The Chicken Encyclopedia Giveaway


Storey Publishing, makers of so many excellent handbooks about farm animals, invited me to be part of their “blog tour” for The Chicken Encyclopedia, a new book by Gail Damerow. It’s hard to turn down a chicken book. I have a number of Storey books, including Storey’s Guide to Raising Chickens, also by Damerow. They’re all indispensable on their given topic, and The Chicken Encyclopedia lives up to the Storey name.

Even if you already have a chicken book or ten, this one makes a great companion to other books on chickens because of its format. It’s set up as an A to Z resource, so when you need to know something fast, it’s easy to find, and useful for both the beginner and the experienced chicken owner. (There are also lots of pictures.) I wish I’d had it when I was trying to figure out what was going on with the Crooked Little Hen. Go to the “Cs” and look up crossed beak. Aside from being able to quickly find what you’re looking for, it’s fun to thumb through and find out what you’d never think to ask. Ever heard of a roach back chicken? That’s a chicken with a hump! Like, the Hunchback of Notre Coop! Or what’s a wind egg? (A small, yolkless egg. Also called a fart egg. Ick.) What’s pearl-eyed? (Creamy white or bluish-gray eyes, characteristic of Aseel, Cornish, Malay, and Shamo chickens. Sounds creepy. I haven’t even heard of any of those breeds other than Cornish!)

The Crooked Little Hen, by the way, is doing well. She will be celebrating her fourth birthday this spring, which just goes to show a crossed beak chicken can get along just fine. While I wouldn’t want to hatch chicks from her–the condition is genetic in most cases–she lays quite lovely blue eggs and has a ton of personality. She’s one of my favorite chickens.

If you missed my stories about the Crooked Little Hen, you can find a couple of my favorites here:
The Crooked Little Hen Saves the Day
A Crooked Little Hen Love Story

And here are some other places you can find Storey:
Inside Storey
Storey on Facebook
Storey on Twitter

Storey not only gave me a copy of the book, but they are offering a copy of The Chicken Encyclopedia to one of you as well, so please see the giveaway info at the bottom of the post to enter here. You can also find the entire tour (with giveaways on each day) at the following places:

March 2 — For the Love of Chickens
March 3 — Vintage Garden Gal
March 4 — The Garden Roof Coop
March 5 — Common Weeder
March 6 — Here!
March 7 — Garden Rant
March 8 — Fresh Eggs Daily
March 9 — My Pet Chicken Blog
March 10 — Coop Thoughts
March 11 — BoHo Farm and Home
March 12 — Happy Chickens Lay Healthy Eggs
March 13 — A Charlotte Garden
March 14 — Farm Fresh Fun
March 15 — The HenCam
March 16 — Life on a Southern Farm
March 17 — ADozenGirlz, the Chicken Chick
March 18 — North Coast Gardening

For a chance to win a copy here: Leave a comment on this post and let me know you want it. One winner will be drawn by random comment number to receive a copy of The Chicken Encyclopedia by Gail Damerow. Eligible entry cut-off is midnight Eastern (U.S.) time tonight (March 6). This post will be updated with the winner by 9 a.m. Eastern (U.S.) time tomorrow (March 7). You must return to this post to claim your book if your name is drawn.

Per Storey’s request, this giveaway is open to U.S. residents only.

NOTE: You must be registered to comment. It’s free and easy–if you’re not registered, you can register here. If you’re already registered but not logged in, go here to log in.

UPDATE 03/07/12: The winning comment number, drawn by, is comment #150, FreedomValleyFarm. Email me at [email protected] with your full name and address for shipping!



  1. chriskit81 says:

    I would love to win! Chickens are in my future!

  2. boulderneigh says:

    Oh yes, I want it!

  3. collector1 says:

    I would love this book! Thank you! :dancingmonster:

  4. bonita says:

    speciality publishing at its best!

  5. abhaya says:

    Toss my name in the ring!

  6. whaledancer says:

    Yes, please. I’d like to expand my knowledge beyond “Raising Chickens for Dummies.”

  7. Dottie says:

    Please enter me in the drawing.

  8. Katharina says:

    Storey Publications are wonderful! I have a few on my bookshelf. I would enjoy the Chicken Encyclopedia. Thank you!

  9. morningstar says:

    We are going to the farm lunch time with our three year old grandaughter to get her two blue egg laying hybrid hens to add to her little flock so I would love to have the book for her please.

  10. kathy says:

    8) Yes please, enter me for the book. Thank you.

  11. AngelaS says:

    :clover: I would love to have a copy of The Chicken Encyclopedia. :clover:

  12. Cheryl LeMay says:

    I would also like to be entered into this drawing. You can never have too many books about raising animals and Storey has some nice ones.

  13. TRUDY says:

    I would enjoy a new reading…thanks for the chance!

  14. lauren says:

    Enter me also please ๐Ÿ™‚

  15. quinn says:

    Please add my name to the hat!

  16. kellytorrey says:

    Please count me in!! Thank you!

  17. NancyD in NH says:

    me me me- pick me for the Chicken Encyclopedia!!!

  18. Butterbean says:

    Enter me please!! :woof:

  19. gingergoat says:

    Yes please. I would love the book.
    Gingergoat :fairy:

  20. countrygal says:

    I would love to win the book.

  21. Leah's Mom says:

    Thanks to you and Storey! Please enter me for a chance to win. My new babies are coming Mar. 26 ๐Ÿ™‚

  22. wildman says:

    Never too old to learn! Love to have the new book. Have 9 hens and banty rooster. tThinking of getting a few more hens for the old hen I live with!

  23. joeyfulnoise says:

    Enter me please – we are hoping to get some chickens this year

  24. TeaCup says:

    Since I have no chickens, yet, but intend to change that in the not so distant future, the book would be a nice addition. Please enter me!


  25. SarahGrace says:

    Enter me, please!

  26. Busy Solitude Farm says:

    Looks like a great resource — please enter me!

  27. mermonster says:

    Please enter me as well. ๐Ÿ™‚

  28. Janis says:

    I would love a chance to win but loved reading about Storey even if I don’t win!!!

  29. Virginia Naturals says:

    I hope to live on a farm one day and have my own chickens. I’m trying to learn everything I can now. Would love to win a copy of the book. :heart:

  30. GaPeach says:

    I would love to have it. Thanks!

  31. cindyinohio says:

    I would love to win this book. I can always use help with the girls.

  32. Cindy H says:

    I would love to have this book…our chicken tractor is built and we’re ready to order chicks!

  33. Auntie Linda says:

    Oh, this would be perfect. We’re building our first chicken coop and it won’t be long before we order the chicks. Please enter me.

  34. kellyb says:

    I’d love to add this book to my other Storey books!

  35. STracer says:

    I would like one of those books. Chickens are next on my list.

  36. Leila says:

    I’d love to add this to our farm library!

  37. lreazer says:

    I would love to win – After reading it myself -I would donate this book to the library – so people could stop borrowing my chicken books :~)

  38. cabighorse says:

    We are moving out of the apartment and will have an area dedicated to chickens and fresh eggs. As a beginner raiser (I have experience collecting and consuming eggs) I would LOVE to have the book.

  39. Pete says:

    Oh, boy! Another book!! MUST HAVE!!!! :smilerabbit:

    Yep, count me IN on the BOOK! :snoopy:

  40. Patti says:

    Please enter me! I have no chicken books!!! :chicken:

  41. wspines says:

    This book would be a wonderful addition to my chicken library.

  42. miki says:

    This book would be such a great resource! I will have my chickens shortly! Thank you

  43. Blyss says:

    This might be what I need to push me over the “chicken owner” edge!

  44. JerseyMom says:

    I’d love to have this book! I have several different breeds and it sounds like it would come in handy.

  45. mygirls01 says:

    enter me please!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  46. Old WV Broad says:

    Please count this Old WV Broad in, thank ye

  47. Yankee in NC says:

    Oh! I would love to have this book! BTW: Tere are 2 chickens that hang around our local Hardees Restaurant. They dig around in the mulch and keep the area bug free. I love small town lfe!

  48. Labontet says:

    What a wonderful reference book. I would love to win it.

  49. Linda Goble says:

    I would love to get this book to help me with the chicks I am getting first part of June. Thank you :chicken: :chicken: :heart:

  50. langela says:

    I’d like to be entered to win, please. I love my girls, but always have little questions here and there about them.

  51. megmc says:

    This would be a very handy book for us! We just got 24 Speckled Sussex pullets a couple of weeks ago and we’re in need of some good advice. : )

  52. WVSue says:

    I don’t have any chicken information books but would love to have one for all those “chicken questions” that seem to pop up all the time. Thanks for the chance!

  53. doxie says:

    I’d love to win this book, we have chickens, and are getting more in a couple weeks so maybe with the help of this book, we could raise them right for a change. LOL ๐Ÿ™‚

  54. Miss Nellie says:

    I love chickens, I have 23 hens and toooo many roosters. I would love to have this book.

  55. Spiderjohn says:

    Please enter me in the drawing!

  56. wormlady says:

    I’ll be getting chickens in the very near future & don’t find the chicken book I already have thorough enough. It would be nice to win this book.

  57. Privileged says:

    Starting a chicken coop this Spring and that would be soo helpful! :duck:

  58. 4jsMOM says:

    Suzanne, I would really like to win this book. Last August we got our 5 chickens and we wonder why we waited so long to enjoy those fresh eggs. CITR was our inspiration.

  59. JULIE SUE says:

    My daughter just bought 36 acres and are planning on having chickens, this would make a wonderful gift.

  60. nosnowtn says:

    Would love a chance to win this book. Been keeping chickens for 2 years and get all my info from the internet. A book would be great!
    Thanks Suzanne and Storey.

  61. maryellen51 says:

    I would love to have this book. I love my chickens and like to try and take good care of them.

  62. MelKilMD says:

    I would love a copy of the book – I don’t have chickens, yet… They are on my “wish list”. Thanks for the chance.

  63. carolynm says:

    My chickens would like me to be the best Chicken mom ever -please put my name in the nest!

  64. sarasweatman says:

    We have waited five years to get chickens. I home school three children and I have never raised chickens before. We are getting six chicks this week and we don’t have anything for them yet. I have loved this book tour because I have hours of reading and great advice. I would love a copy of the book. My children have SO Many questions. I would like to be able to answer the questions or show them how to find the answers!!

  65. Metody says:

    We are currently building a chicken house/run and book on chickens would be wonderful. I would love to win the chicken book.

  66. rebinva says:

    Enter me, please! It looks like a lovely book.

  67. chicken212 says:

    i would to have this book . thanks…

  68. StuckinMiami says:

    I would Love a copy.

  69. PaulaClark says:

    I would love this book!We are considering chickens in the near future and don’t know much about them. We need to start learning!

  70. azladychef says:

    I would LOVE this book! I have chickens, and one chicken book, but it does not have much info other than breeds. This one looks awesome!

  71. Almost Heaven, WV says:

    Oh my, I so want this! Please, please ๐Ÿ™‚ :heart:

  72. barefootkitchenwitch says:

    I’d love to win this for my sister (and her chickens)!

  73. LisaAJB says:

    Oh, pick me! My first chicks are a week old today. I read lots of books on chickens from the library, but they didn’t have any from Storey.

  74. okstormy says:

    :chicken: I’d love to get the chicken book!!! :chicken:

  75. laurie hamar says:

    Would love the chance to win…chickens just a little bit in the future. Thanks for the opportunity.

  76. tinamanley says:

    I have a Crooked Little Hen, too, and would love to learn more about crossed beak chickens. Hope I get a copy of the book!


  77. suziQ says:

    I’d love to win it! Thanks for the chance! :shimmy:

  78. Grouchymama says:

    Bulk bulk bulk Count me in on the drawing for the Chicken Book from Storey.

  79. Michelle B says:

    I would love to win the Chicken Encyclopedia! :moo:

  80. Bonnie S. says:

    I would love to win!

  81. babyberry says:

    I would love a copy! I am just starting my flock and can use all the help I can get.


  82. Abiga says:

    Would love to win it for my grandson who takes care of the chickens and loves to read too. Thanks.

  83. Windswept Farm says:

    Yes, I would like to be entered. I have not heard of the book before.

  84. absinthe says:

    Oh, I’d love to win this! I have been lobbying heavily to get ‘girls’ of my own, and a book like this, placed strategically in the living room, would further my cause! Thanks for the chance to win a great resource!

  85. DebbieM says:

    We’re thinking about getting chickens again and this would be so helpful-thanks for the chance to win!

  86. Cowgirl Jules says:

    Enter me please! I have both a chicken problem and a book problem.

  87. Rainn says:

    :snoopy: oh yes please enter me! I have several of the Storey helpful books! Love them!! :heart:

  88. JReed says:

    Pick me! Pick me!

  89. chuckles1330 says:

    Sign me up! I love my girls – and the younguns (genders yet to be determined) they are better than TV, and relaxing at the end of a hard week with a glass of wine while watching them do their thing is awesome therapy.

  90. Jen says:

    Please enter me. I so hope I win!

  91. Shelly says:

    Yes please I need some chicken help. Goats and sheep I know. The two legged feathered things I have no clue.

  92. HomesteadJen says:

    I need this book! ๐Ÿ™‚ Fingers crossed.

  93. bonnie335 says:

    I would love this book. Please count me in.

  94. utroukx says:

    i would love to have this book. :chicken:

  95. cabynfevr says:

    Awesome book…count me in!

  96. sal says:

    I owned a pet chicken as a young girl (a looong time ago) but that was my last experience with chickens, so yes, I need this book! Thanks for the giveaway. Sal

  97. mammaleigh says:

    I would love this book!!
    Thank you for having such neat stuff to give away!!

  98. hollygee says:

    I’ve been thinking about raising chickens and I’ve always found that it is always good to have informative books on hand for any new enterprise.

  99. Nadeanne says:

    I would love this book!

  100. Fatisfied says:

    Cluckity Cluck Cluck… my chickens are excited about an encyclopedia dedicated to them. Count us in.

  101. roosterrun says:

    I’ve needed this book. I have gotten quite a few “fart eggs” and had no clue what they were. I certainly never called them fart eggs. Haha. I once had a crooked little hen too. Thanks.

  102. contentedcat says:

    Oh, this would be a wonderful book to have. I currently have nine chickens that are layers/pets…all named after French women: Odile, Fleurette, Manon, Gigi, Suzette, L’Etoile, Joelle, Lulu & Eglantine (Eggy)! I just love having chickens! They certainly each have their own personality…

  103. tea4too0 says:

    I would love to win this book, Thanks. T

  104. Em says:

    Please enter me in the drawing ๐Ÿ™‚

  105. beforethedawn says:

    I would love a chance to win. Thank you Storey for the giveaway and Suzanne for hosting!

  106. FujiQ says:

    I’ve never won anything in my life. TODAY’S MY LUCKY DAY! YEEEAAH!

  107. mommaof3 says:

    Alrighty no more blog stalking lol I finally registered after falling in love with your blog. I would love love love to win this book as a new Momma to 5 chickens it will surely come in handy.

  108. lavenderblue says:

    Any and all chicken information is most welcome here.

  109. PV Grammy says:

    My husband and I have just started thinking about getting chickens again. We had them several years ago, but gave them up when we moved to a new state. The Chicken Encyclopedia would be a wonderful resource.

  110. farmkat says:

    This would be a great book to have. Please add my name to the drawing and Thank You!

  111. thimblevee says:

    Please throw my name in the drawing – LOVE my chickens and fresh eggs!

  112. CrystalGB says:

    I would love to have this book. We have some Wyndotts now and love all the eggs we get from them.

  113. littleoncape says:

    Love meeting all these new people. Great blog. Please count me in on the drawing. Have been eyeing Gail’s new book and would love to have it as a reference since we are newbies (10 months with chickens). Thank you!

  114. Britishtea says:

    Following my heart and dream, I just moved into my little house on the homestead. It’s a blank canvas, previously having housed horses and swine. I need a coop, and then chickens. Build it and they will come. Please enter my name in the drawing. Thank you.

  115. UrbanFarmer says:

    Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!

  116. Nharah says:

    Please enter me in the drawing! I would like to figure out why and how my 2 year old all white chicken has turned into a white chicken with brown feathers all over its breast :chicken:

  117. Jblank says:

    Please enter me to win The Chicken Encyclopedia.

  118. Merino Mama says:

    Please enter me to win Storey’s Chicken book. :chicken:

  119. Vicki in So. CA says:

    I would love to win this book! ๐Ÿ˜€

  120. Imperious Fig says:

    I’d like to win – it sounds like a very useful book!

  121. hobo says:

    Please enter me for the Storey’s Chicken book giveaway. Thank you!

  122. D1BeachBum says:

    Please enter me… :chicken:

  123. Claudia W says:

    This would be a great book to own! Please enter my name. Thank you!

  124. goodgirl says:

    I’ve been visiting CITR for over a year, and just now became a member! Love the stories! Please enter my name in the drawing for the new chicken encyclopedia! Thanks

  125. Bells says:

    I would love this book. I’m down to 1 hen and 2 roosters and need to get an order in for more hens.

  126. sarasweatman says:

    I would love this book!

  127. jmac says:

    I would love to have this book. It might just give me the courage to know I could do it!!

  128. kdubbs says:

    Yes, please! This book looks like a useful (and entertaining) addition to my livestock library!

  129. manlovea says:

    I would love to win this! Thank you for the opportunity!

    ~Amy in WI

  130. cricketjett says:

    Please include me!!! This book would be very useful as I plan to purchase chickens this year.

  131. heidinawrocki says:

    How great it would be to win this as I am going to be getting some chickens this summer on our new homestead!

  132. jeepdriver says:

    A chicken book! This is why I love your website. Everything I needed to learn about is right at my finger tips – or in a book. Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!

  133. CarrieJ says:

    It want chickens really bad but am afraid to try. Maybe this encyclopedia will give me the valuable info I need to JUST DO IT!!! Enter me please.

  134. Cubzwin1908 says:

    My “girls” sure hope we get picked. : )

    (Lucy and Ethel) (Mary and Rhoda) (Rose and Blanche) (Frenchie and Rizzo) (Prissy and Clara)

  135. DebrafromMD says:

    I want chickens so this would be a wonderful reference.

  136. BendyWendy says:

    Me! :wave: Me! I want it! I have chicks coming on April 20th and it’s my first time venturing into chickens….I NEED this book!

  137. tc1161 says:

    Please enter me in the drawing. Thanks. :heart:

  138. denisestone says:

    I would LOVE a copy of this book! There is so much for me to learn about chickens.

  139. knchock says:

    This would be handy as the husband is wanting to build a chicken house and start our own flock. Thanks.
    -Kimberly in NC

  140. TW says:

    I would love to win a copy of Storey’s Chicken Encyclopedia! I’ve raised chickens twice and can’t wait to do it again. Moving around in the Air Force means that sometimes you don’t have the most ideal conditions for the things you like to do. But soon I’ll be in a much better place for setting up to raise chickens again. Thank you for the opportunity to win a copy.

  141. eafogle says:

    I want a copy of this book. I’m glad there are other chances, my chances here look very slim =( I’ve had my girls for a year now and they are fantastic, I do have odd questions at times and this book would save me from bugging my friends. Thanks for the chance to win!

  142. pulsk1 says:

    I know I don’t have much of a chance, but please,sign me up.

  143. Dori M says:

    I would love this book for my daughter. she is starting with some chickens.

  144. VikE says:

    I’d love this book! Please enter me.

  145. GrammieEarth says:

    Since I live in a city that doesn’t allow backyard chickens, I would love to have this for my son and his family. They now have three banties with feathers on their legs and a rooster of the same type. They get three eggs a day and are planning on getting some chicks come spring. They would love to be gifted with this book. Thankyou!

  146. FreedomValleyFarm says:

    Sign me up!

  147. mb96210 says:

    As the midtown mother of 3 hens I definitely would love to win the book. All I know about the chickens I was given by neighbors is that they drive you crazy wanting food. They will sit at the dog door and cluck and fuss until you feed them, and they will come in the house to help themselves to the food. Any guidance is appreciated. BTW, an update on large puppy??? :chicken:

  148. Gem says:

    I am such a Chicken-Person!
    We’ve had a flock of chickens going since 1997 ๐Ÿ™‚
    I would LOVE this book – so all you have to do it is…PICK ME!

  149. sparkles2307 says:

    I’d LOVE LOVE LOVE this book!!!!

  150. dee58m says:

    Yes please I would love to win this book. Thank you for the chance. ๐Ÿ™‚

  151. ktbirch says:

    Please enter me – thanks!

  152. marymac says:

    Oh wow!! would I love to win this book, pick me!!!!!!

  153. BethanyJean says:

    I would love this book as we are getting our chicks in less than 2 weeks. I grew up with chickens on a farm however, always had my parents there to answer any questions or explain strange behaivor. this is the frist time that we will have them at our very own farm & having this book would be handy so I dont have to call my mother with every little question! ๐Ÿ˜‰

  154. CATRAY44 says:

    Count me in, if it is not too late!

  155. Carol in NC says:

    Would love this book!

  156. CityGirlFarmGirl says:

    I would love to have this book!! :snuggle:

  157. Darlene in North GA says:

    Oh, I’d love to win the book!
    Thank you Storey and Suzanne for the give-away.

  158. anabaptist says:

    Would love to win that one.

  159. flgrl says:

    Please enter me. I would love this book!

  160. oct4luv says:

    How cool! Pick me, pick me! :chicken:

  161. judith says:

    Thank you for being a part of the Chicken encyclopedia giveaway.I would love to win.Judith

  162. GraciaLynneIsABigFatHen says:

    How I would love to win the Chicken Encyclopedia! My cousin e-mailed me just this morning to tell me about the Chicken Encyclopedia, and then someone asked me about where to get free chicken magazines, and I was researching her question, I came across this contest information! What perfect timing! How I hope I win!

  163. carol decker says:

    Hope to have chickens this Spring. Would love to have this!


  164. marilee says:

    Yeah, I love my chickens, pick me, pick me!!! :sun:

  165. Birdi says:

    I would love to be entered into the drawing…thank you!

  166. prhodes says:

    I would love this! Trying to decide what kind of chickens I should get…

  167. cotswolds93 says:

    I would LOVE to win this book!!!! PLEASE pick ME! Thank you for the chance to win! :happyfeet:

  168. sherrylong says:

    My aunt has chickens, and my 4 year old Isaiah is enchanted by them! She has promised to give him some chicks soon to keep at his mawmaw’s house in the country. I know, sounds like a job Mawmaw will have….but she is willing! Would love to win, we adore books & chickens – its a win/win! ๐Ÿ”

  169. jamitysmom says:

    Me too! Need to learn so much – love my chickens and I love Chickens in the Road! Would love to have another reference book… :snoopy:

  170. Solducky says:

    It looks awesome!
    soluckyducky at gmail dot com

  171. jnet says:

    A chicken book would be great. :happyflower:

  172. squeecker97 says:

    I would like a Chicken Encyclopedia.

  173. Melissa H. says:

    I would love this book!

  174. GuitarFingers says:

    I would like to win the poultry dictionary.

    [email protected]

  175. TeresaJM says:

    This would be great to have. I’d love to win this – thanks

  176. holstein woman says:

    Lest make it 174, I’d like the opportunity to have one. Thank you

  177. tjd78155 says:

    Hi there…I would really like to receive this chicken encyclopedia!! Looks like a nifty book to have when you
    own chickens!! Thanks for your consideration!!

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