Easy Truffles


Chocolate, whipped cream, and graham crackers. Can anything made with these three ingredients not be delicious? And these truffles are so easy, they are ridiculous. Make some little balls of chocolate happiness today!

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How to make Easy Truffles:

2 12-ounce packages semi-sweet or milk chocolate chips
1 8-ounce container whipped cream
graham crackers

Melt the chocolate chips over low heat in a pan. Let cool, then add the whipped cream. Doesn’t that sweet cloud of whipped cream look amazing?

I think you need to look at it up close. Or is that just me?

Stir the whipped cream and chocolate together. You might need to taste it right about now if you’re not strong like me.

I have no idea what happened to this spoon. CATS! Can’t turn my head for a minute!!

Now scoop out spoonfuls of the chocolate-whipped cream mixture and place them on sheets of waxed paper. Don’t worry if they aren’t perfect balls. You’ll get a chance to shape them some more later.

Put the sheets in the freezer for about two hours. Using several squares of graham crackers, crush them into fine crumbs. I like to put the crackers in a plastic bag and use a hammer. I like to hammer stuff. I have a pretty hammer with little pink flowers. I know you men out there want one of these pretty flower hammers now, don’t you? (Don’t lie!)

As you pick up each ball, shape it a bit to make it more circular and roll in the crumbs! Store in the refrigerator or freezer in an airtight container. (I like them stored in the freezer. Kinda like little ice cream snacks.)

To vary the flavors and textures, add two teaspoons of orange, raspberry, or coffee liquer (Kahlua!) to the chocolate-whipped cream mixture. Try white or dark chocolate instead of semi-sweet or milk chocolate. Use finely chopped nuts, coconut, cookie crumbs (Oreos!), or candy sprinkles for the coating!

You could totally put a dozen of these in a pretty box, tie it with a bow, and call it a present! (I mean, like, if you could actually give them away.) And can you believe it’s that easy?

*Recipe makes approximately 3 dozen truffles (depending on the size you make the balls!).

See this recipe at Farm Bell Recipes and save it to your recipe box.

See All My Recipes
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  1. Becky says:

    I’m not so sure I could make it to the graham cracker stage. :mrgreen:

  2. Shelley says:

    :fryingpan: Great recipe – I’m going to give it a shot this weekend when we are at our cabin. Have to feed the guests some sweets! Thank you! (P.S. Have I told you how much I LOVE your blog?! It’s great.)

  3. Kim A. says:

    I don’t think I’d make it to the graham cracker stage either!

    How is that you’re so slim???? You don’t really eat all this yummy stuff, do you? Have I said I hate people who can eat tons of fattening food and still stay slender? There ought to be a universal law about that…. :rotfl:


  4. Treasia says:

    Those look awesome. I might try those out this weekend.

  5. Lora says:

    Great googamoogle! Those look fantastic and I have to have them right now…..

  6. MARY says:

    :treehugger: A new, easy truffle recipe!!! Awesome!! I’ve made a ton of truffles, but you need to get Bluebell out to find the real deal!! Like the morels!!! I really don’t like sweets, but my friends sure do!!! I’d rather have a box of fungus! LOL!! Have a good one!! :butterfly:

  7. Tipper says:

    Can’t wait to try this one!

  8. Pam says:

    Wow, they look great!! I should have eaten breakfast BEFORE I looked at your blog… now I just want chocolate! 😉

  9. Robin G. says:

    Dude. I’m so doing this later today.

  10. Shimmy Mom says:

    :typing: What a fun treat. I’m going to get my girls in here and teach them how to make it. They will feel so big! Thanks for the yummy idea! (I have a recipe on my blog today too, if you want to check it out. Feel free to come over. – https://shimmymom.blogspot.com ) P.S. I love your blog. I discovered it about a month ago on Pioneer Womans and I haven’t missed a day since. Great job and Thank you!

  11. Marissa says:

    These sound so simply and delicious – will be making them this weekend! Thanks so much for taking the time to have fresh material on your blog everyday. It gives my 8-5 job something else to look forward too!

  12. Suzanne McMinn says:

    I did an update on the jerky experiment from yesterday at the bottom of yesterday’s post for those of you who are wondering about that!

  13. kacey says:

    This is SO my kind of recipe! Few ingredients. Easy. And chocolate. What’s not to love?? :heart:

  14. Lisa J says:

    Yum yum, I love this idea. Did you say about how many one batch would make? Just a ball park idea? Minus eating a couple along the way mind you! And let’s say golf ball size. Thanks

  15. Suzanne McMinn says:

    I forgot to say it makes about three dozen! I just added that. Thank you!!

  16. Carol says:

    I was told once that anytime a moment in life came along that the “sacred” needed to be acknowledged, to stop, and bow deeply. To you and “chocolate” today, I BOW DEEPLY! You are the Queen of reciepes!

  17. Jessica says:

    I made your homemade Kahlua the other night and I have to admit I have had a white russian every night for the last 5 days! I love it! I’m a big fan of do-it-yourself cooking things and easy recipes and I can’t wait to try these truffles! BTW my kahlua turned out a little too sweet so I just added more vodka, it did the trick nicely 🙂

  18. Susan says:

    As everyone in my family says, I Un-American because I don’t like chocolate. 😮 But I know many people who will love this recipe. :hungry:

  19. Shirley says:

    This looks great. But seriously, with all you cook, you must weigh at least 350lbs. Or do you jump a lot of rope? :sheepjump:

  20. catslady says:

    I love your little hammer :yes:

  21. Estella says:

    Yum! The hammer is so cute.

  22. Donna says:

    Those look really good. I LOVE LOVE LOVE chocolate!!! I am trying to enjoy dark chocolate, since reading “French Women Don’t Get Fat” by Mireille Guilliano -such a good little common sense book…I LOVE Lindt 70 percent chocolate bars or their Excellence bar – I purchased some artisan from San Fran and it was tooooo strong for me…LOVE chocolate.

  23. Terry says:

    Suzanne, Thx for the truffles. I love your hammer. Saw some screw drivers in the auto parts store that match. I digress, I usually use the rolling pin and the plastic bag. It’s quicker I’d think and that means quicker to the truffles, LOL. Thx again, Terry

  24. Melissa McClone says:

    Yum, Suzanne. Those look not only easy, but delicious!

  25. Donna says:

    These look sooo scrumptious…I stand corrected on my comment above – I found out last night that I AND my stomach do NOT like that dark chocolate.
    The last truffle I ate last week, was a Teuscher’s Champayne truffle…these would be much easier on my budget. LOL They look divine!

  26. Alison says:

    :purr: That looks really yummy. I think it would also be interesting to try substituting marshmallow fluff for the cool-whip. It would be smores truffles. 🙂

  27. Donna says:

    I purchased the ingredients yesterday, to make these also. My brother loves truffles, so I’ll have to be sure he is over here, when I make them!

  28. Donna says:

    I made a half order of Toffee cracker candy today, and then decided to make a SMALL batch of truffles. But, I did it the LAZY way. First of all, I was tired – I made the Baked Potato soup this am, and was busy in the am…and then made the cracker candy..so by this time, I decided on shortcuts.

    I just used about 6 oz. of the Hershey’s MILK chocolate chipsa and about 2 oz. of Cool Whip (guesstimate), and then just crushed some grahams. Instead of making the truffle shapes, I just put it all in a bowl, froze it and then poured the crushed graham’s over it all and gently pressed them in the top. I ate a spoonful of it and it was DIVINE. So, I made lazy day truffles. LOL The shape did NOT change the wonderful taste, trust me. :cattail: :shimmy: :purr: :elephant:

  29. Memoria says:

    Wow! I’m surprised you used Cool-Whip instead of making some yourself, especially since it’s so easy to make. This is an interesting recipe. Thanks for posting it.

  30. Donna says:

    Going to make a half batch of these today..since I have leftover chips from the cracker candy I made today, using less of the chips, on that. I am also going to use the fat free cool whip, because I LOVE it…usually I hate fat free ANYTHING, but I have used this between two graham crackers and froze them. A hairdresser told me she served these to children and they LOVED them, asking what kind of ice cream that was…it was the fat free cool whip. LOL She just froze it between two graham crackers. So, we’ll see how it is in truffles. :dancingmonster:

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