Off the Beaten Path


Oh no! Sprite has left the path! She’s a rebel! Whatever would make her do such a thing?

Uh oh.

Remember those eyelashes of hers?
As it turns out….

She left her mascara over there!


  1. melody says:

    That is to funny

  2. Blessings says:

    A Girl has to do ~~What a girl has to do ~~to stay beautiful!

  3. Tracey In Paradise,Pa. says:

    What a beautiful little Rebel! I dont leave :shimmy: without my makeup either!

  4. NorthCountryGIrl says:

    It’s so cute the way they line up on that path. Sprite must be a rebel. She is taking the path less trodden. You go, Girl!!

  5. kerri says:

    I can’t think of a better reason to stray from the path :moo: She sure is a pretty girl :happyflower:

  6. Marianne G says:

    Zing! Love the punch line!

  7. Phyllis Ryan says:

    Sometimes it is necessary to leave the herd to be noticed. And you noticed.

  8. Carol Langille says:

    A day without mascara is a day without…conformity!

  9. sandra flemming says:

    I have found myself in exactly that same situation LOL!!I wish I had those eyelashes though!

  10. Chic says:

    Look at those lashes! Who needs mascara when you’ve got lashes like that but like most of us girls we are never satisfied with what we already have 😉 . I can just see her batting those babies!!!

  11. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    I thinks he’s trying to steal some of the male attention Clover is getting! Being a rebel, batting those lashes, wearing mascara…yep, I think so!

  12. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    That was supposed to be SHE’s not he’s – I need more coffee this morning!

  13. Miss Becky says:

    they are so fluffy in their winter coats :heart:

  14. Cate says:

    Bet the scarecrow was using it!

  15. Marymac says:

    What a beautiful story, and oh those lashes are to die for!!

  16. Euni Moore says:

    Of course she strayed. Just like a child when she is praised will turn around and do the opposite! Beautiful photography.


  17. Bob Lewis says:

    I can’t believe how Sprite has grown!! You obviously have had her in “Cookie Training”. Bob L.

  18. Yvonne says:

    Suzanne, has Nutmeg started accepting any advances from Rhett? We need a goat update! BTW, now that I’m used to the updated site, I absolutely love it! More than one post a day is awesome!

  19. Jenny W says:

    Daring girl! Perhaps this chilly weather has her browsing through some Robert FROST (“The Road Not Taken”)??

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