I Hope They’re Thinking about Their Behavior


Several weeks ago, Glory Bee ended up in my neighbor Jim’s yard. I drove over there and walked her back down the road, reunited her with Dumplin (who hadn’t followed her), and put them both in the back barn yard for safekeeping. Jim helped me look over the fences in that field, which is my one field across the road. We couldn’t find anything wrong there and decided she’d gone out under the creek crossing.

Glory Bee has been pastured in that field on and off for two years and this was her first “escape” there. I figured that probably she had happened to be drinking in the creek there at the crossing and slurped her way under it without even realizing it. I kept her and Dumplin in the back barn yard for a couple weeks then put them back across the road this week. By now she would have forgotten all about the creek crossing and Jim’s yard.

I explained my reasoning to a friend, who has worked with cows all his life, and he seemed to find it amusing. I was all, like, huffy about that! He clearly didn’t understand my cow, who is the most wonderful cow in the whole world. Apparently, despite owning hundreds of cows over the course of decades, he’s never had a PERFECT one like Glory Bee. And yes, Glory Bee may have been a bad baby at one time, but she’s all grown up now and very well behaved or mostly. Especially compared to Dumplin.

And so, of course, my friend got a big kick out of it when I called him today to tell him that I’d just gotten done walking Glory Bee and Dumplin back down the road from Jim’s house after they went under the creek crossing.
And I really hope, while they’re in the barn yard again until the creek crossing can be reinforced, that they’re thinking about their behavior!


You can order Chickens in the Road: An Adventure in Ordinary Splendor now!

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  1. MMHoney says:

    Don’t care how you dress ’em – they don’t think like a human….

  2. Luv2Quilt says:

    OMG!!! You had me laughing so hard! Thanks for the laugh today. Hope they “think about what they did” too funny.

    Rhonda :moo:

  3. jodiezoeller says:

    Clearly they just wanted to go visitin’ at the neighbor’s house!

  4. Journey11 says:

    They look like they’re pouting. Hehe…

  5. mds9 says:

    Great post. Thank you

  6. California Paintbrush says:

    Yah, they”re thinking about it. 😆

  7. SwissMiss says:

    Sorry I was smirking by the end of the second paragraph and laughing by the third. Elephants have nothing on the memories of cows once they find an escape hole. Unless of course they are expected to return to the pasture through said hole, then they develop alzheimers immediately. The only ones better at it are pigs.
    Is this where Dumplin is going to live next year? Maybe they are getting their Sunday visits planned out.

  8. holstein woman says:

    At least they aren’t jumping the fence. I sold a couple of steers to a woman who was determined she was going to make a bundle on them. We went to sell her some more and she told us about the one who she watched hurdle the horse fence because he was too lazy to walk to the other end of his pasture to walk through the gate. She finally had to find him a new home when he jumped the fence to the road. Hahahaha

  9. bonita says:

    If by “thinking” you mean “conspiring”, then yes, they are clearly thinking of their behaviour.

  10. Joell says:

    Ya gotta love them! Who can get upset with those big beautiful eyes?

  11. Southern Belle says:

    Thank you, I needed a good laugh!!!

  12. leagardens says:

    My Dad would have been laughing too, he had a milk cow that crawled under the fence!

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