Win a 2010 Chickens in the Road Calendar!


Ten calendars! Ten winners! (Pictured in this post are just some of the calendar pages from A Very Clover Calendar. You can see the entire calendar at my CafePress page.)

Without a doubt, the most wonderful readers on the internet are right here. Not only are you wonderful to me, you are wonderful to each other. YOU amaze ME every day. A few days ago, I received an incredible email. I can’t tell you the whole story. I can’t tell you the name of the lovely person providing this giveaway. She would like to remain anonymous. What I can tell you is why she is doing this. She recently lost a dear loved one and the holidays are very difficult for her this year. Rather than dwell on her own sadness, she wants to do something to bring happiness to others. And so she offered to provide ten 2010 Chickens in the Road calendars to the readers of my blog. It was, she said, the money she would have spent on Christmas gifts this year for the loved one she has lost. (Can you read this without crying? I can’t!)

It’s very important to her that the contest be open to everyone–not just U.S. readers. Everyone can enter, no matter where you live!
Contest entry period: You can enter to be one of the ten winners every day starting today (November 18) until 6 p.m. (U.S. Eastern time) on November 25. The winners will be drawn that evening (November 25) so that I can have my blog, with the winners, set and ready to appear at my usual early-morning posting time on Thanksgiving Day (November 26).

Prizes: Ten calendars will be given away by random drawing. There will be ten winners, one calendar for each winner. (If you’ve already bought the 2010 Chickens in the Road calendar, you can still enter! You might win a second one to give away and share the love!)

Who is eligible: EVERYONE!
How to enter: Two ways to enter!

1. You can enter once per day by leaving a comment on the latest blog post.

2. You can get in additional (up to 10 more) entries every day by posting on the Chickens in the Road forum. Each forum post you make (up to 10 per day) counts as an additional entry. The only thing I ask there is that you please actually join in and participate in (or start) discussions on the forum as your entries. (Please don’t simply post something like “contest entry!” as your forum posts–those won’t count.) We have a lot of fun over there, so I hope this will encourage some of you to c’mon! Talk to us!

*Note: It’s not necessary to state in either your blog comments or in your forum posts that you are posting as a contest entry. ALL blog comments (one per day per person) and forum posts (up to 10 per day per person) will be automatically entered in the drawing.
Good luck to everyone! You have all given so much to me simply by being here (not to mention all the voting!), and I am so glad to be able to provide this opportunity to give something back to you. And thank you thank you thank you to the anonymous donor making it possible!

Please vote today to help me get this job! Read why I want this job so badly here if you missed it. Remember that you can vote every day. And please tell everybody you know? (If you weren’t here yesterday, see my contestant video either here or at my voting page on the SAM-e site.)

Click here to vote!

THANK YOU! Watch the vote count here. It’s sort of addicting. (They have now sorted the list alphabetically, so you’ll find me near the bottom.)

The voting runs through December 7. These are early, early days yet and the competition is going to be fierce, so please stay with me!

And don’t forget–comment here for your first entry of the day for the calendar giveaway. Then go here to make additional entries: The Chickens in the Road forum.

UPDATE: This contest is now closed. The winners are (by random drawing from all blog and forum comments during the contest period–identification is referring to how you post or your username if registered):

Box Call
Julie Harwood


  1. Jenny says:

    I love the top photo with the tiara!

  2. Jodie says:

    I love Clover photos, so I would love to have one. Clover is the cutest goat ever! Thanks to your secret donor… but sorry for her loss! THANKS!

  3. tabbimama says:

    Count me in. I loved, loved, loved your video. Loved the chickens, loved Clover, loved the sheep. It was weird to hear you talk…out loud. Good luck.

  4. Kim says:

    Goats and cookies…sounds like great art for my wall in 2010 :happyflower:

  5. Melinda in Washington State says:

    I enjoyed seeing your video and hearing your voice. The ducks are my favorite. I’ve not seen a buff colored one before. Lots of luck.

  6. Minna says:

    good luck on getting the job! :clover:

  7. Diane Jennings says:

    Bless her heart…..

    I voted! :wave:

  8. Diane Jennings says:

    Bless her heart…

    I voted! 🙂

  9. wendy says:

    Well, isn’t that the sweetest thing! Cookies are good, but a calendar may be better…

  10. Justin Key says:

    Hey, this is Justin Key from the Sam-E contest (the one writing in the shower) and I just wanted to stop by and say I liked your video. I’ve always had a love for animals, so I really think it’s amazing that you live on a farm!

    As an aspiring writer myself, I also admire the extent of your blog. I just started blogging recently and hope to one day have as many readers as you do.

    Again, great video and good luck with everything!

  11. Darlene says:

    Awww, I hope this generous reader finds peace, comfort and joy this holiday season! This was such a sweet thing to do.

    Should we also comment on the picture you post daily, or just the written entry that you post each day? (Ok, it’s late and I should be in BED! Actually, it’ spast late and gone on to be EARLY! kwim?

    I’ve voted and will keep voting.

  12. Agnes from Antigo says:

    I’ll be leaving home for a few days but will be taking my laptop with me so I can vote and enter. Would LOVE a Clover calendar hanging in my kitchen in 2010! Good luck getting the job~

  13. Lisa Carper Stott says:

    Your photos are great! I also hope that the person who donated for the giveaway reads these posts daily too because that was a great gesture. I am glad that there really are good people left in the world, because I haven’t see too many good deeds lately. Thank you Suzanne and the secret gifter!

  14. Victoria Sturdevant says:

    What a sweet thing. I’ve been in that boat, it’s when I started buying socks and candy canes to hand out at nursing homes.

  15. marmitetoasty says:

    What a beautiful person your secret emailing lady is…. bless her little cotton socks….

    I would LOVE one of your calendars, Ive been lurking here for a while now…..


  16. Fran says:

    Hi! What a wonderful gesture. I wish this anonymous reader to have nice holidays despite her lost.
    Suzanne, I love your video for the contest – chickens and ducks – wonderful and very cute.

  17. Kathy says:

    Good luck Suzanne!

  18. Lacey says:

    Ummm, of course I want a calendar because Clover is my most favorite goat ever. Thanks to the donor. And good luck with the vote. I set outlook to remind me everyday.

  19. Kathleen in Michigan says:

    What a wondeful thing to do in memory of a loved one that is lost.

  20. CindyP says:

    What a generous woman! Many blessings to her for this holiday season!

    Clover would look lovely in my kitchen!

  21. ElizaRed says:

    Condolences to the gift giver. What a thoughtful way to remember your loved one. Going to spend the holidays with family, but taking my notebook with me to vote each day.

  22. KateS says:

    Just amazing how generous people are. :heart: What a sweet thing to do – something to make people smile for a Year! :sun:

    I voted!!! Upward and On! :purpleflower:

  23. trish says:

    I am so sorry for her loss. This is such a tough time of year when your sad.

    I love the pictures, but my fav is the first one with the tiara.
    Great calendar.


  24. Mary Lou says:

    My deepest sympathy goes out to the person who lost a loved one.
    What a generous thing to do to honor his or her memory. May we all be so giving during this holiday season by giving something back to others.

  25. Nancy H says:

    I voted and I would love to win your calendar…Pick me! Pick me!

  26. masonjar says:

    I am sorry for the lose of her loved one, I will keep her in my prayers.

  27. Runningtrails says:

    What a wonderful thing to do and a very sweet person!

    I laughed at the above photo comments! Very nicely done!

  28. stacy says:

    such a nice offer

  29. laura says:

    Hi Suzanne – I look forward to your blog every morning! Then I vote, then I go to work and vote with that computer also! Clover is indeed a supermodel. Good luck with your job and God Bless the person who donated the calendars.

  30. Jan says:

    As easy as it is to alter things on cafe press, may I suggest having TWO versions of the calendar, one with the GIANT puppy picture and one without! Classroom teachers, day care owners, etc. won’t be in the position to share the calendar with this “graphic contents” farm fact page!

    Just an idea and yes, I would love a copy (censored or uncensored version)!

  31. Heidi533 says:

    Oh my, I am all teared up now! What a sweet gesture. I hope whoever it is that donated, they know how appreciated it is and how exciting it is to have a chance to win something from you!

  32. Wammy says:

    What a wonderful idea. Even if I don’t win I want to thank the donor…what a wonderful idea! And such a positive thing to do. God bless.

  33. jason says:

    Too cool! And most importantly everyone, vote vote vote!!

  34. Tracey In Paradise Pa. says:

    This year we too will be celebrating the holidays without my sister!! But God has blessed us with a new grandson whom my sis would have gobbled up. We plan on spending our holiday remembering all the wonderful holidays we had together. May God give you peace and His comfort and fill your heart with happiness in the memories you shared!!Big Hugs to you…

  35. Tracey In Paradise Pa. says:


  36. Diane says:

    What a wonderful thing she is doing. I love clover just as much as anyone who reads this blog. lol. Tell her thank you for thinking up this contest!! HUGS to her and sorry for her lost.

  37. JOJO says:

    What a dear sweet Lady your reader must be. She is getting lots of hugs from all of us today.

  38. amber says:

    love the calendar…voted….will vote again tomorrow. love your blog, it makes me smile. 🙂 :eating: :happyfeet: 😀 🙂 😆 :sun: :shimmy: :heart:

  39. shirley says:

    Dear sweet lady, I’m so sorry for your loss.May God be with you and grant you peace.

  40. Leah says:

    Good morning! Thank you for the giveaway. Hope everyone has a good day! :wave: Off to vote now!

  41. Johanna says:

    Giving of ourselves is the truest gift. I can already see, just by reading the comments above, that readers are taking the true spirit of this contest by giving our condolences, our thanks, and our best wishes to the anonymous benefactor. A prize is just icing on the cake.

  42. Linda&Bob- Weaverville, NC says:

    On Thanksgiving I’m sure Clover would say she is thankful for not being one of those prissy chickens that sneak onto the porch! “Why go to that much effort if there aren’t cookies there!”

  43. sandi says:

    yahooo….it is fun watching your vote numbers go up! I am so glad I found your blog….you are living my dream. My husband and I always planned on having a farm one day , he died of cancer last year at 55.So I am living on the farm thru you!! Love the video !! Good luck!

  44. Marla says:

    My favorite calendar picture is of Queen Clover. Royalty looks good on her!

  45. Leanna says:

    What a wonderful gift! And what a fun calendar! Good luck with the voting, off to do my part now!

  46. linda says:

    what a nice lady she must be this is what christmas is all about she will be in my thoughts this holiday season

  47. Rebecca says:

    I can’t think of a better give away. How did you know I wanted a calendar full of Clover. Clover every day!

  48. Debnfla3 says:

    What a sweet lady to do this! I’m so very sorry for her loss.

    Clover is just the cutest thing.


  49. Andrea says:

    What a great contest. Thank you and the person who donated the calendars. Now, I’m off to vote.

  50. Susan says:

    I just watched your entry video and I thought it was great. Good Luck!

  51. Carol says:

    Have voted for you every day! Will continue to vote. You deserve that job.

  52. Carol Warham says:

    Thanks for the link, no excuses now for not voting. I have everything crossed for you also. Good luck

  53. Dianne says:

    Good morning Suzanne 🙂 I’m voting for you every day, good luck!

  54. Queenbuffness says:

    :duck: Me me me!!! Pick me!! Love me some goats!!

  55. Carmen Smith says:

    Those pics are adorable!!!! Headin’ over to vote now…..enjoy your day!

  56. Kendra says:

    Just voted. I would love to win one of the calendars!

  57. trish robichaud says:

    hi suzanne, i voted and was #1726 this morning. clover is too cute. she is the super model of the goat world. that was a kind and beautiful thing the woman did to honor her loved one. i too have lost family members, always around the holidays. the first year i dont even remember, i just went through the motions for the sake of the that its been a few years, i have learned to do things in a special way to honor them and keep them in my heart.God bless her heart :hug:

  58. heidiannie says:

    Thanks to you and your anonymous reader for making everyone’s holidays a little brighter! I did cry when I heard of her loss and generosity- holidays are hard under the best of circumstances.

  59. Donna says:

    Clover is such a ‘babe’, in a goatish sort of way… couldn’t you just see her visiting 5th Avenue or Rodeo Drive? …the ultimate in ghoat coiture! :clover:

  60. Nancy says:

    To the woman who made the donation: This is such a painful time. Eventually the good memories will come back and comfort you. What a wonderful way to acknowledge your loved one’s life.

    Suzanne, what I love about this blog is that it isn’t all about you, that it isn’t shallow, that it’s pure and fun and honest.


  61. Barbara says:

    What a fun Calendar to possible win. Good Luck with your possible new job.

  62. NorthCountryGirl says:

    To that sweet anonymous reader…thank you for your generosity and I’m so sorry for your loss. May God’s peace be with you. Suzanne, I introduced my daughter to your website. She immediately fell in love with the animal blogs and is now a voter. The ranks are growing! Have a great day!!!

  63. Chic says:

    Such a kind and thoughtful thing for this lady to do. I have voted and I will check to see if my hubby voted from work during the night. I’d LOVE to win a calendar so I will be sure to leave a commeht or two in the forum! :hungry2:

  64. Wildcat says:

    I was vote #1922 this morning. I sure hope you win! Otherwise people will be reading about yoga and pilates. People would be so much happier if they were reading about Clover and the Giant Puppy and fluffy-butted chickens.. :chicken:

  65. Katie says:

    I care, but I don’t care-care. Unless you have cookie. That clover is one witty supermodel goat. Maybe you should put her in pageants :sun: Anonymous donor I am so sorry for your loss and think this is a beautiful way to honor your cherished one.

  66. CATRAY44 says:

    Reposting your vote to my FaceBook page. Hope you win!

  67. Nita in SC says:

    What a sweet – and smart – lady. A daily dose of Clover is sure to add a little cheer to the saddest heart.

  68. Lone Star Queen says:

    I just read your story on how you became a writer. Very interesting!

  69. Minniestitches says:

    I voted! Good Luck! I’d love to win a calender.

  70. Robin in New Jersey says:

    My sympathies to your lady friend.

    I am heading over to vote for you now.

  71. Lynda Dunham-Watkins says:

    What a nice person. She has the true spirit of giving, and I hope it makes her season a bit more cheerful for her.

  72. Dawn says:

    I hope your generaous reader has a peaceful holiday season. We wish her peace and joy in the coming months. Thank you too Suzanne, for giving her an outlet to share.

  73. Hannah says:

    Oh! That made me cry!

    (Where did all the kitty gravatars go!? :help: )

  74. Susan D. says:

    Count me in. I’d love to win a calendar. I love reading about Clover and the other animals. Have been voting for you every day. Hope you win!

  75. Lish says:

    What a wonderful thought! I’ve voted for today and will be sending out my daily facebook, twitter and email reminders. It’s still too close for my liking, but the fact that you’ll hit 2,000 votes before 24 hours are up will say something!! Keep gettin’ the word out people!!!

  76. CntryLadi says:

    Clover is such a cutie and I hope you win! You deserve it. :fairy:

  77. Jeanne says:

    I love the video. Perfect! :woof:

  78. Mary says:

    I just voted…1958, the year I graduated high school. You have such a writing talent and deserve to win this. You have my vote each day.

  79. Julia says:

    Thank you Suzanne. I voted yesterday and today.

    Thank you Annonymous Donor, I’m so sorry for your loss

  80. Edie says:

    Hi ho, hi ho, it’s off to vote I go! Good luck and I am so happy you have made it this far. :sheep:

  81. pam from ohio says:

    Thank you Suzanne and your friend for this gift. I’m voting every day, both from home and from work!

  82. Brenda says:

    I am so sorry for her loss~and I could barely read it without crying too!
    You have gives us so much just by sharing your life with us. You have been such a blessing to me. I made your Grandmothers bread last night and as soon as I started putting the flour into the yeast mixture, the smell was amazing! Brought back so many memories of my mom baking bread. Thank you!

  83. IowaCowgirl says:

    Wow. That is certainly an amazing person; very giving. I’m hoping this kind act of hers brings her much peace.

  84. Deborah R says:

    I am moved that “Lovely Person” is remembering her loved one by giving to others. After all, isn’t that the highest form of love?

    Voted again today: 2039 votes.

  85. Linda in New Mexico says:

    It does not surprise me at all that you have amazing readers. You give so much to all of us, it is a matter of the nature of “our” relationship to be what we see. Hurray for the person who has turned their grief to good. Hurray for us to be the beneficiaries of their kindness by reading about it and you for sharing it. I too, wish peace for that person and contenment in kindness. Hugs and Honey, Linda in New Mexico :hug:

  86. melissa says:

    I hope I win! I am taking my two little girls to a princess tea party on Saturday maybe I should swing by and pick up Clover with the tiara.

  87. Claudia W says:

    I just went over and voted for you!
    After I wiped the tears that volunteered after reading that you have a reader who is going through some sorrowful times. My prayers go out to that person.
    And if I win a Chickens in the Road Calendar, well, that wouldn’t be a bad thing! I love all the pictures of Clover, and I think her being on my wall all year would just bring a smile to my face every day!

  88. Bonnie Glick says:

    Hi I take Sam E..Because I have Lyme..I grew up on a large dairy farm In Penna..And I miss it so much. So being on your site brings me home again thankyou sooooo much.

  89. Anke says:

    I love your blog! I haven’t really left a lot of comments, but I do come here every day. Your recipes are yummy, the goats and chickens make me smile… a great start to my day.

  90. Jo says:

    Thank you to the generosity of the anonymous lady. Any time is hard when having lost a loved one, but the holiday is especially difficult. I empathize with you.

    Voted again and posted it to my FB page!! w000t!!!! :dancingmonster: :shimmy: :snoopy:

  91. Andrea says:

    What a wonderful gesture for someone struggling with loss. We all deal with loss through our lives, it’s how we handle it that gets us through it.
    Blessings to the anonymous donor.

  92. Fee says:

    A wonderfully thoughtful gesture.

    By the way – if you have a computer at work and a computer at home you can vote twice in a day! Don’t know if this is cheating or not, but Suzanne is so very deserving to win the Good Mood Blogger I’ll take a chance!

  93. Gerry says:

    I love the Clover pictures! What a star!

  94. mamawolf says:

    My hearfelt sympathies go out to this lady. It is so very hard to lose a loved one any time but near the holidays it is harder. She is a very giving and loving person to donate these calendars to all. I would be honored to be one of the winners. Thank you for all the day brighteners from you. You make my day. :sun:

  95. cheryl says:

    I just voted 2094!!! You’re name is written all over this gig! :snoopy:

  96. Jennifer Millett says:

    I’m so sorry for the calendar donor. Bless her heart!

  97. janice says:

    would love to win the calender!!

  98. Lindy Hudson says:

    This woman is a true inspiration. Thanks for your blog. Love reading it.

  99. Mary Bayless says:

    I love all your farm animals I would like to look at your calendar every day and imagine I am in the country and not the city.

  100. mint says:

    I voted for you & iLOVE your animals!!

  101. Debby says:

    Whether or not i win a calendar I HAVE to have one!!! We love our goats!

  102. Jonni Hattershide says:

    What a thoughtful and generous thing to do. Thank you calendar donor.
    I’ve been lurking and reading your blog for a while now and really enjoy it.

  103. Gini says:

    What a kind thing to do. Thank you, Anonymous Donor! I wish I could give you a long hug for the pain of losing your loved one.

  104. Lyda Loehring says:

    Put my name on the list….Looks like a fun way to pass the year….Lyda

  105. EightPondFarm says:

    What a wonderful and generous gesture. I hope she enjoys reading how much people appreciate her thoughtfulness and the love they send her way.

    Ok, so I am a little jet lagged and ended up voting last night instead of in the morning when I usually read your blog and vote. And when I went to vote this morning, it thought I had already done so. Just a reminder to readers that the “day” in most internet contests such as this is not a physical calendar day, but a 24 hour (sometimes less) time period. I will be back tonight to vote, but I need to work my way back to morning so I can vote when I read. Either that or you will have to make two posts everyday!! :happypuppy:

    ps: Had a new calf born while I was gone.

  106. Flatlander says:

    What a lovely thing to do, although it must be hard for the sweet person who lost a loved one.

  107. Beth Brown says:

    Holy moly! I can’t believe how many votes you’ve received in a day! Good luck!

    Beth aka oneoldgoat :chicken:

  108. Peggy Tracey says:

    I would love to win one of the calendars, I love looking at the pictures you post every day , you are really good at what you do .Keep up the good work.

  109. JOJO says:


    OMG!!–I must check the voting nearly once an hour–it is like a child waiting for Christmas morning!!

  110. Lisa Cummings says:

    I would love to win a calendar! It is so cute!

  111. JoAnn says:

    What a sweet gesture by one of your readers. I am going to find something similar to do in my community – to make someone’s holidays a bit brighter. I am inspired! :snoopy: :duck: :fairy: :dancingmonster: And so are all the critters!!!

  112. Cathy says:

    I do have to say that the generosity of your friend is outstanding. I would love nothing more than to have one of the calendars adorn my kitchen. I guess I’ll have to show it to my goats (mostly raised in the house), well…maybe not…they might be jealous. I guess I can just show it to my chickens and guineas…well…maybe not, they might be jealous too. Of course there is the horse and cat along with the dogs… What is one to do????

  113. Melody says:

    It brought tears to my eyes also..How I feel so sad for her.

  114. Angelia May says:

    Wow – look at the comments !

    I voted and have it set up to vote from my phone.

    Thanks for making it easy to be able to vote. 🙂

  115. Darlene says:

    Please let her know we are so sorry for her loss. This is such a beautiful thing she is doing, thinking of others.

    And what could be better than a little bit of Clover?

    Well, maybe Annabelle, or the chickens, or giant puppy, or boomer, or the ducks,

    oh my, we love them all!

  116. BuckeyeGirl says:

    My first action this morning was to get Suzanne’s vote in! I can only vote once a day but still we seem to plug along rather well!

    I saw that someone here takes Sam-e, I’m thinking about trying it too, I just read the info about it yesterday and I’m still deciding.

    Go Suzanne!!! :snoopy:

  117. Amy Cook in WI says:

    I have come and go on other blogs throughout the year…but I realized how much I love your blog when I went on a mini vacation the last 4 days and one of the first things I did was catch up on your blog!

  118. KLabmom says:

    I read everyday and now I guess this is as good a time as any to start posting comments and getting involved in the forum!

  119. Cheryl says:

    I think Clover is the best dressed goat. You can tell her I said so. And yes, I did cry when I read about your sweet and generous reader. Thank you dear reader!

  120. Yvonne says:

    Blessings to the person who donated the calendars. What a wonderful thing to in the memory of her loved one. :heart:

  121. Treasia/TruckersWife says:

    I just got through voting for you and so hope you win this contest. Woohoo I see your in the lead as well. Loved your video you also entered. I may not comment a lot but I am here every single day.

    Thanks to the donor for the contest and I hope she knows that my heart goes out to her for her loss.

  122. Crystal B. says:

    {HUGS} to the lady who donated the calendars. My heart goes out to her.
    I voted yesterday and today. I sure hope you win.

  123. morningstar says:


    How nice that another applicant for the Sam-E job was impressed enough with your video to come and visit your blog, and to pay you such lovely compliments! That’s the true spirit the Sam-E people are looking for, someone who can inspire even her competitors to be generous toward her!

    Along with so many others, I would like to express my heartfelt condolences to the lady who will be experiencing the holidays without her loved one. I pray she’ll take some comfort from the many warm thoughts winging her way here.

  124. Treasure W. says:

    I have voted every dat. Good luck.

  125. Michele says:

    Clover is just the cutest animal, such a sweet face. I am voting for you each day and telling my friends to also. :shimmy:

  126. geena says:

    I love your site. thanks for the trouble. :hug:

  127. Heather says:

    My sister raised goats as a 4-H project growing up! All those photos remind me so much of her and her sense of humor!

  128. Caroline Rogers says:

    Thanks for the chance to win a calendar. I read your blog everyday and live my dream of living the farm life vicariously through you. You do all the work and I get the pleasure, what a deal!
    (I learned that “trick” from my kids. lol)

  129. Nancy in Iowa says:

    I am so sorry for the anonymous lady’s loss – but what a beautiful way to remember. Readers – the calendar is beautiful – you all need one! I already bought 2 for my daughter and myself, so I’m not going to ask for a free one.

    I do want to shout that “I’m finally a grandma!!!” My daughter had an absolutely beautiful, perfect boy yesterday, 11/17, by C-section. He leaped into the world at 8lb 12oz, 21.5 inches long. I’m sorry interrupt your blog with this, Suzanne, but I’m just so excited!!! :snoopy: :snoopy: :snoopy:

    And boy, are you way ahead in the votes!!!

  130. Michelle says:

    I love reading your blog. It’s nice to find something positive in “blog land”. 🙂

  131. nightsmusic says:

    Whether I am entered or not is not why I’m posting. I wanted to express my deepest sympathies to your anonymous donor. I think this is an awesome thing she does. I buried my mother Christmas Eve morning. It makes for a very bleak, devastating holiday. I just hope this in some small way will help her.

    And I love Clover! I told my DH I wanted a goat. He decided it was time to commit me…

  132. Staci says:

    What a wonderful way to remember someone!

    I have to also say – that contest ain’t even close! I now crown you the winner, early!

  133. Kim Clemons says:

    Suzanne –
    I just love your blog. I am voting for you every day and I pray that you will win. My husband just started a new job after being unemployed for 10 months. It is so hard dealing with unemployment and how to pay for everything without the money coming in. I too have a farm and was worried sick about my animals and that I wasn’t able to provide for them like I was used to in the past (with weekly paychecks!). We (husband and I) “did without” more than they did though…. but, now it’s getting all better again. Pray does work!

  134. Denise says:

    I love voting…I certainly hope you win…We (in MI) want to see You on the site. :shimmy:

  135. Melissa Marsh says:

    What a wonderful, generous person your anonymous donor is. Bless her!

    I’d LOVE to have a Chickens in the Road calendar hanging on my wall!

  136. Margi in Ky says:

    Congrats on winning the first round. I vote everyday and have hubby voting also. I don’t think he actually reading but he’s still a keystroke. Your’s is the second blog I read every morn. after the news. Have my fingers crossed for you plus a prayer.

  137. RobynE says:

    That is the most adorable goat ever. Period.

  138. Renita says:

    Suzanne, How could we not vote for you, you are our morning routine and inspiration for the day! Thank you to the calendar donor. Our thoughts go out to you in this difficult time.

  139. Melinda says:

    That is soo sweet. I love the pictures of Clover.

  140. Sharee says:

    Good Morning! My heartfelt thanks to the mysterious person who donated her money and love to this. Happy Holidays where ever you are and I hope that I can be as gracious as you are if the situation where ever to fall upon me. Thank you suzanne for all you do and it was a pleasure to hear your voice and see you. Good Luck and I am voting!!

  141. dgkritch says:

    What a beautiful, generous thing to do in memory of a loved one!

  142. Lish says:

    I don’t know who the anonymous donor is, but I think it’s awesome.

    I can sympathize more than you know. I lost my mother on November 25, 2006. Thanksgiving that year didn’t exist for us. It’s still hard to make it through this holiday.

    I hope you find some peace and know that you’ll make 10 people very, very happy!!

  143. Ms E says:

    I think you should have called Clover “The Cookie Monster”!

  144. Mariah says:

    What a nice thing to do! Thank you and condolences to your anonymous provider of the calendars. And good luck (again!) with sam-E. I’ll be voting daily! 🙂

  145. susan says:

    :eating: I love your blog. I read everyday, but had not posted a comment until now. You and that wonderful Clover found a way to bring me out of my lurkdom. I laughed out loud when I saw the Clover caption ‘I care, but I don’t care-care—–too funny.
    I voted every day the last time and I will this time too.
    Good Luck!!!!

  146. Rosella says:

    Count me in. Love the calendar and the comments on it. Good luck Suzanne – I’m voting for you!

  147. Doreen Brannan says:

    Awesome photographs! This would be a great addition in my store and I’m sure it would become a conversation piece in itself!

  148. Bonnie says:

    Christmas is a hard time of year espically if you have lost a loved one close to the season or anytime you have lost someone that you love.Seems the Christmas season makes you miss them more. 17 years my mom has been gone. Her birthday Dec. 24th Just try and relive the good memories.
    I think the Same E is looking good and I sure vote everyday.

  149. Claudia says:

    I love the giving spirit of the calendar donor and I love reading all the comments from the Clover lovers…. as I am one too! In fact, I share Clover’s love for cookies unashamedly too! :snoopy:

  150. Holly says:

    I just did my duty and voted. WOW – nearly double to votes of the next closest wannbe SAM_E. Nice.

  151. Linda says:

    Blessings to the secret donor. I wish here peace for the holidays.

    Suzanne I can’t believe Clover puts up with some of that stuff.LOL
    I hope you get the job. The voting is nerve racking.LOL Off to vote

  152. Susan says:

    I deeply appreciate the way your mind works. It’s rare to find someone who so totally amuses, with that grain of truth. Thank you for being you.

  153. Gayle says:

    I love that you are in the finals. I especially like that you provide a “click” spot for us to check the daily count. Your page is just delightful.
    San Diego

  154. becki says:

    Good luck, Suzanne.

    Does this work like DWTS? Our votes count half, Sam-e votes count half?

  155. Aedrielle says:

    What a sweet thing to do! How precious.

  156. DebbieInMemphis says:

    First, thank you, thank you, THANK YOU to the wonderful reader who’s sponsoring the give-a-way. I’m so sorry for your loss, sending lots of love and hugs your way. :hug:

    Second, I love voting for you, Suzanne and I’ll be voting every day and making sure to encourage all my friends and family to vote too. We won’t be happy until you’ve got that job!

  157. Kim in SD says:

    What fun! CITR is one of 3 “have a cup of coffee, check out the blogs” first thing on the morning agenda. Get’s my day off just right. This calendar give-away is a lovely, tender thing to do. She must be a very special lady! My thoughts & prayers for her.

  158. Fran P. says:

    This is such an incredibly heartwarming story! The peole who read your blog are incredible people, and that reflects on you, Suzanne. I have already ordered my Chickens in the Road calendar for 2010 after having enjoyed the 2009 calendar so very much this year, but it would be lovely to win and give another one to a friend or family member. Loved your video for the Sam-e contest! I am voting for you every day!!! Have a happy day and keep on blogging, gal! Love ya.

  159. S. says:

    Hooray for Clover! Hooray for goat calendars! I think one would look splendid on my kitchen wall in Berlin, Germany. We still have a jokey Hello Kitty calendar up from 2007. It was a gift from my sister. It’s very sad, I know. Plus, my husband is a capricorn, which means almost nothing. Goats! Goats! Goats!

  160. rileysmom says:

    Hey Suzanne

    Your soft-spoken voice matches your gentle spirit; you made a great video. Good Luck!

  161. S. says:

    (On a more serious note, I totally get the need to do crazy generous things over the holidays. We lost both my grandpa and my dad over Christmas week a few years back. It takes extra, extra effort to feel the cheer… but you know what? I found that it makes it so much more special when you do.)

  162. Suzanne says:

    Every time I see your pictures of Clover it reminds me of the good times I had with my goat while I was growing up. They are such happy animals and funny enough to make you laugh daily. Thanks to your reader that is giving us a chance to win your calendar, I hope they can feel peace this holiday season.

  163. kickit says:

    Clover on my wall is a good enough incentive to get involved. Thanks indeed for the generosity in helping to spread some joy this holiday season.

  164. Pete says:

    Such a generous gift from our sister! Thank you so much. But it certainly is bringing out those of us who are loyal readers, but only occasional posters!

  165. Joy says:

    What a wonderful offer to give the free calendars in honor of a lost loved one. My Dad died just before Christmas last year so this brought a tear when I read this. Love your blog and farm and family life. Also hope you win the vote, you deserve it.

  166. Sharon Gosney says:

    Wow…..I can’t believe the amount of votes that you now have now, compared to yesterday :0)Good Luck!! Clover is so cute.

  167. Robin C says:

    love the calendar. pick my name please


  168. Mim says:

    Loved your video…saw it on youtube before the voting started…my husband heard it and came over to watch it….I told him that is going to be me in 2 yrs….retirement will be so sweet…. Good luck with the contest and everything else.
    Mim :pawprint:

  169. Betty says:

    A chance to win a calendar is such a fun way to get everyone involved. I love your blog. Thanks for the donor and what a creative way to bless your readers.

  170. Gen says:

    Suzanne, I’m so excited for you and the calendar! What a wonderfully generous soul to have thought to share with others during such a difficult time.
    Meanwhile, I have been voting for you each day. I’m dismayed that another competitor has almost 2000 votes – yikes! I will keep at it and hope others will do the say to keep you way above the fray.

  171. Lavon says:

    How nice of the giver…I know that whomever wins will be blessed!

  172. Patty says:

    My condolences to the giver. What a wonderful gesture to want to make other people smile all year long! I would LOVE a Clover Calendar 🙂 I have the 2009 calendar and Coco is staring at me. My internet went out during the night and I was so anxious to see what your big surprise was today, and this is such a great one! 🙂 I have voted for you, and will every day.

  173. Lish says:

    Ok, I’m seriously worrying myself to death! Why do I feel a nice, sizable lead like 864 votes isn’t enough?? I keep wanting to get more people to bump it up! Where’s Yvonne?? Is she refreshing the page today like we were yesterday??? Where’s the emoticon that sweats little bullets?? :help:

  174. Shirley says:

    Clover is such a good model for your calendar.

  175. Shirley says:

    This was too funny! Count me in … I’d love to have this calender in my kitchen.

  176. Sandy says:

    I love your site. Can’t wait to make some Grandmother bread! Reading
    about it reminds me of the Cool-rise white bread that my dad used to like to make. I’m really looking forward to spending some time here, too bad I’m at work right now!

  177. Stephanie W says:

    I just voted! You are waaay ahead. Hoping it stays that way. I’ve been reading your blog for months now, and am only just now making a comment. Am I pathetic, or what? Suzanne, you’ve inspired me to love FREE things! ha!

  178. Miss Becky says:

    wow, I have never seen so many comments here, this is great! The woman who is generously giving away the calendars is an angel and I want to say ~thank you! Just voted, and Suzanne, you are doing well, let us keep this trend going now!!! :shimmy: :shimmy: :shimmy:

  179. Mary says:

    Good Afternoon Suzanne et al:
    Glad to see you doing so well in the contest and will vote from my home computer this evening. I heading to the forum next to see what’s going on. Happy Wednesday. :sheep:

  180. Val says:

    Too cute and VERY creative!

  181. Elaine says:

    Girl you are smokin them in the voting. You are ahead by…alot! You are right that it could be addicting to watch the vote count. I voted yesterday and today. Keep going because you are going to have a new job soon. I hope to grow up and be like you some day.

  182. trish robichaud says:

    i just checked the vote count and you are over 2800. your in the lead by 800 votes, lets keep this going everyone. get on the phone and call your family and friends, help suzanne blow these people (whom im sure are very nice) out of the water.

  183. Kathleen H from Indiana says:

    Whoop whoop de doo…I just voted for You!!!! :snoopy: I would love a calendar, they are adorable. Yes, we all must vote each and every day, the vote is just too close for comfort right now. Makin’ me nervous. :help:

  184. Bonnie Schmidt says:

    You are absolutely going to win. All of us just know it!

  185. Rachael says:

    What an incredible way to celebrate a life. The giveaway is an inspiration!

  186. Sandra says:

    Suzanne, you have inspired me in several ways…most recently I have put up cranberry relish (not sauce)(canned some pints and frozen some pints). It is simply chopped cranberries, oranges and some sugar. I am looking forward next summer to making homemade ice cream and adding some tart, tangy and refreshing cranberry relish to it. Thanks for helping a busy city gal stay grounded.

  187. Estella says:

    I just voted and you are ahead by a good margin.
    Clover is just too cute in the pics!

  188. Jessica says:

    wow a lot of scrolling in the comments today!

    Voted for today. 🙂

    Thank you to anonymous for their generosity! I am really sorry about your loss and I hope this holiday season you will find comfort all over the place. Wherever you are, here’s a :hug: just for you.

  189. Cousin Sheryl says:

    Fantastic, Suzanne! Congratulations on your strong start in the Sam-E voting. I am voting and rooting for you.

    Prayers to the lovely lady who is donating the CITR Calendars for your contest! I hope that she does well and that this contest helps lighten her heart. :purpleflower:

    You don’t have to enter me in the contest since I get to pet Clover and feed her cookies on a semi-regular basis. I am very grateful to all the loyal bloggers out there who are supporting my wonderful cousin, Suzanne. Suzanne is a peach! :yes: :sun:


  190. Angela says:

    Hey Suzanne!

    What a sweet thing for that lady to do in the memory of her loved one! :snuggle:

    Angela :wave:

  191. G-Mama says:

    I just love: “I care, but I don’t care-care.” So many times that is just the right sentiment. I love your goats and I love the way you have shared your country life with all of us. Your blog may be as close as I get to my dream existence, but I am blessed to have found you. Thank you.

  192. Dessa says:

    What a very sweet thing for that gal to do. How exciting! :snoopy:

  193. Brenda S 'Okie in Colorado' says:

    Wouldn’t this world be a better place if everyone would give love and caring kindness like anonymous donor? May God comfort her and give her strength this Christmas Holy-day. Suzanne, you so deserve to win the Sam-e.

  194. Amy says:

    What a sweet gift to help heal the heartbreak of losing a sweetheart….hugs to your special person…

    off to vote for you on Sam-E !!! Good Luck!!

  195. Patty says:

    To the reader who donated the calendars: Thank you not only for the generosity, but also the wonderful example! Many blessings and peace to you this holiday season!

    Suzanne: YOU WILL WIN THE CONTEST!!!!!! No doubt!!!


  196. Cathy Abney says:

    Like Clover I love being a girl, wearing flowers and cookies!!! Especially with sprinkles…….

    Thanks for such a lovely story….what a sweetheart she must be.

  197. JOJO says:

    Call everyone you know and ask them to vote–lets hit 3000 tonight!!

  198. mtsenta says:

    My goodness there is a lot of posts! I so hope you win that contest. I love the video you put together. You are an inspiration to me and have been a saving grace for me when times were so stressful. Bless you.

  199. Susie says:

    Wow so many replies. I hope I get my chance to win a calendar they are so sweet! I want to say your voice is to, Suzanne! It is so nice to finally hear it! You even inspired me to add my parakeets to my blog. It is not a constant like yours. I do have chicks but they are the virtual kind, LOL, in farmville, farm town, and island paradise.
    I have the sam-e button on my site.

  200. Catherine says:

    Delightful Guest Strategy: When you’re visiting a friend with a computer say, “Oh! May I use your computer for just a moment to vote for Suzanne?” (The “oh!” is optional.) That way you can not only get in an extra vote but teach your friend to vote while giving him/her the gift of knowing about Chickens in the Road — win/win all around!

    Adding my thanks and wishes for comfort to the dear one who donated the calendars.

  201. Kelly Ledsinger says:

    Cookies and Clover , Over and Over . Coookies and Clover , Over and Over . Cooookies and Clover , Over and Over.Cookies and Clover, Over and Over. Coookies and Clover, Over and Over. Cooookies and Clover, Over and Over . Cookies and Clover , Over and Over. Coookies and clove , Over and Over . Coookies and Clover , Over and Over. Cookies and Clover , Over and Over. Coookies and Clover , Over and Over. Cooookies and Clover, Over and Over. Cookies and Clover , Over and Over. Coookies and Clover , Over and Over . Cookies and Clover, Over and Over. Coookies and Clover , Over and Over. Cooookies and Clover , Over ans Over. Cookies and Clover, Over ans Over . Coookies and clover , Over and Over. Cooookies and Clover , Over and Over. Cookies and Clover, Over and Over . Coookies and Clover , Over and Over. Cookies and Clover. Over and Over . Coookies and Clover. Cooookies and Clover, Over and Over. Cookies and Clover , Over and Over Coookies and Clover , Over and Over. :help:

  202. Vera says:

    I don’t comment very often but I’m still reading and enjoying your blog. And I am still voting.

  203. Lish says:

    I was vote 3002 on my home computer!! Voted on hubby’s too! :sheep:

  204. Nancy says:

    I love the “care, care” comment from Miss Clover! That’s such a typical attitude from farm animals that are pets as well! Iloveyousomuchgivemeacookieokseeya!

  205. Jennifer says:

    I just started reading your blog (within the last couple of months)…. :happyflower: Have voted for you, multiple times!


  206. Barbara says:

    Whew, I finally got to vote. Was having trouble finding my way. Thanks for the link. I watched several of the other contestants video’s and you have this hands down.

  207. sharon johnson says:

    Thanks for the opportunity to win a calendar. and thanks for sharing.

  208. Mittened Paw says:

    I admit it, I’m addicted to Clover and all the rest of the “family”. At least once a day, I have to sneak a peek, just in case anything changed on my favorite blog. I voted for you twice today (work and home) and told all my girl friends to go vote too! I so hope you win!!!!

  209. The Retired One says:

    How nice of her to do this. And very nice of you, too. Those calendars look fantastic. Thanks so much!

  210. Sandy says:

    Everybody needs a good goat calendar!

  211. SuzieQ says:

    What a generous gift. I know what it’s like to miss a loved one this time of year. I’m sending good wishes to her today. :heart: :heart:

  212. Cranberry says:

    Cookies are my number one favorite thing, but goats of COURSE! come in a close second in my humble opinion.. I mean how often do you and a goat have something in common, something so perfect, sweet and crunchy as a home made cookie! It’s a rarety! I am sure Clover would give a wink in my direction to get one of those adored calendars! 😉

  213. Melita says:

    Look, LOOK at all the comments! Who knew so many people were lurking here, I love it! I also love seeing how much the SAM-e votes have gone up each time I come back to vote.

  214. Kathy says:

    What a wonderful thing to do! I will keep her in my prayers this holiday season.

  215. Nancy says:

    I want a Clover of my own!

  216. Susan Montgomery says:

    Just got home from work– such a treat to read your blog and have a laugh at Clover. Voted at work and at home! Guess I’m hooked…

    I’ll have a look at SAM-e, too.

    Much love to you and the anonymous doner! CITR Calendar come to me!
    Susan M.

  217. vicki says:

    I’m sending out messages on Facebook to remind my friends to vote! I plan a post to plug you on also! Love the calendar– what a generous gesture from your fan! Your site is a fun place to visit!

  218. Valerie says:

    I went over to Youtube today and looked at all your videos AGAIN, favorited them all and voted an excellent for them all. When I had 2 goats (Goatzilla and Goatnads) they played just like yours, with the head butting, standing on their legs and coming down, jumping on things. Don’t you just love to give them treats? I do miss them.
    On another note, I AM addicted to watching the vote tally. If this goes on much longer I’ll need a 12 step program. :bugeyed:

  219. Susan from Missouri says:

    What a wonderful gesture from the anonymous donor to honor her loved one. Very sweet and reminds me I need to honor mine as well this holiday season.

    I voted on my home computer, on my work computer, and on my phone. Am I obsessed with Suzanne winning this job or what?

    Love you, Suzanne! Reading your blog has helped me find the joy in ordinary splendor each day! Now, kick their butts!

  220. Liz in PA says:

    It’s just like a GOAT-A-RAMA!!!!!!! Just love those oh so sweet faces… can just see the :heart: ♥♥♥

    Yep…..smiling goats………what a great way to begin your day!

  221. Heather says:

    Hello :wave: I’ve been enjoying your blog for almost two months. I followed a link to CitR for a recipe, but have stayed for the inspiration and great photos. I was already considering a small flock of chickens, but now I have visions of little goats spinning in my head! Thaaaanks Suzanne!! lol

  222. catslady says:

    You’re pulling away from everybody :snoopy: I love the different personas of Clover :yes:

  223. Michele Mom of 8 says:

    I’d love to win the calendar, and I know the perfect person to give it to as a gift!!! I voted for you today. GL

  224. Mel Meister says:

    Yayyy! You’re in the lead in the voting!!!

  225. Euni Moore says:

    I just voted – count was 3427, turned to DH’s computer to vote again and in just that small amount of time the vote was 3437. It is within reach. The bread pudding sounds lucious. Have to make more Grandmother bread so I can make the pudding. The bread goes fast at our house.

  226. Euni Moore says:

    Oops! Hit send before I requested Clover’s calendar. I would really like to have the regal Queen Clover’s pictures in my kitchen next year.

  227. Cindy Rhea says:

    Hi again to all, Great pics of Clover and love reading your blog!

  228. Abiga/Karen says:

    More great ideas Suzanne! Hope you win the next round of the contest!! Blessings…

  229. Chantal says:

    This looks so yummy! It’s now on my “to do list” along with an old donut post of yours that I found. I’m thinking this next weekend or sometime over the long holiday will be perfect timing for these.

    I read a book that teaches a new no knead, refrigerator bread baking technique and I wondering if Grandma Bread will work for it. I’m putting that on my list too.

  230. Cyndy Buiniskis says:

    Two special ladies….one photogenic Clover and all of her buddies….10 calendars….legions of devoted fans voting their hearts out….it doesn’t get any better than CITR! Hugs and warm wishes to you both, may you feel the love coming back to you from all of us! You help me remember that life is GOOD, even when it’s tough and sad and messy.

  231. Tobey says:

    What a lovely and generous offer in remembrance of a loved one. Thank you to the anonymous benefactor.

  232. Cathy says:

    I would love to win one of your calendars. The pictures on this post are so cute!

  233. stacy says:

    Very cute calendar. I’d love one!

  234. JenniferB says:

    I’m sorry she lost a loved one — the holidays can be very emotional and we have a great deal of powerful expectations that play a part in that. I hope she knows how appreciated her gifts will be!

  235. Ginny says:

    I can remember when every business and some churches used to give out calendars and now hardly anyone does. Thanks for the contest. Good idea.

  236. Deb says:

    How very generous! I love not only the pictures but the captions.

  237. ticka1 says:

    I love old barns like this one too. Only wish they could talk – they would have the best stories to tell.

    Have a great day!

  238. liz wis says:

    good morning eveyone i just discovered this website last night and was anxious to get up today to read the latest. I was not disappointed! i just voted for suzanne to win the job; it was one of the easiest computer thingys i ever did.

  239. Judith says:

    What cute photos!

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