How to Cut Bread


Yesterday, I got this nice yet despairing email:

I came across your site several months ago when I was trying to find out how to make bread. Later, I realized there was more to your site than just bread and now I’m a daily reader. Thank you for putting yourself out there. I’ve gleaned so much about everything I’m trying to learn…bread-making, canning, chickens, farming (not on a farm yet…but one day!).

Anyway, I haven’t bought bread for two months now. I make it all myself, but I’m still having a huge problem….cutting the bread. My husband said I needed a better knife so I got a better knife, but still no luck. I even froze it and then cut it partially thawed, trying to give me something sturdier to attack. I even have one of those bread cutter things to keep you in line, but I still either wind up with a clumped up mess or only about 6 “super” slices… On the upside, we have a lot of breakfast casserole with the mutilated remains. Can you make a post about making the perfect Grandmother Bread sandwich slices?

I can’t promise that I will always write a post in response to every emailed question, but look! Sometimes I do! Hey, cutting bread is a big deal!

Actually, making great sandwich slices is easy, but there is a knack to it. Around here, I cut the bread. No sooner do children head into the kitchen for a snack than I’m hearing, “Will you cut me some bread?” Maybe they’re lazy. Maybe they’re afraid I’ll yell at them if they mush up the bread. (I would never do that. WELL, MAYBE I HAVE A TIME OR TWO.) I do know it’s true that a lot of people have trouble cutting homemade bread because some of those people live in my house.

First of all, you need the right tool. A good bread knife has a serrated edge and is long enough to cut all the way across the loaf. No smooth knives. No short serrated knives. You want a nice, long serrated knife.
I have several bread knives.
This one is a Pampered Chef bread knife. It was a gift from a friend. See the fancy, swirly serrated edge?
But this old homely one is my favorite. If the house was burning down, I’d take this bread knife with me.
I’m just kidding. But I’d be sorry later that I hadn’t remembered it in the midst of disaster. I like the feel of it. I like the wooden handle. The other bread knives work just fine, but I almost never use them. I’ve been using this bread knife for 20 years. And it was old then. I don’t remember where it came from, but I want to be buried with it. (I’M JUST KIDDING.)

Here are my bread-cutting tips. Don’t cut the bread hot unless you have to. And honestly, I often have to. I mean, have you had fresh bread right out of the oven with butter melting on top?
If I’m going to cut hot bread right out of the oven, I will sometimes just go ahead and use my bread knife to cut off a piece or two on the end, risking life and limb and loaf-mashing.
It’s important to not press down on hot bread. Go at it carefully, lightly, and you will still probably mush it a little on the end but not too badly if you work it just right.
But don’t think about cutting the whole loaf that way when it’s hot. You’ll mash the whole thing. If you want to cut an entire loaf hot, get out the electric knife.
Mine is a Black & Decker. (It’s inexpensive–this one was about $10. It makes a great gift, by the way! It’s good for bread, meats, and lots of other things where you especially want thin or uniform slices. My mother bought this one for me.)
An electric knife not only allows you to cut hot bread without mashing it, you can also get very thin, even slices that are perfect for sandwiches. (With either hot or cooled bread, thin sandwich slices are most easily achieved with an electric knife.)

Cutting with an electric knife doesn’t require you to put any but the most minimal pressure on the loaf. I touch the loaf just enough to hold it steady in place, with my fingertips on the sides of the loaf and not touching the top of the loaf at all, and let the electric blades do the work.
When you first start to make each slice, go at it a little bit from the side, not quite straight across the top.
Once you get in there, then straighten up the knife and slice it straight down.
There’s nothing like an electric knife for perfect sandwich slices.
If I’m cutting bread for toast or for dinner slices, I just cut fat, lovely slices with my bread knife–after the loaf has cooled. I’ve never had trouble with mashing cooled bread while slicing. I cut cooled bread with a bread knife with the same technique I use with an electric knife. Put minimal pressure on the loaf, fingertips lightly on the sides, start in a little at an angle then straighten up to finish the slice.

Avoid ever placing your hand down on top of bread–hot or cooled–while slicing. That’s what children and men tend to do. They think they need to take control of the loaf as if it might escape and run away to the circus. The bread’s not going anywhere. It wants you to eat it. That’s what it’s here for. Be gentle. Be one with the bread. Be the bread.
Got any more bread questions? I’ll answer bread questions today! (I’ll be in and out today, so check back later if I don’t answer right away.)

*Learn how to make Grandmother Bread here.


  1. Lacey says:

    Love it! I thought I was the only one who could ruin a perfectly lovely loaf of grandmother bread just by trying to cut it. Thanks so much for the tips.

  2. Cheryl says:

    Duh! I never thought of using the electric knife. Thank you!

  3. Mariah says:

    Your bread is beautiful! I’m the one who asked a couple of weeks ago about making the bread less dense. Still working on it…I will succeed eventually! I’m determined! One day mine will be like yours! :hungry: These pics make my mouth water!

  4. Christine R says:

    I must say I have to agree with Cheryl! I never would’ve thought of using an electric knife either! I’ve had a Black and Decker one for years and hardly ever use it! This will no longer be the case! I’ve often looked at the picture of the perfectly sliced Grandmother Bread with envy as mine has never ONCE been sliced properly… lol. Looks like I will be baking more bread tomorrow just to try this out (… yeah, that’s it… not because it’s just totally delicious!) Thanks again!

  5. Kathleen says:

    Gotta love that electric knife! My husband didn’t think I should use it on anything but meat, but I worked in a bakery and the bread slicing machine is basically just a whole lot of nicely-serrated-electric-powered-blades in a frame! Suzanne, your bread is yummy!

  6. Tracey In Paradise,Pa. says:

    :dancingmonster: Electric knife!! Great idea!! Wonder if its to late to ask Santa? ๐Ÿ˜‰
    Thanks for all the great info!!
    Granny Trace

  7. Claudia says:

    Oh, can I have that slice with all the butter!!! :yes: Thank you for sharing your techniquc for a very valid question. :shimmy:

  8. Barbara says:

    While I have a bread cutting knife you just reminded me that I want a new one for Christmas…..grin…..Oh yeah,I always see bread knives for sale at yard sales.

  9. Nancy says:

    I flip the bread over and cut from the bottom. It’s less crusty and somehow easier to cut. Sometimes when I’m being fancy, I turn it on its side ๐Ÿ™‚ .

    Also, for the person who wanted a less dense bread, for some reason I have a Grandmother’s bread recipe which I printed out, and it called for 6 cups of flour. So, I’ve been using that for over a year, and used to mutter about the sticky dough. I ended up putting parchment paper in the bread pans because I got tired of scrubbing the pans. ANYWAY, there is point to my rambling. The bread turned out great, and my husband loves it. So, reduce your flour. Hope it works out for you.

    (Loved the year in review.)


  10. Sarah says:

    Great info. My sweet Hubby bought me a nice bread knife for our anniversary last year. It is used exclusively for cutting my weekly bread. But, now I want an electric knife!! Hubby’s one complaint about my bread is that he likes it thinner than I can cut manually. Maybe for my birthday. :eating:

  11. Box Call says:

    Hot buttered bread is a necessity for civilized mankind. Like you I always cut the “heels” off and then let the bread cool down before slicing further. Real butter on those warm heels of bread are heavenly.

  12. Johanna says:

    Years ago I asked my family for a quality serrated knife for Christmas. My mother (not so interested in the kitchen) couldn’t understand, and I had to really emphasize “don’t get me the five dollar special at Marshall’s!”

    They came through and ever since I’ve loved that knife!

  13. lisa brawner says:

    i also :clover: have trouble cutting bread…this really helps out alot..

  14. trish says:

    I have the Pampered Chef bread knife and I love it. Now I will go out and get an electric knife. I always wondered how you got such perfect sandwhich slices.

    Thanks for the tutorial. The shot with the butter on the bread had me drooling.

  15. carol says:

    Oh gee, THANKS, Suzanne….I’m at the office now, far from anywhere that might have a slice of home made bread, and what do I see first thing??? That luscious piece of thick bread slathered with melting butter. I can’t even run to Mc D’s for a ridiculously inadequate sausage biscuit.
    I’m not a bread baker but I’m going to give it a shot with your Grandmother’s Bread. My husband bakes sometimes….whole wheat bread that’s healthy. Kinda. But his loaves turn out extremely dense, not salty enough and only about 2 inches tall. Not bad tasting but not good for sandwiches. Got any whole wheat recipes?
    Okay…working again WITHOUT bread!

  16. WatkinsGal says:

    “Mom, will you cut me a slice of bread?”…I hear that almost daily! Last night I used child mutilated bread as bread crumb topping on a casserole. I keep a bag of child mutilated bread for making homemade croutons too. The child mutilated bread slice often starts at the upper crust as a normal slice and then reaches 3 to 4 inches at the bottom…the next slice is then overcompensated, starting out normal and gets shaved paper thin about halfway through the slice. I often find my son eating open faced peanut butter and jelly sandwhiches with a fork. I am making all three kids read this post!!!

    I use the Pampered Chef knife and basically cut just like you Suzanne. Never thought of using an electric knife as we just cut off the loaf what we need at that time. Might try it next time we have sandwiches.

  17. Lisa T. says:

    Great post, thank you!

    Oh, and you DO know there is a song about leaving the Christmas lights up on the front porch all year long–don’t you? Embrace your inner redneck, Suzanne.


  18. K. Wright says:

    How do you store your bread? I love your Grandmother Bread! I make it quite a bit actually but am on the fence about whether to store in the fridge or in a ziploc on the counter.

    • Suzanne McMinn says:

      I store homemade bread in a Ziploc baggie. I would just leave it on the counter but I have a cat or three that LOVE bread and will jump on the counter and chew through plastic to get to it, so I store in the cabinet. But–room temperature, not in the fridge. Bread doesn’t last that long around here. I won’t use bread over three days old anyway. No point eating stale bread! I can just make more! I give three-day-old bread (when it occasionally occurs) to the chickens or the goats. If you find your bread lasts too long, just make one loaf at a time. Fresh bread is always best! If you want to make more bread at a time but won’t use it quickly enough, the fridge is fine or also you can go ahead and slice it all up and freeze it in Ziploc baggies and just take out a few slices at a time. I’ve done that occasionally and it’s really handy! It doesn’t take long for slices to thaw–I put them right in the toaster!

  19. Yvonne says:

    Thank you so much for this post. I too have problems cutting my bread, even though I do have a really good bread knife. Never thought about an electric knife. I have one, but where is the problem. I will have to find it and start using it. Thanks Suzanne.

  20. CindyP says:

    ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† It’s that way here, too. But I say just go for it, you can do it!! They have to learn sometime and I can easily make another loaf! Most of the time, the last hunk of bread is 3″ at the top and 1″ at the bottom, but oh well! I have an electric knife…so I gave my good bread knife to DD, she was in tears because her bread was always smushed and didn’t look pretty (she was pregnant at the time, so bread cutting was VERY important to her! ๐Ÿ˜† )

    What I’ve found to work wonderfully, is the meat slicer!! Mine has broken, but it worked great when I used it! I would slice the whole loaf up in the thickness I wanted, then bag it! You just have to let it smoothly go through, no pushing like a chunk of meat.

  21. Marla says:

    I sure remember my dad saying, “Go get the saw knife!” We had one special bread knife that was used for a lifetime! My mother could cut all the slices the same size. I can’t; but, I guess, my mother had years of practice. I too love the picture of the melting butter on the bread…it would taste so good with my coffee right now! :hungry2:

  22. SkippyMom says:

    Suzanne I think you just single handledly upped the sales of electric knives ๐Ÿ˜‰

    I have always used a serrated or electric -and tried to avoid cutting it when it is hot, but dangit that is too darn hard. And the first pic’ [with the butter] has me getting up to make grandmother bread. Thanks!

  23. Chic says:

    I haven’t bought bread for a couple of months…it’s hard to go back once you’ve started making Grandmother Bread! We have a bread knife but use the electric knife if we want to cut a lot of slices off a fresh warm loaf….I get the heel!!! The last batch I made I made with oil and egg and 2 cups of whole wheat flour and some enhancer…it turned out really good but now I don’t know which ingredient made the most difference! Oh well…it was fun experimenting. My chickens LOVE the homemade bread leftovers. :hungry2:

  24. NorthCountryGirl says:

    I agree. The best knife to use is an electric knife. However, finding it and putting it together usually means I don’t use it too much. My favorite knife is a Santoku knife I bought on a trip to Phoenix. I use a steel to hone the blade and cut lightly through fresh baked bread that has cooled. The bread should be cool or you end up with mashed bread. The blade on this knife isn’t serrated but, believe it or not, it does cut better than a serrated knife. Works for me! But I agree with Suzanne. That hot bread out of the oven just begs to be trimmed on the end and slathered with butter and honey. Yum!

  25. Billy says:

    Every thing you write about bread is my latest favorite post. Making bread seems so spiritual to me. I always have an attitude of gratitude – it just comes naturally when I begin bread.

  26. Sheryl - Runningtrails says:

    Very interesting post! I have an electric knife and never considered using it for bread. Actually, I haven’t used it for anything for years. I have to get it out.

    “Be the bread”. LOL! You are so funny sometimes! I laughed at that. Thank you.

  27. Debnfla3 says:

    My electric knife broke this past Thanksgiving. So I now need to buy another one because I used it for every thing. I have have a long serrated knife I use just for bread slicing but nothing can beat the ease of slicing with that electric knife!

    I need to remember this the next time I go to Wal-mart.


  28. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    I use my electric knife too. It’s the only thing I use for slicing homemade bread. Learned that from my mom!

  29. B. Ruth says:

    “Best thing invented since sliced bread”……

    Now what in the world would that be?

    I’m sure you can come up with something! LOL


  30. Jo says:

    “child mutilated bread” ๐Ÿ˜† ๐Ÿ˜† That is hilarious, WatkinsGal. ๐Ÿ˜† For me, it would be “mom mutilated bread”…. But now! Thanks to Suzanne, I am going out to be cutting bread like a pro! :eating:

  31. Emily says:

    OH! That’s my email! I feel so special…..and no longer alone!

    One thing I did to try and solve my problem was make loaves in the mini loaf pan. You know…lesss distance to go from top to bottom=less smushing. My kids are still young and can’t eat a whole Grandmother Bread Sandwich, so I make really cute mini-sandwiches….but I want REAL sandwiches. Electric knife? No kidding. Maybe someone still needs to get me a present for Christams…..

    Thank you Suzanne!!! You made my day!

  32. Angie says:

    I can’t cut fresh bread without an electric knife. I’m a bread-cutting moron with a knife – it’s no longer bread when I get done with it.

  33. anni says:

    I have the Pampered Chef knife as well but it’s about 5 years old, and I think it’s getting dull. I know now what I’m going to ask for for Christmas. Any brand recommendations for electric knives??

  34. Camille says:

    Bwwwaaahaha…be the bread. Love it Suzanne.

  35. Kim W says:

    I’ve made our own bread for years, now – flaxseed bread, especially since we’re all girls except my sweet, long-suffering hubby (even the dog’s a girl!). Flaxseed meal (NOT seeds) have great benefit for everyone’s health but most particularly for women. Anyway…I have an electric bread knife, but it just doesn’t do the trick – leaves my bread w/jagged edges instead of smooth slices. MY FAVORITE KNIFE is my Pampered Chef knife!! Oh my. Not having 1 of those wonderful hand-me-down country knives (which now that I think about it is odd, b/c I have so many of gr-ma’s kitchen items), THIS does the trick every time! Nice, smooth, thin slices suitable for the best sandwiches & dessert breads. :hungry:

    I also agree w/you about using Dough Enhancer…a MUST.

    Blessings from Ohio…

  36. Pat says:

    Oh you’re lucky as I am and you got the old bread slicing machine from your grandmother. It’s wood, of course and it has this great handle and still the original blade, which works great!

    I was watching a documentary yesterday about the villages in Germany, where the women (again) come together once a week or every 2-3 weeks and bake together their bread in their special breadbaking oven, that is only build for that purpose. There aren’t a lot builder left who can build one like that. It was very interesting and makes myself want one too ๐Ÿ™‚
    Also about the former teacher who gives classes to adults all around the world and esp. to children about baking bread.
    I really have to bake bread today.
    But they all had one in common, they use a lot of rye, less wheat.
    And their was one woman, she bakes bread at home in her electric oven and she uses some kind of stone she bakes on it, so the bread gets the texture and the allround like being baked in one of the big village woodburning bread ovens. Her stone is made out of fireclay, but she says you can use hotchpotch as well
    Did you ever tried that?

  37. Pat says:

    I meant to write “IF you’re lucky as I am”… ๐Ÿ™‚ it’s still early in the morning and I didn’t have any coffee yet….

  38. Myrna Mackenzie says:

    Oh, the how to hold the bread discussion! My husband and I are both lefties, but we have an ongoing…um…discussion about which direction to face the bread once a slice is gone. I hold with my left hand and cut with my right, bread facing to my right. He holds the bread with his right and cuts with his left, bread facing left. Sometimes when we’re taste testing a new loaf, the bread spins from right to left a lot. ๐Ÿ˜†

    I’ve never been much of a baker, but all this bread talk has inspired me to return to natural and bake my own. Plus, my son is dating a great girl who has celiac disease, so I’m venturing forth into the world of learning to bake bread without gluten, so no wheat, rye or barley. When I find what works best, I’ll post to the forum, just in case someone else is interested.

    And on the electric knife? I think I sold mine at a garage sale! :help: Maybe if I’m lucky, I’ll find another one at a garage sale (maybe even the one I sold). ๐Ÿ˜ฎ Now for some bread! :chef:

  39. brenda harmon says:

    I started making Grandmother bread about 3 months ago and haven’t bought bread since. At first my kids wanted store bought bread because my slices were so thick. I searched your bread making posts and there it was about using an electric knife. You saved the day. Not one complaint since. I bake 2 loaves of bread every Sunday for the week. After the bread is cooled I slice both loaves and keep one out for lunches and freeze the other loaf. I freeze the loaf in a bread bag and a freezer ziploc bag. This bread freezes great.

  40. Vicki in Michigan says:

    I learned how to cut nice even slices back in the day when we had a metal toaster with reflective sides. I could watch what was happening in back, and in front, at the same time……….

    I suggest practicing with a mirror. You get an idea how it feels to cut it straight, and then are better able to do so without a reflection of the other side of the loaf.

    ps — impossible to cut a lot of neat slices when the bread is hot!
    Of *course* it is necessary to eat some when it is hot ๐Ÿ™‚ , but don’t expect neat slices. Once it is cool, then you can try for neat slices. ๐Ÿ™‚

  41. brenda harmon says:

    Myrna I don’t know anything about celiac disease, but my friend is allergic to wheat and has found that she can grind her own oats and use that to make bread, pancakes and such baking items. Just a thought.

  42. Patricia D. says:

    I love the peek of the popcorn, dried orange slices and perhaps cranberry string in the background of one of your photos. Charming. Take care,

  43. Debbie in PA says:

    I have such a craving for homemade bread right now! I can almost smell it!

    It’s been a long time since I baked bread, but I think I will be trying out your recipes with the kids help over Christmas break. Yum….can hardly wait!

  44. Barbee' says:

    What a splendid idea for a post! So helpful, and with helpful photos, as well as, beautiful ones. Lovely, Suzanne. Now, I’m hungry :hungry:

  45. debbie says:

    Oh my, so headed to the kitchen, right now!

  46. Mary says:

    I made your grandmother bread for the first time this weekend. All I had was a 50/50 whole white and white flour. It was fine with the first rise but when I punched it down, worked more flour in, and put in two loaf pans it never seemed to rise a second time. Hmmm–would an enhancer have helped? It tasted fine, although a little heavy. Will make it again but with all white flour. Thanks for sharing–I love your blog and read it every day. I want a goat.

    • Suzanne McMinn says:

      How much flour did you work in? I just use enough to keep it from sticking when I punch it down and shape it. Was it cold in your house? It could be one of several different things. (Could even be bad yeast–though not likely since it rose the first time.)

  47. BuckeyeGirl says:

    The enhancer is a MUST when using whole wheat flour IMO. I like the heavier texture fine for a ‘tea’ bread and to put spreads and such on, but for sandwich bread etc, the dough enhancer is a godsend!!! I simply won’t go without it anymore since I try to use a lot more whole wheat or multi-grains in my breads nowadays. I’ve learned how much better it is for diabetic or borderline diabetics to have as much whole grains as possible! (and to help keep the rest of us from developing diabetes too!!!)

  48. Myrna Mackenzie says:

    Brenda, thank you for the tip on grinding oats. That helps. Most of the gluten-free bread I’ve bought in the stores is very dry and crumbly and not bread-like at all. I did find a recipe for dinner rolls made with corn starch and rice flour that turned out great (even those who can eat gluten liked them), but the oats will probably work better for bread, and doing the grinding myself may be a must to avoid cross-contamination.

  49. SuseM says:

    Hmmm, I wonder if my hubby will let me leave the clinic to go home and make bread today??? Probably not! :hissyfit: Oh, well! I will just have to bake some bread this weekend!

    I love to slice bread with the electric knife. Sure makes it a lot easier. Guess I should give my mother-in-law’s bread knife back to her. ๐Ÿ˜‰

  50. catslady says:

    I remember my grandmother’s homemade italian bread with real butter yummmmmmmm.

    A little off topic but about knives – my mother was always afraid of knives and my sister is just like her so her two kids grew up that way. My daughter just had a party and her husband took out her new SCARY knife and you would have thought it was the shower scene in psyco lol. How any of them cook without a nice set of knives is beyond me roflmao.

  51. kd says:

    Oh, those lights most certainly MUST stay up all year! They are beautiful!

    On another subject: I made your Iron Pan Candy (delicious, by the way) and I’m wondering… Mine turned out not as hard as a Heath bar and not as soft as caramel…is that the way it’s supposed to be?

    Also…once it had set, I melted two cups of chocolate chips (over a double boiler) and then spread it on top of the candy and sprinkled w/nuts. yum!!

  52. Julie Harward says:


  53. Julie Harward says:


  54. Miss Becky says:

    wow, great bread-slicing instructions Suzanne. I have never had a problem with slicing my loaves of Grandmother bread, but I have had a problem with finding a ziploc bag large enough to fit the entire loaf and then zip closed. I finally found the 2-gallon size with snowflakes printed on them which leads me to believe that they are a holiday item and will disappear after the holidays. So….I am buying several boxes to stock up in case that happens. I can’t live w/o Grandmother bread now! :yes: :happyflower:

  55. Euni Moore says:

    This is for Mariah: If the humidity is low bread does not take as much flour as it does when the humidity is high. On the West Coast I had to use more flour than I do here in high, dry Colorado. Too much flour will make a very heavy, dense bread. Thanks Suzanne for the tip about the electric knife. Maybe now I can get even slices instead of small at the top of the slice and wide at the bottom! LOL.

  56. Betty says:

    I agree, a electric bread knife is the greatest thing to slice homemade bread!! When all the kids were still home and I baked all our bread, I would bake bread once a week, let it cool and slice it all up with the knife and then resemble the loaf and freeze it, was so easy to just take a loaf out of the freezer and pop off a couple of slices, much easier then trying to quickly cut a slice from a frozen loaf. Suzanne you are the greatest, your recipes..your advice, have given your web site to kids and grandsons to check out as with your step by step pictures they can easily use the recipes. Thank-you!!

  57. Kim W says:

    P.S…Just wanted to let you know that I’m now blogging on I will keep my around for a while. I hope you can fit some time in to vist as you can.

    Blessings from Ohio, Kim W

  58. JOJO says:

    :woof: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman:
    What a timely post!
    I have the same problem, so I have ask “Big Santa” for an electric knife. It will be nice to have square sandwiches again.
    Thank you,
    :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman: :snowman:

  59. JOJO says:

    If you are near an Aldi’s store, they have wonderful 2 gallon freezer bags that are very reasonable. I use them to store anything that comes in a bag ar box that will fit into the bags. It keeps every thing, even boxes of cereal nice and fresh.

  60. Jo says:

    Guess what I did after work?

    Stopped at Wal-mart and picked up a $10 electric knife. :shimmy: :happyflower:

  61. Judy@daily yarns says:

    I noticed all your knives are serrated. We found when cutting my husbands bread that the serrated are the only knives that will cut it decently. Tho we never tried our electric knife.

  62. Valerie says:

    This post could’ve been written for me. I have observed you nice even straight slices of Grandmother Bread and have coveted them. Mine are so crooked and pathetic, albeit wonderful tasting. Thanks for a great post!

  63. CeeCee says:

    Great, now my keyboard is all wet from me salivating. ๐Ÿ™‚

    It’s funny you said, “if the house was burning down, I’d take this knife…” Just the other day I told my hubby, “If the house is burning down, be sure to grab these two cookie sheets.” They are old and perfectly seasoned. Beautiful and brown and perfect for roasting veggies.
    Along the same vein, I was told by an elderly woman in New Orleans that the only thing she really, really misses from her old house (blown away in Katrina) is her grandmother’s cast iron skillet.

  64. 5kathleen2 says:

    The only way I can cut bread is using the electric knife. I have made your Grandmother bread, its wonderful. I want to make the whole wheat bread which I have never tried. I am afraid of it, ๐Ÿ˜ฎ perhaps if I buy some enhancer it will be nice and light. I will be brave and try it soon! :chef:

  65. Amber says:

    You crack me up, ๐Ÿ˜† “Be the bread”. I have that same Pampered Chef knife. When you get invited to one of those parties you have to buy something, and I needed a bread knife. It works well. My sister-in-law swears by her electric knife for cutting almost everything. Now I have two people telling me that, maybe it’s time to buy one.

  66. Melinda in Washington State says:

    Thanks for the post on bread knives. I never thought of using my electric knife. Guess I better find it.

  67. Ulrike says:

    Very helpful! Thanks. ๐Ÿ™‚

  68. easygoingmama says:

    Love this post!! I asked for an electric knife for Christmas, and been hoping it would make all the difference in the world when it came to the size of my slices. I’m happy to hear it will.

  69. mommafox says:

    Just wanted to say I was surprised no one had menioned the Adirondack Bow Knife for cutting hot bread. I got mine at the Tamarack in Beckley, W. Va. They are made somewhere in W. Va. from native woods. Mine has a black walnut handle. I would never use another knife. The blade is super sharp so it is not to be used by any ‘wooseys’. You can slice a tomatoe so thin you can almost read through it. All kidding aside, it is a great knife, and can be found right in your area. Happy bread baking!! Oh, by the way, I have never been a ‘from scratch’ bread maker, but it’s number 1 thing to do after the Holidays. I’m retired now, so I can play all I want to :snoopy: :snoopy: :snoopy:

  70. chef tom beckman says:

    finally, someone who knows how important cutting the bread is to the presentation of the bread. thanks!

    Chef Tom Beckman

  71. Emily says:

    Ahhhh….at last. I got a new bread knife for Christmas. We’ve been in and out of town so I haven’t had the time to make or eat bread. But this weekend my Grandparents, sister and brother-in-law came to visit and I…needed to make grandmother bread for sandwiches. I made the bread, let it cool, put it in the bread slicer thingy, got my new knife, and visualized the perfect slice out come. I became one with the bread. I entered the dining room with a tray full of perfectly sliced, beautiful, perfectly textured, sliced and wonderful smelling bread. They loved me. I loved me. We loved my bread….and I, my new kinfe.

  72. Patchkat ~Susan in TX says:

    Thank you. I have an old trusty bread knife too…but my slices always look mauled…certainly NEVER uniformly cut! I can see I need to invest in another electric knife!

  73. Sheila says:

    I usually make up a couple of loaves because sometimes bread does go fast around here and sometimes it doesn’t , I’ll keep one loaf in the fridge and put the rest in our deep freezer :). I may have to see if I can convince hubby to get me an electric knife for christmas because I mangle my bread sometimes too LOL.

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