Custard Pie


My chickens have been so good to me lately. We’re getting half a dozen, sometimes more, eggs a day. Soon I won’t be able to call them lazy anymore.

Don’t worry. I can think of other things to call them. Especially when they poop on my porch. Not that I’m naming any names. CROOKED LITTLE HEN.

But they are good for something! Eggs! And eggs mean custard pie! Every day. I could make two custard pies a day! At least till I get tired of it. Which would take a while because it’s so good. Custard pie is an old-fashioned, simple pie that makes good use of too many eggs. The ingredient list is sure to be in your pantry already. It’s easy to make and full of sweet eggy goodness. Make one today! Even if you don’t have too many eggs. You just need four.

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How to make Custard Pie:

Pastry for single-crust pie
4 eggs
1/2 cup sugar
1 teaspoon vanilla
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 1/2 cups milk
ground nutmeg

Line a greased pie plate with pastry. Isn’t pastry lovely? When you’re going to pre-bake a pie shell, be sure to leave more crust around the pie plate than you would otherwise–it will shrink up some when it’s baked by itself.

What is that silvery thing way back there on the table?

And I don’t mean those silver candlesticks holding my hand-dipped tapers. (Which are about burned down. Not to worry–I have more!)

Look! It’s a tortilla press! I can hardly wait to make my own homemade corn tortillas!

This one is hot-tinned cast iron and it’s gorgeous. It was my Valentine’s Day present from 52. (You can see the whole discussion about tortilla presses over here on the forum when I thought I would have to wait for my birthday.)

Back to custard pie! (I’m easily distracted by tortilla presses.) Bake the pie shell at 450-degrees for 5 minutes. I actually baked this one at 350-degrees for 5 minutes because my oven is stuck at 350. But that is another story.

If you remember to prick your pie shell before you bake it, you won’t have any of these bubbles like me. Because I forgot to prick this time.

Luckily I’m not into perfection, so I didn’t let that ruin my day.

Time for the eggs!

Whisk eggs lightly then add the sugar…..

….vanilla and salt. Whisk again.

Pour in milk gradually, continuing to whisk lightly.

Place prepared pie shell on the top oven rack. Pour custard mixture into the shell.

Sprinkle the top with nutmeg. I do this quite liberally. I love nutmeg. (And Nutmeg! I love her, too.)

Bake at 350-degrees for 45 minutes. Halfway through baking time, move pie to the lower oven rack. (This will keep the edges of the crust from getting too brown and help fully bake the bottom of the crust.) Cool on a wire rack. Chill before serving.

Here’s your piece! Though I have to admit, I am still a little distracted by that tortilla press. You?

I just have to find a store around here that sells masa harina….

See this recipe at Farm Bell Recipes and save it to your recipe box.

See All My Recipes
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  1. Michael Ludwig says:

    Nice tortilla press. Custard pie looks good too.

  2. Barbee' says:

    Oh, that is beautiful and delicious! (I can tell by looking – and remembering!) Wonderful post. I had forgotten about custard pies. I can see Mexican food appearing on the horizon. Good sturdy looking press. First one I ever saw. 52, thank you from all of us!

  3. Jodie says:

    I checked and there are a couple places online, but I’m sure you can find masa harina on your next visit to the big city. Here’s a link to one of them and the other one is Good luck with the corn tortillas. One tip I can give you is to use two pieces of plastic wrap to sandwich the tortilla in between when you press it. That allow you to pick up the tortilla and put on the griddle after making it. I was taught a long time ago to make corn tortillas from a little old Mexican lady in San Antonio, but I haven’t made them in a long time.

  4. Ruth C says:

    Mmmmmm. I’m making apple pie today (AND your pear buckle!) but you almost convinced me to make custard pie instead. Maybe I’ll just make one anyway since the other two are for a church dinner and we could just keep the custard one here…

    It was really exciting to see “3” new posts next to the Chickens in the Road entry on my blog Reader today. Yeah for the new blogs!

  5. Jblank says:

    I believe that I saw masa harina in the mexican food section of the Aldi in Dunbar. Next trip to Chaleston-slip out to Dunbar and see. Next time I go I will let you know. Don’t forget to bring your quarter to rent your shopping cart.

  6. Louise says:

    Mmmmmmm, custard pie! That looks yummy. Gosh, I haven’t had one in ages. If I had anything but those darn store bought eggs right now, I might be tempted to make one.

  7. Betty Ireland says:

    Suzanne, I know the owners of the Los Agaves restaurant in South Charleston. Would be happy to see if they would give/sell you some masa harina, or at least tell you where they get theirs.

    You might also look in the Health Foods section of the Drug Emporium at Patrick Street here in Charleston. They have all sorts of stuff like this.

    Good luck.

  8. roosterrun says:

    Happy Fat Tuesday Everyone!

    The Dollar General stores in Parkersburg carry masa. Not sure of the harina part. Might be worth a phone call. The stores here are starting to carry several mexican items. I think it comes in a 5lb.bag like flour. Happy Cooking

  9. Kim says:

    add some coconut and that’s a perfect pie
    Now I guess I’m going to have to make one this weekend

  10. Sarah says:

    Mmmm love custard pie. Actually, it’s mainly the baked custard I like. This one looks goooooooooood.

  11. SuzzyQ says:

    Your custard set up so nicely! Very impressive and my idea of perfection.

  12. Cathy says:

    Custard pie is my all time favorite. I have actually made just the custard without a crust. Love your pictures !! :duck:

  13. VaGirl2 says:

    Most any grocery store that has a decent Hispanic/Latino food section has masa harina…like WalMart or Kroger. Custard pie looks yummy…your cooking posts are gonna make for a hard Lenten season for me. 😆

  14. Marcia says:

    Look at Walmart and your local grocery stores in the Hispanic section. You can find all kinds of interesting things. I love looking at the brightly colored sodas in glass bottles. That is where I buy New Mexico chili powder, quick turn over so you know it is fresh.

  15. kerri says:

    Custard is one of my all time favorite pies!! I also love nutmeg. I wrap a narrow strip of aluminum foil around the edges of my pies to keep them from browning too much.
    You must have English blood, Suzanne. You love all the old English desserts (like me) :hungry2:

  16. Minna says:

    Sigh. Now I’m hungry again, and I just breakfast.

  17. Darlene in North Georgia says:

    And you can also use that press to make your flour tortillas! The plastic on the top and bottom are a very good suggestion. It’s easier to remove the flattened tortilla that way, otherwise it sticks to the press and you mess up the tortilla peeling it off of the press.

  18. Lacey says:

    It cracks me up that I actually READ all your recipes- not something I did for fun before I discovered your blog. I wouldn’t dare miss all your comments inserted into your explanation. They make my day.

  19. CindyP says:

    This is something else I’ve never made……looks great!! I’m wondering if this is how Mom used to make coconut cream pie….I remember it was homemade, no pudding boxes to be had! I’ll have to ask, see if she remembers.

    Masa — I’ve found in our Dollar General store even. But I don’t think that said Herina on it………I got my bag of Herina at Aldi’s. I followed the directions on the bag and it was too goopy, had to add quite a bit more mix to it.

  20. carol says:

    Beautiful Pie!! Custard Pie is my hubby’s very favorite…unless I bake cherry pie…or chocolate….or apple. Or Peach. Or just about any pie I have made is his favorite for that day. Not a picky man, my husband! Just give him pie.
    Living in Dallas, we have some wonderful Mexican stores here….I can send you some, if you like, Suzanne. Masa Harina, that is, not the Mexican stores! And if you want inexpensive produce, those are the stores to go to. Just don’t EVER go on New Year’s Eve at 5 pm…you will be run over by shoppers getting their ingredients for their amazing holiday food! Fun atmosphere but really BUSY!

  21. lisa brawner says:

    looks just so yummy.. and yes.. i love the tortilla press. :turtle:

  22. Nic, SD says:

    I am also. As well as jealous of it. You’re a lucky lady, I want one so bad!

  23. Amy says:

    I was going to say we have lots of Masa Harina here in S Florida, but I think Carol probably has even more. lol

  24. Cate says:

    This has always been one of my favorite pies. It’s so easy to make with just basic ingredients and doesn’t last long. Yummy!

  25. lavenderblue says:

    We used to eat our custard without the pie crust when I was a kid, warm from the oven. Now I’ll have to call my sister and see if Mom’s baked custard was in the green recipe book. Sis inherited the recipe, I got the custard baking dish, poor planning on our parts. Maybe I’ll just make the pie, thanks Suzanne.

  26. lavenderblue says:

    Oh and YAY! for 52 and the tortilla press. If you have an Aldi’s around that is where I saw masa harina. Or you could have your cousin grind some flint corn up for you extra, extra fine.

  27. Angela P says:

    :pinkbunny: The custard pie looks sooo yummy and thanks to your no fail pie crust, I think I can make this pie tonight! :happyflower:

  28. mochah says:

    Years ago my husband brought a tortilla back from a business trip to Mexico along with a grinder we use to make corn meal and grits. We used the press this weekend to start the flour tortillas I made from your recipe. Another favorite of ours is Navajo Fry Bread–he used the press for that, too. I can give you the recipe if you’re interested and can’t find it on the internet. After eating it in Arizona and Mexico with posole, we looked it up on the internet.

  29. Marianne G says:

    Perfect timing! I’ve been craving custard and this will do the trick. I’m also a lover of nutmeg!

    Have you already posted a recipe for flour tortillas? I thought I saw it here, but can’t find it.

    Thanks Suzanne for all your great ideas!

  30. Valerie says:

    Oh yum, that pie looks decadent. Maybe tastes a wee bit like eggnog, with all those eggs and nutmeg? I love nutmeg, too, and also MY Nutmeg…click on my name for a pic…

  31. Sandra in SC says:

    I made the Custard Pie last night….it is indeed yummy!

  32. Marianne G says:

    The Custard Pie was a great success! Can’t wait to make it again. Also made the PopTarts and they went fast.

  33. Rituparna says:

    hi !
    I just love you recipe but am a little sceptical about using lard or shoertening in the recipe. can butter be used as a substitute.

  34. Elizabeth says:

    I call my chickens names when they poop on my porch, too. Mostly I just say, “Darn chickens.” Winter’s been nice; they don’t venture outside.

    I want a tortilla press, too!

  35. Yolanda says:

    Is there no flour in the pastry recipe?

  36. Yolanda says:

    OOPS!! That was the CUSTARD recipe! :airkiss:

  37. adznckns says:

    I know I am a little late in the game on this one, but we are going to try it with no crust and using coconut milk instead of regular milk. (Allergies)

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