Getting Ready to Make Soap: Part 3


Are we almost ready?

Much of what you need to make soap can be found in your kitchen already, and many items used in soapmaking can be washed and re-used for food. However, if you feel uncomfortable with that, you can always pick up extras at second-hand stores. Nothing you need for making soap is expensive.

For pots, use enameled or stainless steel. I will be using an old crock pot for my soapmaking. (Do not use materials such as aluminum, tin, or copper as they react with lye.)

Other tools and utensils can be enameled or stainless steel, oven-safe glass, or heat-safe plastic. You’ll need typical kitchenware such as bowls, spoons, spatula, and measuring cups.

Other things you’ll need include:

*A good kitchen scale. Digital is best. (You can get a great digital scale for $20 from Brambleberry.

*A thermometer, preferably digital. (A candy thermometer will do just fine and can be washed up and used again for candy.)

*Stick blender. There are different methods of making soap, but both of the soapmaking methods I’m going to demonstrate (one cold process, one hot process) will use a stick blender.

I have this $13 stick blender.

*Soap mold. You can use anything you want, but remember not to use aluminum, tin, or copper. I will be using milk cartons.

Don’t use the ones lined with a silvery material–that is aluminum. Use the ones with a waxy lining inside. Just clean them out and dry them for soap use. Quart-size makes the best molds. (I buy a lot of quart-size half-and-half and heavy cream for cheesemaking. If you don’t make cheese, just buy a couple quarts of your regular milk in paper cartons instead of your usual gallon-size plastic jugs so you can save them for soapmaking.) Isn’t that handy?

Just pour the soap right in. The waxy liner will make it release easily and you’ll have nice, square bars.

*Goggles and gloves. Many experienced soapmakers will tell you they dispense with some of these safety measures. If you are new to making soap, dispense with nothing. Follow recommended safety guidelines until you are experienced enough to make your own decisions about what is comfortable for you. The first rule is to follow the rules before you break them.

*pH strips. Test your finished soap with pH strips or a digital pH meter. Meters are expensive, but the strips are pretty cheap.

You can get a pack of 50 pH strips for $8 here. Again, I suspect many experienced soapmakers feel no need for pH strips. Testing your soap with pH strips is recommended by experts. The kind of pH strips sold for pool supplies don’t test in the right range, so this is probably something you’ll need to order online. (pH strips are also used in cheesemaking for some cheeses, and soap strips test in the same range needed for cheese, so if you also make cheese, it’s a two-in-one purchase.)

*The ingredients! Use a recipe from a book, make your own recipe (if you’re a beginner, consult an experienced soapmaker and also use a soap calculator), or make soap with me with my recipe. You’ll need lye, distilled water, vanilla, sugar, lard, and olive oil. Remember that the lye should be in crystal form and specify that it is 100% lye (sodium hydroxide).

*An expert guide. Please do not rely on any internet resource, INCLUDING ME, for all your soapmaking information. Obtain expert information. I recommend Smart Soapmaking by Anne L. Watson, but there are many, many books available. GET ONE. (By the way, I just figured out that Watson also has a book about making soap with milk and I’m gonna get that!

Because someday….. Oh, yes, someday! We’re going to be able to make goat milk soap. Aren’t we, Clover?

Yes, we are! Yes, we are!

That goat just LOVES ME.

Also see:
Getting Ready to Make Soap: Part 1
Getting Ready to Make Soap: Part 2

I’m giving away one of these stick blenders today.

For a chance to win: Leave a comment on this post and let me know you want it. You can just put (stick blender) at the end of your comment or otherwise note that you want to be in the draw. One winner will be drawn by random comment number to receive the stick blender. Eligible entry cut-off is midnight Eastern (U.S.) time tonight (March 10). This post will be updated with the winner by 9 a.m. Eastern (U.S.) time tomorrow (March 11). Return to this post to see if you won.

UPDATE 03/11/10: The winning comment number is #67, Alice Christopher. Email me with your shipping address at CITRgiveaways(at)!


  1. Nancy Straka says:

    I would like one to make my own frothy cappuccino’s.

  2. Richelle says:

    Mine just broke down on me, so I would love a new one!

    Looking forward to episode 4!

  3. Mary says:

    I want it! (stick blender) Are we making vanilla soap?

  4. Mariah says:

    Just picked up a bar of Castile soap, intending to grate it and make a shower gel…but I changed my mind and decided to just use it as is. Looking forward to the rest of this series! Here’s hoping for the blender!

  5. Deborah R says:

    Clover’s always smiling! She probably doesn’t know there’s scary lye in the house (stick blender).

  6. amber swafford says:

    love Clover’s glasses! I would love to have that stick blender!

  7. ElizaRed says:

    Great pics…love the specs!!!! And would love the blender!

  8. ~ Jackie says:

    Sign me up! I’d love to have a stick blender for when I work up the nerve to make my own soap!

  9. Laura B. in Greenwood,IN says:

    You are so resourceful Suzanne! I think of and thank you every time I do a load of laundry! (I am using my own, homemade laundry detergent!) After making the bar soap can we make liquid soap? Huh, huh, can we? :woof:

  10. Laura B. in Greenwood,IN says:

    Oh yeah, I want to win the stick blender!!

  11. boydsandthebees says:

    I have everything I need except the stick blender and the ph strips. I’ll wait until tomorrow to order those since MAYBE I’LL WIN THE STICK BLENDER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. NorthCountryGirl says:

    Clover looks rather dashing in those goggles. Please enter me for the STICK BLENDER.

  13. Julie Curtis says:

    I think I’ll keep buying Dial at the store but I sure would like to have that (stick blender)!

  14. Connie Trippett says:

    Love the pics of clover. She just looks so natural in the googles. Would love to win the hand blender.

  15. Leah says:

    The vanilla soap will smell wonderful.
    stick blender

  16. Diane says:

    How do you get Clover to wear hats and those goggles. lol. That is some goat. Did she give us a hint that she might be having a little clover or two??

    I would like a chance at the stick blender too.

  17. lauren says:

    Ive always wanted to make soap ๐Ÿ™‚ cant wait for the nest post…
    stick blender

  18. Runningtrails says:

    Looks good!!

    I like the milk carton idea! I am going to start keeping my buttermilk, choc milk and cream containers to us as soap molds!

    One tip: I see you are using drain opener lye. If you buy lye, make sure it is pure lye (sodium hydroxide). Draino brand contains other ingredients that are harmful. The lye can also be in dry flake form, as well as crystal and will weigh the same (sometimes it is sold as flakes).

  19. Amy P says:

    I do the melt and pour soup and would LOVE the stick blender. I could froth up the melted soap to use as I would frosting. I do a soap that looks like a slice of pie and the frothy soap would look just like whipped cream!! Please enter me in the drawing!

  20. Laura says:

    I could use a stick blender!!! :woof:

  21. Charlotte Wills says:

    Please, enter me for the wonderful give away. I have one one of these for a long time.
    Thank you…

  22. Kelly says:

    Now you have me excited to give the soap making thing a whirl. I am already thinking about colors and scents and packaging ideas for Christmas gifts this year.

    Thanks Suzanne! And yes, I would love to win the stick blender!

  23. Nicolezmomma says:

    I’ve never used a stick blender, but would like to. Please county me in.

    Your web site is so creative. I love the goat glasses.

  24. StellaLouise says:

    Love the picture of Clover! I would love to win the stick blender!

  25. Peggy says:

    Clover is so cute. I hope someday she provides you with more then just love.
    (Stick Blender)

  26. Miss Kitty says:

    Clover is styling with those goggles! Thanks for the opportunity to win a stick blender!

  27. Susan at Charm of the Carolines says:

    Clover is such a clever goat. You are very blessed!


  28. Elaine says:

    The only thing different for milk soaps is you exchange your goat milk with the distilled water. You are getting there! Please don’t use your rubber scraper for food after you stir soap with it. It will make the food taste soapy….ask me how I know. I now have a beautiful Pampered Chef scraper for soap. Also make sure the water is really cold. Chill it in a ice bath before you add the lye so it gives off less fumes and doesn’t heat as hot. Can’t wait to see the soap.

  29. Shelley says:

    I love Clover and I don’t even know her….^_^

    I would love a stick blender seeing as how I have no blender, hand mixer or anything of the sort…

  30. Abiga/Karen says:

    Can’t wait to see the results with the soap. :snoopy: Thanks for all the warnings too from Clover. Also – stick blenderrrrrr…….yes. Blessings.

  31. Jennifer Gregg says:

    I am so excited about soapmaking!!!! I’d love to have that stick blender!

  32. Jill says:

    I would love to win the stick blender. I just made made first batch of soap last week and used a wooden spoon to stir.


  33. CindyP says:

    ๐Ÿ˜† Clover! Are you helping make soap? Where’s your gloves?!?!?

    I don’t think I’ll ever give up using glasses. The stick blender sometimes spits…..I’ve never burnt my clothes that it hits, but I really don’t want to see what it would do to my eye if it ever hit……. I love my eyes!!!

  34. Carrie Smith says:

    My stick blender died last weekend. It was a wedding gift 18 years ago. Very happy my marriage is working!

  35. Jill says:

    You can freeze the goat milk in ice cube trays. That makes it easy to measure. Please sign me up for the blender!


  36. Angela P says:

    ๐Ÿ˜€ ๐Ÿ˜† Clover with the goggles is a HOOT! OMGoodness. Im still laughing. I disagree Suzanne, I say she truly LOVES you, why else would she let you do that???? ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜†

  37. Mary from Baton Rouge says:

    Suzanne, I am really excited about making soap, but if lye is so harsh is it not harsh for your skin also? My family has somewhat sensitive skin, and I need a mild soap.

    Also, consider me for the stick blender!!!


    • Suzanne McMinn says:

      Mary, ALL SOAP contains lye! No matter what they call it–caustic soda, sodium hydroxide or soda lye, potassium hydroxide or potash lye, or sodium tallowate. Most liquid soaps are made with potassium hydroxide and most bar soaps are made with sodium hydroxide. In the soapmaking process, the lye is saponified and is no longer lye. Even glycerin soap contains lye. Soap STARTS with lye, but doesn’t end up as lye.

  38. Leanne says:

    Love clover!!! lol, those goggles are cuuute!
    Stick blender entry please!

  39. IowaCowgirl says:

    I would love to have a stick blender! I could also make malts. Not lye malts though….

  40. nikki says:

    Love Clover!!! Can’t wait for the next post about soap!

    Stick Blender please

  41. Connie Crowl says:

    Can’t wait to see the finished product. Be safe. Please enter me in the drawing for the stick blender.

  42. Anke says:

    Great post and great pictures! I’d love to win the stick blender, that would be one item less to purchase to begin my soap making adventure. ๐Ÿ™‚

  43. jean says:

    Put me in for the stick please.

    I love when you talk with Clover. And those goggles are hysterical. However, you might want to give up on milking her. She is a free spirit type of gal.

  44. Jane Llewellyn says:

    I’m on my knees pleading you for a stick blender!! My ex stole* mine, and I miss it!! (* well, I think he did.. or he broke it and disposed of it without my knowing).

  45. Lindy says:

    I’d love to have that stick blender! As someone posted earlier I’ll let you make the soap! Love your stories!

  46. Glenie says:

    Love the goat goggles. Stick Blender

  47. Tammy says:

    I cannot stop laughing @ Clover in those goggles. What is especially funny is that I am doing a personal protective equipement survey today @ work and we are evaluating people using their safety equipment – and now I can say even the Goats are wearing the right equipment – Go Clover!! Stick Blender. Tammy

  48. joy says:

    Can’t wait for the next post…I love lavendar, rosemary or oatmeal bars. Please add my name for the stick blender drawing, Thanks Suzanne! :sheep:

  49. Carol says:

    Would love a stick blender so I can try my hand at homemade soap making!!!


  50. Beverly Williams says:

    I would love to win a stick blender for making soap. Beverly

  51. Lisa Cummings says:

    LOVE the pic of Clover!! (stick blender)

  52. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    I am so excited about learning to make soap with you! We are supposed to get our milk goat after we get back vacation next month wooowhoooo! And Clover looks great in her goggles!

    Stick blender!!!!

  53. Natalie C. says:

    Clover is a super star…lol ๐Ÿ™‚ I would love to win the stick blender!

  54. Jill B says:

    Are you using your real vanilla?

  55. Carmi says:

    I’m going to try my hand at soap-making with your encouragement. Great posts! Put my name in the hat for the stick blender.

  56. Sharon Hacker says:

    Stick blenders are the most awesome little tool. I make a poppy seed dressing that I just couldn’t make without mine. (Could but wouldn’t want to) Mine is really sick, didn’t think it would make it through the last batch of dressing. Would love to be entered in your drawing!

  57. Kathi says:

    I make goat milk soap! I never thought of using waxed milk cartons as molds, what a good idea. I use vinyl downspouts.
    I’d love to win the stick blender.

  58. carol bellamy says:

    You will love this journey. I love reading about your new adventure. Please consider me for the stick blender.


  59. Jblank says:

    Hey I have heard that lye soap is good for keeping fleas off dogs, anyone else hear that?
    I would love that stick blender!

  60. Nikki says:

    I can think of lots of uses for that stick blender! And can we have a homemade dishwasher soap recipe? I love the homemade laundry soap.

  61. Townie Farm Girl says:

    I feel like I am getting closer and closer to making soap than I ever thought possible. I wouldn’t mind winning the stick blender.

  62. Corinne says:

    I am sorry, I couldn’t even read that article because I was laughing so hard at the goat pictures…I will have to come back later.

  63. marymac says:

    Oh my gosh!!!! That clover is adorable. I would like to have that stick blender, and your your goat too, lol. That is amazing!!

  64. Melinda says:

    I would love to win the stick blender. I can’t wait to make soap with you I’ve been wanting to try it for quite some time but have never gotten up the guts to do it until now (thanks to you).

  65. Alice Christopher says:

    Clover is so cool. I want a goat. love the pictures
    please pick me to win the stick blender
    Thanks, Alice.

  66. LeAnn says:

    I love the Clover pics! She is some goat! She acts as though it’s perfectly natural for a goat to wear goggles. Of course, being the decerning goat that she is, she knows high fashion when she sees it. Too cute. Please enter me in the blender giveaway.

  67. Tabatha says:

    I want one!!! I want to learn to make my own soap (especially since i am allergic to most soaps) but I just dont have the time right now. :hissyfit: It feels like I have two full time jobs (working in the office and remodling the house)but it will be worth it when we are done!!

  68. Euni Moore says:

    Can’t wait to try making soap. Everything else I have made from CITR has been wonderful and surprisingly easy. Would like the stick blender; the one I have is one of the first to come out and appears to be terminally ill.

    Euni Moore

  69. Cindy Lou Who says:

    Can’t wait to see the final product. I currently make soy candles and am mulling over making soap. The lye always scared me, but I think I am ready to give it a try. Please enter me into the drawing for the stick blender. Irish Blessings to you.

  70. Amy Cook in WI says:

    Would love the stick blender as I am going to make soap with the essential oils that I buy…I love the idea of everything natural and homemade. Thanks, Suzanne for the ideas and the giveaway!

  71. Lisa in California says:

    I’d like one, please!

  72. Nic, SD says:

    The picture of Clover at the beginning of the post made me laugh. Very loudly. My husband thought I was strange… (I do not think this is an unfamiliar phenomenon with your readers.)
    (And a stick blender would be lovely. Please enter me as well.)

  73. anne says:

    Clover is adorable. What a winning photo. I would love that stick blender. thanks.

  74. Jenny says:

    I could use that blender. We’ve made two batches of soap and burned up a stick blender each time. Gahh!!! What are we doing wrong? We just received Anne L. Watson’s milk soap book yesterday, and I’d recommend it. It gives good explanations of things that our first book didn’t cover. Also wondering if you got the lye locally? We’ve ordered ours online, but it would be great to go somewhere local to get it.

  75. Sue says:

    I’m amazed that the goat just sits there and lets you put goggles on him!
    (Blender please)

  76. Nancy says:

    My cousin and a friend are encouraging me to start making soap…something I have always wanted to do…maybe winning the stick blender will give me the incentive I need? Wouldn’t you think someone would invent a way to make soap without lye??? lol

  77. Rachel says:

    Woooooo Blender!!!! :hug:

  78. Jane says:

    Clover is precious as she prepares to make soap!

  79. sara sammon says:

    WOuld love to have a blender… 40 year old kitchen just died :hissyfit: and they dont make replacement parts for them anymore……so the thought of a hand held blender sounds good to me!

  80. Kim from Milwaukee says:

    Stick blender, please!!!! I really want to try this soapmaking thing. I love bar soap, and with my dry skin, I could use something homemade and soothing.

  81. Diane says:

    Oh yeah, I want it. I hear it whirring right now all the way from WV to FL. I was raised country with farming grandparents who raised, grew, butchered, milked…yada yada know. I’ve gotten away from the country roots a little bit but I’m digging those roots back up. Love your blog..very inspiring and so funny. Love your little animals too. I’m reading one of your romances right now.

    The Library Lady
    “Take surprise and delight in the little things”

  82. Cyndi B says:

    Why yes, I would like a stick blender! Great giveaway!

  83. jojo says:

    I still need a stick blender so I’m keeping my fingers and toes crossed that mine is the lucky entry! ๐Ÿ˜‰ I ordered a scale yesterday and still need the ph strips. While I was searching online I ran across a video (youtube) where the lady actually put a piece of the soap in her mouth to test the ph (apparently you will get “ZAPPED” if the lye is strong). I about fainted when I saw that.

  84. Denise says:

    I wonder if my donkey boys would like some of those stylin’ goggles. I’ve thought about making soap, maybe I should just do it. I would like the stick blender ๐Ÿ™‚

  85. heidiannie says:

    Thanks to you Suzanne, I am finally REAlly going to make soap- as apposed to just planning and talking about it for the past 20 Years!
    I’d love to win the stick blender- thanks for offering!

  86. Melissa Marsh says:

    I LOVE the pictures of Clover!!!

  87. geena says:

    Looks like Clover gets to run the show. LOL :happyflower: Stick blener please

  88. mirela says:

    Clover’s portrait is priceless! I’ve never owned a stick blender, I would be sooooo happy to finally have one! Thanks for doing this!

  89. Cate says:

    Wow! I feel so deficient. I just use my old Weight Watchers scale and a near-dead hand mixer (with only one mixing blade). I’m just too old-fashioned for all these new-fangled devices.

  90. ScreamingSardine says:

    Thanks again for this series of soapmaking – making it less scary!
    Please put me in for the stick blender drawing.

  91. Jessica says:

    Love love love the pictures of Clover, way too cute and funny!

    Stick blender!! Thank you ๐Ÿ™‚

  92. Kat says:

    I use my “cooking” stick blender as my “soaping” stick blender, but it sure would be nice to have a separate one for soaping, just in case! Actually, all my soaping tools are the same as I use for cooking.
    I can’t wait to see how you use the pH strips–I just use the tongue zap test. Also, from the online forums I peruse, there doesn’t seem to be much love for soap-making books. Our local library has three, but I found very DANGEROUS ERRORS in all three, and that was before I’d ever made my own batch of soap. So please, beware the books. Think of them as an opinion, not a trusted sole source of info.

  93. Carol Campbell says:

    put me in the drawing for the stick blender. never thought it would be a tool in the soap making process!

  94. Val says:

    Stick blender! Stick blender! :snoopy:

    I would love to make some rosewater glycerin soap…or just rosewater soap!

  95. Donna Mc says:

    Wahoo – enter me! And the pictures of Clover are a hoot. =)

  96. cgReno says:

    I dont want the blender, I want Clover……maybe Big Puppy too, throw in Pocahantus and i will take the blender off of your hands….no chickens though. :yes:

  97. Karen, Rural Revival's Mom says:

    Hi Suzanne; Yes! I’d like to win the stick blender…..because I really want to try making my own soap. I’m really enjoying your soapmaking entries (you have a great sense of humour and your photos are funny). I found your blog on my daughter’s blog (Ontario Rural Revival)and have been following your adventures – thanks for a good read and chuckle!

  98. AA says:

    I buy and use a lot of homemade soap. And I have a friend who makes wonderfully scented soap. Maybe if I had my own stick blender I would make my own!

    Maybe you could have a contest to give away some soap too. Just an idea from a greedy fan.

    Clover looks very cute in goggles.She really needs to give you milk for soap. I have an ex significant other who had very dry cracked hands due to being a horse trainer and having his hands in water a lot and other liniments and things for the horses. He was also allergic to petroleum poducts and other things I can’t remember now. I bought him goat mild soap and lotion and it really helped his hands.

  99. Dreamer says:

    OOo! ooo! me! I want a new stick blender. My old one bit the dust. Please put me in the drawing.

  100. Dee says:

    I would love a new stick blender! :snoopy:

  101. Mary says:

    Clover looks pretty nifty in the goggles, but actually Morgan looked a lot cuter in her get up the other day. Stick Blender!

  102. linda says:

    clover looks so sweet..she always seems so happy and carefree..i would love to try a stick blender..never had one

  103. Kim says:

    reading your blog daily always gives me ideas for making things I never thought I’d make at home- canning- candles- cream cheese (got my cheesecloth today for a weekend try)and now soap! Oh my- do you have a recipe for homemade laundry detergent also? That’s very high on my list of make at home projects.

  104. Michelle says:

    I would love it!

  105. Donna says:

    In those goggles, Clover reminds me of Elton John in the early years! Sticker blender please!

  106. Darla Jones says:

    Love Clover in the goggles and I would like to have a stick blender too.

  107. MrsC says:

    I just adore Clover. We have her calendar hanging on my daughter’s wall – we get to see March Clover – a pretty flower and a pretty goat (ssshhh… should we say “goat” around Clover? Maybe she doesn’t know she is a goat).

    Please enter me in the drawing.

    Happy farming,


  108. Roberta Hutcheon says:

    I have never owned a stick blend and would love to have one.

  109. Barbee' says:

    Clover is such a ham. I see she has become a super model! Probably will have her own brand of goat milk soap. (stick blender)

  110. Debbie in Memphis says:

    I’m so excited to watch you making soap and learn more about it. I’d love to have the confidence to try it myself. Maybe if I win the stick blender, it’ll encourage me ๐Ÿ™‚

  111. Sonya says:

    I really love and enjoy your website. Love Clover in her glasses. I will have to go play with our goats and see if they will let me dress them:)Please enter me into the stick blender drawing:)I would love to make some soap:)

  112. April says:

    I would love to win! Can’t wait to see the rest of the soap making process.

  113. Susan W. says:

    Oh, I love that goat too! Stick blender!

  114. Aedrielle says:

    Woohoo!! I need to pick up my supplies this weekend. AND I LOVE the milk carton idea! We get a couple a week, so I’ll be set!! ๐Ÿ™‚

  115. SuzieQ says:

    Almost ready to try instill confidence…would love the stick blender.. :dancingmonster:

  116. Ernest Miller says:

    I’ve been wanting to make some soap from lamb fat. (stick blender)

  117. Janly says:

    Is it too late for me to beg for a chance to win the stick blender? I promise to try and make your soap if I can win the blender. Absolutely love, love, love your blog page and everything in it.Thank you so much for all the nastalgic information. I relate very well.

  118. Terri Draeger says:

    OK I’m getting my nerves up to try this–you are very inspirational! Please put my name in the hat for the stick blender also!

  119. Deb says:

    Well, I was going to make soap the old fashioned way, before stick blenders were invented. But since you’re giving one away, put me in the drawing!

  120. shirley says:

    What a cute little Helpy Helperton(Clover). I would love to win the stick blender.

  121. Sarah says:

    We’re getting closer and closer to making soap!! (stick blender)

  122. mommafox says:

    Boy, with all these neat recipes, crafts, and canning projects you have totally wrecked my plans for being a couch potato after retiring. Oh well, I’m game for just about anything, so put in for the stick blender. Hate to not broaden my abilities.!!!!!

  123. Diane Gordon says:

    I’m looking forward to making soap along with you, Suzanne and would love to win a stick blender!

    P.S. Clover looks fabulous in goggles!

  124. Brandi @ Frugal Farmhouse says:

    I love this series, I am terrified to make soap so this is VERY helpful ๐Ÿ™‚ I would also like to be entered into the drawing for the stick blender ๐Ÿ™‚ I can’t wait to see the rest of the series!

  125. Karen B says:

    Clover reminds me of my factory working days. All she needs now is ear plugs and safey shoes!
    :purpleflower: Stick blender.

  126. Penny says:

    I love those stick mixers! Just never loan them because they never come home the same .. trust me on this!

    Love Clover wearing the glasses! Blue is definitely her color. =)

  127. Ruth C says:

    Man alive that is Wayyyyyyy too much work Suzanne. Just go and buy a few bars of soap at the 99C store would ya? I can go with the cheese making… but all that stuff and the sticker mixer? The sticker thingy would make killer pancakes and did I mention I would LOVE one?

  128. Sheila Z says:

    Stick blender. Never used one. I’d like to see if they are as good as everyone says they are.

  129. Shirley says:

    I’m enjoying your soap making series, just as I have all the other things you have been doing lately(specifically cheesemaking) and I’d love to have a stick blender.

  130. G-Mama says:

    Clover really makes me smile. She must be a very cooperative goat — at least when it comes to posing for pictures. I think after she has her babies this spring she may let you have some milk. I would like the stick blender. (I am thinking I might try the soap making.) Thanks.

  131. Becky says:

    I LOVE the pictures of the goat in the glasses!

    I would love a stick blender!

  132. kerri says:

    Clover is a good sport ๐Ÿ˜†
    Interesting learning about the soap making process. Looking forward to the actual making of the soap!
    I’d love the stick blender. Thanks!

  133. claudia w says:

    I would like to have that stick blender to get started on my soap making adventures!
    I love Clover in Safety Goggles!
    Thank you for all the hard work you do to teach and entertain us! You are the best!

  134. Mafong says:

    Love to THINK and READ about making soap, but don’t really think it would be worthwhile for me to try it.

    I would love to have a stick blender!

  135. Lisa says:

    Yes, yes, I want a stick blender!!

  136. Mandy says:

    I think clover looks great in those frames! Stick blender!

  137. Valerie says:

    Clover in those goggles is so cute. Looks like an aviator. I hope this picture makes it way into the 2011 calendar.
    Please put me in the running for the stick blender.

  138. ScarlettSeraph says:

    I would love a blender :woof:

    But not as much as I love those pictures of Clover :heart:

  139. susan says:

    The suspense of the soapmaking saga is killing me. It is really getting very tempting to make my own soap. I love to smell all the different soaps at the farmers market and it would be great to make some of my own.
    Put me in the drawing for the stick blender.

  140. Linda Goble says:

    Pick me!!!! Pick me!!!!!I would love to have a stick blender. My daughter is looking into making soaps and facial scrubs this could come in handy. I just love Clover in the glasses she is ready to help you make soap.Linda :snoopy:

  141. farmershae says:

    I know Clover looks cute in the glasses, but Suzanne, be careful!! I think she is planning some type of payback for being dressed up again! (stick blender)

  142. Dyane says:

    Would love to have one so I can start making soap again, provided that I can find lye around here.

  143. lavenderblue says:

    So Morgan said no more goggles,huh? Enter me for the stick blender if its not too late. If I win, maybe I will get big and brave and make soap. I askeeeered to yet. But I have so many ideas for different kinds I’d like to make. Oatmeal and honey. Lemon Balm and lavender etc. etc.

  144. goatgirl says:

    I need a stick blender. Mine just broke.

  145. Lori M. says:

    I’m enjoying your posts about soapmaking. It is very interesting and makes me think about making my own soap. I would like to be entered in the drawing for the stick blender.

  146. Mary says:

    Just a tip – don’t use your stick blender to try to get suet to break up faster as you’re melting it into tallow for soap. The stick blender will melt in very short order, scaring the crap out of you as you jerk it out of the hot oil and splatter droplets all around the kitchen. Just sayin’. I could soooooo use a new stick blender for my next batch of soap ๐Ÿ˜‰

  147. Debbie in PA says:

    So how long did it take Clover to get those goggles off? I just love these pictures. The first one is now my wallpaper–I am imagining my husband’s startled look when he turns on the computer tomorrow morning! ๐Ÿ˜†

    I would love to win a stick blender!

  148. MMT says:

    Would love to be in the drawing for the stick blender, but couldn’t get online til late so I may be too late to enter, but I am getting my soapmaking supplies together and want to make soap along with you. Still need to get some lye. Looking forward to it.

  149. jan~n~tn says:

    Soap soap and more soap !! Love IT

  150. Alice Christopher says:

    THANK YOU! THANK YOU! :snoopy:

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