Woodiwiss. Even though I’ve read a gazillion books since then, I’ve still not read SSL, though I’ve heard lots about it. Same with Victoria Holt. I think she was just really popular before I started reading romances in the mid late ’80s.

  15. Angie says:

    OMG!!! OMG!! Suzanne!! SSL was my very first scorcher, too!! I also read it over and over (and over and over!) again! :rotfl:
    In fact, I was just thinking about that book 2 days ago…thinking about re-reading it for old times sake.
    Looking back, Steve was the biggest
    a-hole and Ginny was such a dumb sap! But I used to savor ever word.
    Did you ever notice that two of the secondary male characters had the same name in their respective nationalities? Michel and Miguel??? That always bothered me for some reason…. :loser:

  16. Lis says:

    Knight in Shining Armor and Rememberance by Jude Deveraux. Those two are definitely my long time faves.

  17. Maureen says:

    Whitney, My Love is one of my favorites.

  18. Teresa says:

    I’m like you Suzanne, I’ve read a lot and many are keepers and many others have been forgotten. But the ones I always come back to is “Love Me Forever” by Johanna Lindsay.

  19. Marcy says:

    I loved SSL…especially when Steve was Esteban. 😉

    I also adored Shanna and Whitney, My Love. *sigh*

  20. Estella says:

    I read the complete Skye O’Malley series by Bertrice Small. Hot! I have read SSL by Rosemary Rogers and it also was singeing!:shocked:
    Please put me in the drawing.

  21. Jeanette Jackson says:

    The only one I can think of at the moment is The Stand…not a romance but memorable

  22. ruby55 says:

    Kacey, great minds think alike. I was going to mention The Williamsburg Series too as being one of the series of books that I really loved and still love. It’s amongst the books I keep close so I can reread it whenever I feel like it. I read it first in hardcover. Then I found a paperback copy of the first book “Dawn’s Early Light” about Tibby and Julian day in a Cardinal edition. I was 😯 by the cover because it bore no resemblance to anything that happened in the book. More than 30 years after I read the books I finally got to see Williamsburg and imagined where everything might have taken place. I was still missing one book in the series and figured some store there would have it. I was wrong. However, on my way to Jamestown, I saw a bookstore and they had it in hardcover. Unless I’m completely off, I think it’s even autographed. I should find out what her signature looks like.

    There are other books that made an equal impact on me like Mary O’Hara’s “My Friend Flick” and the rest of the trilogy and those are only my childhood/YA friends. :yes:


  23. ruby55 says:

    Kacey, great minds think alike. I was going to mention The Williamsburg Series too as being one of the series of books that I really loved and still love. It’s amongst the books I keep close so I can reread it whenever I feel like it. I read it first in hardcover. Then I found a paperback copy of the first book “Dawn’s Early Light” about Tibby and Julian day in a Cardinal edition. I was 😯 by the cover because it bore no resemblance to anything that happened in the book. More than 30 years after I read the books I finally got to see Williamsburg and imagined where everything might have taken place. I was still missing one book in the series and figured some store there would have it. I was wrong. However, on my way to Jamestown, I saw a bookstore and they had it in hardcover. Unless I’m completely off, I think it’s even autographed. I should find out what her signature looks like.

    There are other books that made an equal impact on me like Mary O’Hara’s “My Friend Flick” and the rest of the trilogy and those are only my childhood/YA friends. :yes:

    Oh, yes, I’m always ready for a new book. Please add my name. Thanks.

  24. ruby55 says:

    Yup, I read Sweet Savage Love too. I read another one of hers first though. Can’t recall the title at the moment. I think Rosemary Rogers must be at least partially responsible for the “bodice ripper” moniker.

  25. Jennifer says:

    I know I will sound strange here but I haven’t read anything by Rosemary Rogers yet. Will you add me to the book drawing? I promise I’ll read SSL. 🙂

  26. Chris Keach says:

    I’ve read a lot of books that have just blended together in my mind as well. But, Diana Gabaldon’s Outlander is by far my favorite (probably because I love Scotland and I fell in love with the hero!). Other memorable books for me were To Kill A Mockingbird and Red Badge of Courage.