The Mobile Vet Comes to Call


This is Dr. Clara Mason, at the tailgate of the truck, and her assistant. She’s a mobile vet. Mobile-only! No office. Works out of her truck going wherever farmers need her. I bet she has some stories….

She was at Sassafras Farm yesterday because Zip had herself a little accident. When she didn’t come down for her hay, I went looking for her and found her stuck in a piece of field fence that had been downed by a tree in our latest snow and wind. She had stepped right into the twisted fence, and cut her leg trying (in vain) to get out. It’s too bad horses don’t have cell phones. She could have called. “Woman, I’m stuck up here, come get me.” Instead, she panicked, I’m pretty sure, because that would be how she cut her leg, pulling so hard trying to release herself. After that, apparently, she calmed down because she was waiting pretty patiently at the time I found her.

I contacted Tinia Creamer from the Heart of Phoenix Equine Rescue, who hooked me up with Dr. Mason.
Zip was sedated so her wound could be irrigated thoroughly, treated, then bandaged.
She had an antitoxin shot and is on Equioxx and Uniprim (for those of you to whom that means anything, to the rest of us it’s Greek, but it’s her medicine–anti-inflammatory, pain, and infection control).
Dr. Mason will be back on Thursday for a re-check and bandage change, and to teach me how to carry on with her bandage changes afterward. Zip’s stalled in the barn for the duration. The whole thing was a little scary, but–she’s going to be okay.

And I gotta go fix a fence now……


  1. GA_in_GA says:

    Glad you found her quickly. And that she will be okay.

  2. TracyT says:

    Glad Zip will be okay. Wire fences and horses….never good!

  3. DeniseS says:

    Glad you found Zip and that she will be o.k. I think the idea of a mobile vet is a great one. The animal gets to stay in a familiar surrounding while being treated and the owner does not have to worry about transporting.

  4. lesliedgray says:

    Poor Zippity! I hope she heals quickly.. That shows her good sense… most horses (mine among them) would have completely freaked out and struggled until they were too injured.. requiring euthanasia.. I’m glad she is a patient, sensible girl..

  5. Bells says:

    Poor girl! When I was younger a horse at our barn got her leg caught in some roots by the stream. She wasn’t the steadiest of horses – she literally pulled her leg off. It was awful. So glad Zip is sensible.

  6. nanaK says:

    I don’t know anything about keeping horses … however I am wondering how it would be to continue with bandaging a horse -that’s not medicated — would they just stand still? (I’m not too sure about that part, but I wouldn’t think so)
    Good luck – thank goodness you found her !!
    Maybe all that medicine given is enough to keep her calm … hope everything goes well from here on out:-)

  7. hotdogdee says:

    Had Dr. Mason come to my house a few years ago when it was time to put my German Shepard down. He was a rescue that never got over being afraid. She was very good with him. He went to his last sleep on the couch. His favorite place to be.

  8. ibnsgirl says:

    We had a mobile vet when we had horses in Texas. Dr. Aldredge was awesome!

    He always said that if I had any problem involving legs, eyes, and colic, to call immediately. I’m so glad you found Zip when you did!

    Lower leg wounds especially can be so problematic on a horse since it is mostly tendons, ligaments, and bones, with little muscle to absorb any of the trauma.

  9. sidneysmith says:

    She’ll be okay my tennessee walking mare is 29 years old and she had the same thing happen to her nothing a little tlc wont fix I wish you luck

  10. stacey3940 says:

    Glad she is going to be ok. Thats why barb-wire fencing (or even high tensile wire) is not a great idea for horses. Horses can hurt themselves in a padded room so why given them any help. Leg injuries can be very scary for horses so I’m very glad that she’s has you to care for her.

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