Speaking of Sheep


I went to Virginia yesterday…..
…..and a bunch more of ’em followed me home!


  1. Patty says:

    Oh My Gosh!!! I had no idea you were going to get adult sheep! How wonderful!! :sheepjump: I can’t wait to learn all about them!

  2. Leah says:

    What?! You got more?! LOL, they’re lovely Suzanne. ๐Ÿ™‚

  3. Cama says:

    Awwww! They are so cute! Do I feel some spinning for you in the future??!! :snoopy:

  4. Heidi533 says:

    Seriously? You got more? Was this planned? Cool!

  5. Lucy says:

    I won’t even call you ‘Mary’. I’d just like to be there to feel their wonderful wool.

  6. CindyP says:

    Oh Suzanne, you’ve been keeping secrets!! :sheep: :sheep:

    So we’re going to get to learn how to do our own yarn ?!?!?! (whenever it is that you shear the sheep) Ok, first I’ll take learning about sheep!!

    Oh, how I appreciate you and these animals!! I’ve learned so much!

  7. Kelleh says:


    Ewe are sneaky, and so are you!! They must have stowed away in your backseat. Hee hee!

  8. tillie says:

    does princess get to name these too?

  9. Bonny says:

    Had you planned on getting more or was this just by chance that they hitched a ride back to the farm with you? They look so cute. I’m sure you all will have a great time getting acquainted.

  10. Christine says:

    Uh oh! How many more?! They’re addictive aren’t they? ๐Ÿ™‚

  11. mmHoney says:

    IT COULD HAPPEN!!!!!!!

  12. Robin G. says:

    Whoa. You better get Coco trained up in a hurry!

  13. Suzette says:

    OMG! More sheep!? Now we know what our side business is going to be! Homespun yarn! LOL!

    How do they get along with Annabelle? And Coco!? Can’t wait to hear about all this.

  14. catslady says:

    I love their dreadlocks roflmao

  15. Amy says:

    Oy! More sheep!


  16. Linda in San Diego says:

    I don’t recognize that fence or gate, someone, not you would have had to build it in a hurry and you would have posted pictures…. – I think you are pulling our leg(s) again.

  17. Kacey says:

    What kind are they? Can’t wait to see more pics.

  18. PetalzAndFinz says:

    You’re really trying to get us to work on patience this week. Another cliffhanger…thank goodness it’s not a TV show we have to wait until next season for!

  19. sam says:

    How many sheep followed you home?

  20. Gail says:

    Are these a “Mr.& Mrs.” couple? Your farm is really expanding!
    Love all the critters and today’s farm photo of Coco & Annabelle is sooo cute!

  21. Carol says:

    You can never, I repeat, NEVER have too many sheep! What are you going to do with their wool? You know, if you are looking to off load some of it you could always send it my way. :sheepjump: :sheepjump: :sheepjump: :sheepjump: :sheepjump:

  22. yorkshire girl says:

    I bag’s those ringlets. They are just perfect for a doll I am thinking of making.
    suzanne how are you going to shear them?

  23. Susan says:

    Oh my! Coco is going to be busy making friends! What else have you been keeping from us? ๐Ÿ˜†

  24. Estella says:

    You are really starting to make Coco earn her keep!

  25. anni says:

    huh! you are kiddin’
    totally good for you except I think I’m just going to have to come over there and show you how to spin and knit.

  26. Amber says:

    I can’t wait to see pictures of sheep grazing in your yard!

  27. Linda says:

    I love their ringlets. Are they the same kind as Annabelle? Are you going to talk Georgia out of the spinning wheel at the old farm house? Can’t wait for the rest of the story.

  28. Jan says:

    Time to change the name of your blog to: Chickens in the Road, Sheep on Porch, Goats on the RAMpage. ๐Ÿ™‚

  29. Julie says:

    I see herding dog in your future! Love the sheep.

  30. Janet says:

    Oh my, it looks like you’ve given them a perm already.

  31. Brandy says:

    Bah, bah! How many followed you? *G*

  32. lady under the oaks says:

    one way to keep your little farm growing….new barns….bigger barns…more fences! I think Coco is looking more like “My to-do list is getting longer and longer!” Very nice of the gentleman to find
    suitable homes and you to accept them!

  33. Hibiscus Moon says:

    Love their dread locks. Too cute. ๐Ÿ˜€

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