This past week, with workshops coming up on both Saturday and Sunday that included cheesemaking, Glory Bee suddenly dropped off to half a gallon a day. My cow! What was wrong with my cow? Mayhap it has just been too long since she had a calf (well, yeah, 16 months, actually). Still, the drop was so sudden.
Glory Bee seemed worried. Me, too!
And then! Yes, THEN.
The clues…. A gate, not latched properly. A storm, blowing open the gate. A feeding stall then open to Moon Pie. Feeder cutouts where cows can stick their heads through to get to where round bales are placed in the wintertime. And the most significant evidence of all. Moon Pie, caught in the act, with her head through the cutout and Glory Bee with her udder backed up to baby.
Oh, those rotten girls!
Glory Bee was so upset that she’d been caught! And the milk stealing was stopped.
Moon Pie cried.
Mommy cried.
And the farmer got more milk again.
Joell says:
Mommy just want to be with her little girl and fix her a snack.
On August 10, 2015 at 4:45 pm
zteagirl71 says:
Boy! Animals can be SO sneaky! :moo:
On September 7, 2015 at 2:55 pm