Cherry Fever


I started out one day last week picking cherries standing on a chair. That didn’t get me very far. This weekend, I picked 7 pounds of cherries. I made 18 half-pints of cherry jam, and had enough cherries leftover for pie!
I picked cherries from the bed of a pickup truck.

I picked cherries climbing in the branches.

I even picked cherries from the roof after climbing out my bedroom window.
Then I picked all the leaves and twigs and cherry bark outta my hair and told the birds they could have the rest.

I still feel sticky.


  1. daria says:

    Totally worth it though – cherry jam is the best! It’s great in Christmas cookies, or any jam-baking operation, among so many other jam applications. My “dwarf” tree (it’s 12 feet tall!) bloomed well this year and has tiny cherries, here’s hoping they come to fruition.

  2. Miss Judy says:

    Cherry jam or preserves…so delish! It looks beautiful!

  3. brookdale says:

    Sorry to be off topic, but I submitted a recipe to Farm Bell nearly 2 weeks ago and haven’t seen it posted yet. Did I not do it right? Have submitted several times in the past and they always got posted. Thanks for any help you can give me…

  4. brookdale says:

    Thank you, Suzanne. I understand about you being busy! Would love to be able to come to a workshop. Maine is just too far away…

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