Make It Quick with Caerphilly


Caerphilly (pronounced CAR-filly) is a cute little town in Wales with a massive 13th-century castle. It’s also a cute little cheese that is aged in less than 3 weeks. That’s even quicker than Farmhouse Cheddar! [Insert Suzanne throwing Farmhouse Cheddar recipe out window.] Actually, Caerphilly is a farmhouse-style cheese and has some things in common with Farmhouse Cheddar, including the short aging time and the cheddar-like qualities. It is a creamy but sharp cheese that originated as a staple in coal miners’ lunch pails. It wasn’t made in Caerphilly, but was sold at market there, giving it its name.

Several people have suggested Caerphilly to me recently. There is Caerphilly in the air! I decided this must be my next cheese in my cheese challenge for New England Cheesemaking!

In researching Caerphilly recipes, I found the most common recipe sprinkled about the internet on cheesemaking blogs is one adapted with slight variations from Making Artisan Cheese by Tim Smith. You can read an excellent post about that recipe here on the New England Cheesemaking blog (with videos). Like most cheeses, there’s more than one way to make a Caerphilly cheese, so I chose to tackle a recipe I found in 200 Easy Homemade Cheese Recipes, intrigued by this recipe’s inclusion of aroma mesophilic. The recipe in this book was for four gallons of milk. You can’t always just cut a cheese recipe in half, so I consulted with New England Cheesemaking and relied on their advice in adapting this recipe to the size most preferred for the average home cheesemaker who doesn’t want to make a mammoth cheese. Some of the instructions in this book were also on the vague side. Again, I relied on the cheesemaking experts at NEC to steer me in the right direction.

If you’ve never tried Caerphilly, you could start with either this recipe or the Tim Smith version you can find at the NEC post (link above). If you’ve already tried the Tim Smith recipe, do give this one a whirl! With the addition of the aroma meso, it’s a creamier, more buttery take on Caerphilly.

If using store-bought pasteurized milk, for a two gallon recipe, you may want/need to add 1/4 teaspoon calcium chloride diluted in 1/4 cup cool water to the recipe. This will help the curds to set properly. See more about milk for cheesemaking here.

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How to make Caerphilly:

2 gallons whole milk (cow or goat milk)
1/4 teaspoon direct-set mesophilic starter
1/4 teaspoon flora danica*
1/2 teaspoon liquid rennet (or 1/2 rennet tablet) diluted in 1/4 cup cool, unchlorinated water
cheese salt for brine

*You can use all regular mesophilic starter instead of half and half with the flora danica, but adding a portion of this special mesophilic starter (also known as aroma mesophilic) will give you a lighter texture and more butter-like flavor.

One-quarter teaspoon is approximately half of one of the little direct-set mesophilic packets. Carefully stir up the contents of the packet before measuring out the starter to be sure you get an even distribution of the culture.

Step 1. Heat the milk to 90-degrees F, stirring gently. Turn off heat.

Step 2. Sprinkle the meosphilic and flora danica cultures over the surface of the milk.

Let stand for several minutes to rehydrate then stir thoroughly.

Cover and allow milk to ripen for 30 minutes.

Step 3. Add diluted calcium chloride, if using.

Step 4. Make sure temperature is 90 degrees. Add heat briefly if necessary. Add diluted rennet, stirring gently with an up-and-down motion. Cover and let sit for 45 minutes or until the curds give a clean break.

Step 5. Cut curds into 1/2-inch cubes. Let curds sit for 5 minutes.

It’s always difficult to get a photo of what “clean break” is. Here, I lifted some curds with a slotted spoon.

See how the curds retain their shape? If you have a clean break, you should be able to lift up some cut curds and they won’t slide back together in a milky mess, they’ll hold their shape. If you try to cut your curds and they keep sliding back together, your curds aren’t ready. (If you find that you regularly can’t get curds to hold their shape, you probably need to start using calcium chloride in your cheeses.)

Step 6. Return pot to low heat and warm curds to 95-degrees, stirring gently and continuously. This should take 30 minutes. Adjust heat as necessary to make sure it takes the entire time to reach 95. Do not heat too quickly. Turn off heat; cover and let sit for 45 minutes. When you look again, you’ll see the curds have been expelling the whey. The first time I ever saw curds and whey, I felt like I’d done a magic trick.

Step 7. Drain off whey.

Step 8. Line a 2-pound mold with cheesecloth and fill with curds. Press at 10 pounds for 30 minutes.

A big pot in the sink and a cheese press draining beside it–that’s a cheesemaking kitchen for you!

Step 9. Remove cheese from mold. Peel away cheesecloth, turn cheese over, and redress it. Press overnight (or about 12 hours) at 15 pounds pressure.

If you’re not sure if your cheese is pressed adequately, checking the weight is a guide.

This one checks in just under 2 pounds, the expected weight, so that looks good.

I’m slightly obsessive about cheesecloth imprints, so I usually put my cheeses back in the press for an hour or so–without cheesecloth–at the end of the pressing time just to smooth out the wrinkles a bit.

Wrinkles slightly smoothed out:

Another of the differences in this Caerphilly recipe than some others is the use of brine rather than adding salt to the cheese.

Step 10. Make a brine using cheese salt and cold water. The standard measurements for a brine are one gallon of water to 2 pounds of cheese salt. I make a reduced quantity of brine using that same ratio. (You could either make a full size brine and re-use it for more cheeses, or make a reduced brine based on the same ratio so that you aren’t using so much cheese salt. I prefer to not store brine since my fridge space is at a premium, so I take the latter approach.) Soak cheese in the brine solution for about 24 hours, turning once.

Step 11. Remove cheese from brine. Dry on a cheese mat at room temperature for 2-3 days, turning once or twice a day, until fairly dry to the touch.

Step 12. Wax, or allow to develop a natural rind. Age at 50- to 54-degrees for 2-3 weeks.

Yield: 2 pounds.

My experience: Caerphilly is an even quicker alternative to longer-aged cheeses than Farmhouse Cheddar. I think it has more flavor than Farmhouse Cheddar, and a nicer consistency. (Moist, like a Gouda, not crumbly like Farmhouse Cheddar.) It only takes a couple of hours to go from the pot to the press, so what’s not to love? Leaves were historically used to wrap many cheeses to protect cheese during aging and transport. Caerphilly was often wrapped in cabbage leaves, so that’s what I did with mine.

A conversation piece in your cheese cave!

I used Savoy cabbage leaves, washed and thoroughly air-dried. I wrapped the leaves around the cheese and tied it on with twine. You can do this just for presentation and serving, or throughout the short aging time of this cheese.

It’s a cheese pretty enough to kiss!

Seriously, this is the best cheese I’ve made so far, in both consistency and taste. It’s delicious, and it was hard to believe it was only aged for 2 weeks.

I haven’t tried this cheese without the addition of the aroma meso, and I won’t because along with the buttery flavor, I suspect the aroma meso and the brining gives this cheese the Cheddar-crossed-by-Gouda texture and taste. And you get it QUICK!!!

See how to make a homemade cheese press here. The spring-loaded press I use now can be found here.

See how I made my cheese cave here.

See all my posts in Cheesemaking here.

I get my supplies here.

This is my cow.

To help you get started making cheese, New England Cheesemaking is providing a package including (value of each item in parentheses): a hard cheese mold ($15.95), mesophilic culture ($5.95), veal rennet ($6.50), flora danica culture ($15.95), cheesecloth ($5.95), cheese salt ($2.95), and calcium chloride ($4.95). The total value of the package is $58.20. Note: This giveaway is open to U.S. residents only. (P.S. Or at least a U.S. shipping address. You can have a friend or relative send it on to you if they have a U.S. shipping address.)

For a chance to win: Leave a comment on this post and let me know you want it. ONE winner will be drawn by random comment number to receive the package. Eligible entry cut-off is midnight Eastern (U.S.) time tomorrow night (May 16). This post will be updated with the winner by 9 a.m. Eastern (U.S.) time on Tuesday (May 17). Return to this post to claim your prize!

You must be registered to comment. If you’re not registered, you can register here. If you’re already registered but not logged in, go here to log in.

UPDATE 05/17/11: The winning comment number, drawn by, is comment #76, hansbrough. Email me at [email protected] with your full name and address for shipping!



  1. dgkritch says:

    Yes please!
    What are the odds, I wonder, of post #1 coming up in the drawing?

  2. mommafox says:

    If #1 isn’t the lucky number maybe #2 will be. I WANT TO MAKE CHEESE!!!!! :hungry: :hungry:

  3. Blessings says:

    OH I would LOVE to win this!

  4. barefootkitchenwitch says:

    Can’t believe the timing on this giveaway – I just made a list yesterday of the cheeses I make through this spring/summer/fall, and a list of ingredients I don’t currently have. I would love to win this!

  5. CindyP says:

    Would love to win the kit!! Thank you Suzanne and NEC!

  6. doxie says:

    I’d love to win this package, so I could try this cheese! It does sound yummy, and the best part is the short aging time!! 🙂

  7. judydee says:

    Would love to win everything in one package. Please enter me. And thanks for bravely forging ahead and making everything look so do-able.

  8. mub says:

    Gosh I think even I could pull this cheese off! Fingers crossed =D

  9. shannan says:

    I would love to win this and start making cheese!!!

  10. debg says:

    WOW! what a wonderful cheese. I would love to win this kit.

  11. djbrown says:

    I would love a cheese kit!!! One day I may even win one! I really need to quit my day job, there are just so many things I would love to do and try, but just not enought time.

    I’m thinking fried ravioli today – what do you thing?


  12. Leila says:

    I LOVE caerphilly! I’d love to win it, thanks for the chance!

  13. Leah's Mom says:

    Yay – You made Caerphilly!!! (And I’m NOT surprised that you like it better than farmhouse cheddar. This was definitely a “find” for me!!!!)

    Sign me up, please :moo:

  14. Leah's Mom says:

    PS: Don’t forget we have the “Tim Smith Adaptation” recipe for Caerphilly over on Farmbell:

  15. lauren says:

    Enter me please 🙂 I love making my own ricotta cheese, the hard cheeses scare me but this one looks pretty easy 🙂 Thanks

  16. renee on the move says:

    Please enter me for the kit.

  17. mrsmeeeow says:

    mmmm…easy cheesy! I’d love to win this kit!

  18. cms3q says:

    Count me in. I would love to receive this package!

  19. MandyD says:

    Thank you so much for a post on Caerphilly cheese! You must have read my mind because I want to try that next 😆 The only thing that could make me happier now is winning the giveaway! Thanks for the chance to enter.


  20. Busy Solitude Farm says:

    I want to make cheese, please!

  21. gaea303 says:

    Hey Suzanne – I think I HAVE to win this because I’ve just started making mozzarella (and doing very badly, by the way….) and also ’cause my birthday is Tuesday! Anyway, put me in!

  22. northwindmom says:

    I have been wanting to be brave enough to try making cheese but didn’t trust my lack of knowledge enough to make the $$ investment. Thanks to your tutorials and chance to win this kit — it might be do-able !!

  23. rurification says:

    Count me in! I’d love to win this!

  24. kellytorrey says:

    Suzanne, I was wondering if you’ve cooked with this cheese yet, and if so is it a melty, gooey kinda cheese or does it stay crumbly when heated like feta? I would love to win this giveaway!

  25. Blyss says:

    That looks delicious! I would love to win and see! Thanks Suzanne and NEC for the opportunities!

  26. Pete says:

    Now this sounds like my kind of cheese! Would LOVE to win the kit, of course. Perhaps that would finally get us into making actual cheese instead of just talking about it??

  27. Abby's Mom says:

    My Grandfather was a Welsh coal miner & he remembers this cheese. I would love to learn to make it, and many more! :wave:

  28. langela says:

    Cheesemaking is next on my list of things to learn. I’d love to win!

  29. Valerie says:

    Oh PLEASE sign me up for this. I have cheese wax, now I need the rest! You are the BEST!

  30. Chixsinger says:

    I’ve been following your blog on Facebook for a while. Just joined as a new member on the website. I am a city girl slowing being converted to country life by my husband. He wants to us to get started in cheesemaking and today’s recipe sounds like a great opportunity! I am excited about the possibilities. Put me in the drawing for the cheesemaking gear. We are ready to try it! THANKS for the interesting articles and photos! :sheepjump:

  31. mommy2jj says:

    I would love to win this. I have a full shopping cart at New England and haven’t paid for it yet. This would be wonderful.

  32. SterlingME says:

    Count me in! I’d love to try it :hungry:

  33. ronmilewski says:

    Ready to start making cheese so please sign me up for this drawing. I live in Costa Rica (have a US address!) now and am getting 2 milking goats next month. But we have good access to good fresh milk from cows and goats every day. And thanks for sharing so many good stories!

  34. TheresaC says:

    I’ve been making soft cheeses for a month or so and really enjoy the process as well as the outcome. I’m ready to move on to “hard” cheeses, and this looks like a perfeect first step. I’d love to win the kit! 🙂

  35. Luann says:


  36. cloudcruiser says:

    Please enter me! I love reading about your cheese challenge.

  37. tsmith says:

    I would love to win this!

  38. Hugh says:

    I’ve not heard of a cheese wrapped with a vegetable. I’d love to make this. I’m in.

  39. heidiannie says:

    Hey- that is a good looking cheese. I love your tutorials- step by step is about the only way I would even try to make this!
    I’d love to win the cheese kit.
    Thanks for the opportunity!

  40. Beecie says:

    Yes Please!! This is one I HAVE to try!

  41. cannedquilter says:

    I’d like to throw my name in that hat please! I think learning to make cheese might be a perfect summer learning project : )

  42. AmyFN says:

    Please enter me in the drawing. Can’t wait to impress my friends and family with this cheese!

  43. Matt Fitz says:

    Please pick me! i’ve been wanting to get back into cheese making after a long break and this recipe, with some new tools and fresh ingredients would really get me going again:) nice web site too!

  44. lavenderblue says:

    A little cheesy love. How cute. My husband would give me a great big smooch like you gave your cheese if I could make him a cute little cheese like that. Spread the love, Suzanne. Pick me.

    Of course, I’d give him a bigger smooch if he made me a cheese press. Or bought me a cow. Maybe. The man will do anything for cheese, I tell ya!

  45. PWKFarms says:

    Oh I’d love to win. What a wonderful recipe for all the lovely goat milk we have. 🙂 Thank you so much for posting.

  46. Danielle says:

    I want it. 😀

  47. annieodell says:

    oh i hope this is my lucky day! lucky to find this recipe either way!

  48. canandfreezeCR says:

    I want to make cheese!

  49. DebrafromMD says:

    I would love to try this cheese and the kit would really help.

  50. Digitaldurga says:

    Excellent timing! I’ve been pondering getting milk from my CSA and making my own hard cheeses, this would definitely be the kick in the pants I need to just try it!

  51. Sarah says:

    I want it LOL isn’t that what you said to say? Actually, more accurately I need it as my Jersey (first!) is coming home next week!

    Would love to win, and thanks for the opportunity!

  52. dropofkim says:

    That cheese sounds YUMMY! Sign me up please! :happybutterfly:

  53. tinamanley says:

    I made my first cheese this week – mozzarella. It was delicious and I’m now hooked on cheese-making. I would love the kit (and a cow)!


  54. remsalman says:

    I would love to try this, please sign me up.

  55. nutritionlady says:

    Have made ricotta previously. Would love to try this now.

  56. momtoadiva says:

    Enter me please – I would love to try cheesemaking 🙂

  57. 5kathleen2 says:

    This cheese sounds delicious! Would love the kit!!!!

  58. prayingpup says:

    I’ve never made cheese, but I’m ready to try. Please enter me. Thanks!

  59. giantveggiegardener says:

    I’m so excited to try this cheese now. Thanks for being the first for me, a novice cheesemaker. I always get intimidated by how long many cheeses take to cure and I’m afraid of it not being right after having to wait so long. Please enter me-I would love to to win! Thanks for doing Ricki’s cheese challenge and your blog-I love them both!

  60. Glenie says:

    I would love to win. I have been wanting to make cheese and this would be almost instant gratification cheese.

  61. barbinblackhoof says:

    caerphilly sounds like a great cheese for me – no attention span so don’t like long aging!
    please sign me up for the giveaway! thanks!

  62. Cheryl LeMay says:

    I would love it too! Count me in. Thanks

  63. hounddoggy says:

    MMmmmmmmm cheese. I’d love to try this and the kit would be a plus.

  64. tazitoo says:

    Oooh oooh oooh, I would love to win this!! :woof:

  65. mightyaphrodite says:

    I love Caerphilly! I’ve made this once before, not using flora danica, though, as I don’t have any. This version sounds really yummy. Will have to try it some time. Oh & the Fresh Herb Pull Apart Scones recipe in the Farm Bell Recipe forum is heavenly. Thanks for sharing!

  66. AutumpneReyn says:

    I’d love to win!

  67. farmershae says:

    That is just the cutest cheese ever! and seems relatively easy! Please enter me in the drawing.

  68. knititblack says:

    Oooh, yes please! 🙂 That cheese looks DELICIOUS!

  69. Nadeanne says:

    Enter me please…i wanna make some cheese!

  70. Nobarnfarm says:

    I would LOVE this prize package!! I am a homecheesemaker, who has fallen in love w/the 3 week cheddar and this looks like a great cheese too!

  71. 9djovh4l says:

    Please enter me in your “raffle” for the cheese kit. I’ve made many cheeses, but not for a long time, and would greatly enjoy doing it again – with your recipe of course.


  72. Kat43082 says:

    Please enter me. I need to try is cheese it sounds great. I think I need to place a new order with NEC if i don’t win.

  73. Rosemeri says:

    This looks really good and I would love to have a kit to make cheese at home.

  74. Em says:

    I would love a chance to win a cheese making kit…enter me please!

  75. Arras says:

    I NEED this kit. Have been longing to make an aged cheese for ages! LOL Arras

  76. hansbrough says:

    This cheese looks super fun! Hope I win!! 🙂

  77. Katsat says:

    Hoo boy! I keep trying to win one of these. Maybe this time is my lucky time? This cheese sounds great, and I really like the fact that it only ages for two weeks. That sounds like the perfect first hard cheese for me to try.

  78. aunque3 says:

    I’m just starting to get into cheese making and would love this kit to help me along.

  79. Windy Ridge Farm says:

    I love making cheese from our cows ~ Jubilee (Jersey), Laura (Holstein), Paige (Ashyire), and Swiss Miss (1/2 Swiss 1/2 Holstein) … this kit would be an exciting addition to my kitchen!

  80. luvthecountry says:

    Would love to win the cheesemaking kit!


  81. mightyaphrodite says:

    Oh, phooey! I’m #65 & I forgot to add, I would love to win this kit! Thanks.

  82. sueann37 says:

    I would love to have this kit. :sun:

  83. thebookelf says:

    This looks fabulous! Making this cheese is topping to do list. Thanks for the recipe and great photos.

  84. thebookelf says:

    I would love to win a kit! It would help making the cheese!

  85. whaledancer says:

    I wonder how the flavor would develop if you allowed to age more. I wonder if it would be like aged gouda, which I love.

  86. cole says:

    This sounds like a tasty and easy cheese to try, I would love the kit!

  87. sammyshmoo says:

    Oh WOW! Please enter me in cheese kit contest! First time posting -maybe I’ll have beginners luck!

  88. lifeisgood/ Melinda says:

    Please put my name in for the cheesemaking drawing! Thank you!

  89. sdcourtney says:

    I’d love to win this kit so I can try this cheese – put me in the ‘hat’ for the drawing please! (ha – didn’t know I was a poet)

  90. Katenhansen says:

    I totally would love to try this cheese. A kit would be so helpful!!

  91. beth648 says:

    Wow! Just found this blog and want to start making cheese – I want this kit! The cheese looks absolutely yummy.

  92. erica says:

    you inspire! might just try this today!

  93. sal says:

    You know me. I like cheese and I like easy. So enter me in the easy cheesey drawing! Good luck everyone. Sal

  94. marymac says:

    Oh how I would love to win one of these cheese kits. Please pick me!!

  95. jspears66 says:

    I always look forward to your new cheese recipes please sign me up for the drawing.

  96. absinthe says:

    Please enter me! I’d love to try cheesemaking!

  97. Joan Galbi says:


    I love cheese and if heaven doesn’t have it, I’m not going there!!
    Please enter me in the May draw for the NEC supplies, and I hope that I have some Irish luck.


  98. leecia price says:

    As a novice cheesemaker I would love to win this prize! (I’ve already spent soo much!) Crossing my fingers!!

  99. PolloLocoHomestead says:

    I really want it!! Thanks for your fantastic blog, Suzanne!

  100. remro says:

    Please enter me. Thanks!

  101. Hlhohnholz says:

    Me please!

  102. mamajoseph says:

    I feel like I should win this one…the draw is on my BIRTHDAY!!

  103. apronstrings says:

    I MUST make cheese! Enter me in the drawing. :snoopy:

  104. masmith25 says:

    This cheese sounds so interesting, especially given the unusually short aging time. I would love to win the kit – please enter me!

  105. Badgerdance says:

    Me please! My sister wants to learn how to make cheese, too, so the kit would get a great workout!

  106. PetalzAndFinz says:

    I’d love to win this one.
    Thanks for the giveaway!

  107. Turtle Mom says:

    I would love to learn how to make cheese! Pick me! Pick me!

  108. craftymom says:

    Enter me, please!

  109. twiggityNDgoats says:

    Oh now that I have my goat milk I NEED this cheese making kit. Please oh plesae let me be lucky!

  110. tea4too0 says:

    I would love to be entered please, Thank you

  111. razzintaz says:

    I would love to receive this as the only thing stopping me from making cheese is the startup cost. Hope I get to be the lucky number

  112. ljparlett says:

    I have been blessed with a wonderful source of raw milk(friends with a cow) and want to expand my cheese making beyond mozzarella! Enter me please!

  113. ibnsgirl says:

    Please include me! 🙂

    I do love cheese, and I would love to make it myself!

  114. KLabmom says:

    I’d like to be entered please!! Crossing my fingers 🙂

  115. wyomama says:

    Pick me please! Love your blog.

  116. britt82 says:

    I would be so excited to win this. Please count me in!

  117. CarrieJ says:

    Cheese kit for me please. I am cheese challenged…

  118. DebbieInMemphis says:

    I’d love to win!!

  119. willsahna says:

    Well, sign me up! I guess I would try to make some if I had the equipment. It sounds delicious. I have a nearby friend who has her own milk cow and I think she and i could work out a deal!

  120. scollard says:

    Me, too! :cowsleep:

  121. lizajane says:

    I NEED to learn how to make cheese!!!!

  122. Bells says:

    I would love to have to make cheese:)

  123. hollygrovefarm says:

    i would love to start making cheese and this cheese makings are just what i need.

  124. bimmy says:

    OOO!!! I’d like that.

  125. maggie says:

    Please add my name to win the cheesemaking kit. Thanks, maggie

  126. Miss Judy says:

    Just found a good source for fresh cows milk…I would love to win this!

  127. aacheesemaker says:

    Please enter me in your contest. I am excited to get a recipe using flora danica. Have always wanted to try it, but wasn’t sure what recipe to use. Thanks!

  128. MMT says:

    Count me in! I wanna make cheese.

  129. Groundling says:

    Aging for only 2 weeks is a definite plus. I want to make this cheese.

  130. azladychef says:

    It would be such a hoot to make my own cheese! What a great giveaway. Thanks!!

  131. HomesteadJen says:

    This cheese looks so amazing, I think I am going to need a cheese-press. I definitely want to be entered in the contest.

    I have had trouble with my mozzarella making good curds, I wonder if the calcium chloride would help with that cheese, too.

  132. joeyfulnoise says:

    Ooh, add me in – I’d love to try this cheese!

  133. ashmmorgan2 says:

    I would LOVE to have the kit so I can start making cheese! Count me in 🙂

  134. CarrieSpins says:

    This is on my list to try! I would love to have the kit!

  135. TRUDY says:

    I would love to try my hand at homemade cheeses ~ so, please put my name in for the wonderful prize!

  136. Debbie says:

    It has taken me several hours to get my login figured out so I could leave a remark to win the cheesemaking supplies…I spent the time because I have been trying to learn to make cheese (getting organic goat’s milk already!) and winning this package would really help!

  137. TinaBell says:

    Wouldn’t I love to give cheese making a go! Please enter me in the drawing for the kit! Please!! :happyflower:

  138. farmgirl1889 says:

    I am just learning about making cheese. Would love to have this kit to help me along.

  139. CarrieSpins says:

    I really want to try this and because I have no patience I am trying it with the MM100 today, and will try the recipe exactly as written when my flora danica I just ordered gets here later this week. Then I will be able to compare and contrast. :happyfeet:

  140. nickicecream says:

    yes, I would love to win

  141. Granny Trace says:

    LOOKS AMAZING!! COunt me in please.
    Granny Trace

  142. AmyCook in WI says:

    Love to win me some cheese prizes! Pick me, randomizer, please!

  143. Msbytes says:

    Oh, I would so love to win this!

  144. patrice says:

    I would love to win this and get back into cheese making.

  145. Melody.harmony says:

    I am quite a beginner in the cheese making industry. one of the reasons for that might be because I can’t really afford the kits and/or supplies. so,basically, I would love to win the cheese-making kit.

  146. Jennifer S says:

    I would love to win! Enter me please.

  147. hepkitten says:

    I get so excited when I see your cheese posts, since I know you’ll be doing another giveaway! Please enter me? I live in hope. 🙂

  148. runswithbears says:

    Would love to win this giveaway. Please enter me. Looks like you’ve made another lovely cheese! I’ll give this recipe a try.

  149. laurajenkins says:

    I wuld love to win this.

  150. CasieD says:

    I want it!! Sounds like a very good cheese!

  151. mintamichelle says:

    Oh me me me please!!!! 🙂 :happyflower:

  152. wbender says:

    I would love the package! I have two goats ready to deliver any day now and will have fresh goat milk soon! I really want to learn to make cheese, so this would be great!

  153. laurie hamar says:

    Just started makin cheese, would love this kit. thx

  154. Darlene in North GA says:

    Oh, I’d LOVE to win this package!
    Love all of your cheese-making posts.

  155. Rob B. says:

    Hey there, nice job has usual, enter me for the drawing, thanx!

  156. gogingerale says:

    What a great post! My husband is from Caerphilly, though we have been living in California for the past 10 years. We can find Caerphilly cheese here in the stores, but only occasionally. I would love to be able to make this at home, so please sign me up for the giveaway! You have inspired me. 😀

  157. YayaOrchid says:

    I can’t find my comment which I left through the New England Cheesemaking link they sent me via their newsletter. Thought I’d better comment again to make sure I’m entered for this giveaway. Really really wanna learn to make cheese. I’m so inspired by you Suzanne! :sheep:

  158. Shelly says:

    I would love to win this!! Hopefully by next month I won’t have any more bottle babies!!

  159. RunningOnDirtRoads says:

    Thanks for sharing this recipe! I’d love a cheesemaking kit.

  160. dragonflywoman says:

    I would LOVE to win this! I’m a novice cheesemaker and I’m always excited to try new things.

  161. kelly jo kirby says:

    I so want this, please pick me!

  162. lwb says:

    I would love to try this cheese!!!

  163. tdu1964 says:

    ME ME ME!!!!!!

  164. bubbashome says:

    would love to win the cheese kit

  165. debbie says:

    Enter me please! I want to make cheese!

  166. gillianshasby says:

    This looks delicious! Please enter me to win!

  167. windspiritwhimsies says:

    Would love to give this a go! Please enter me-thanks! :eating:

  168. BobDye says:

    Hi – Count me in for the drawing! Bob

  169. VAfarmer says:

    Suzanne, that cheese looks delicious! I would love to be entered to win that kit, please and thank you!

  170. Kathi says:

    This looks and sounds good! Yes — please include me in the drawing for the giveaway. Thank you!

  171. Carmi says:

    I would love to win this. Please enter my name. :happyflower:

  172. sekinkead says:

    Please enter me in the contest, I would love to start making cheese!

  173. noraliza says:

    I love this site and think you are super when it comes to specific details. I am a cheese maniac!! Please enter me in the drawing for a chance to win. I LOVE CHEEESE…OOOH WONDERFUL CHEESE.
    Have a bless day

  174. MadMary says:

    Please enter me in the contest. Thanks!

  175. holstein woman says:

    Cheese making, cheese making, yes I want to make more cheese. Enter me please!

  176. LisaB says:

    I would love to win this. Please enter me in the drawing.

  177. cotswolds93 says:

    Please pick me! I would love to learn how to make cheese!

  178. heavenscentfarms says:

    I would love this prize. I can’t wait to try to make this cheese! Thanks for all you do Suzanne

  179. siegreich says:

    The power of cheese! Put me in for the free give-away!

  180. redhot1n says:

    I would love to learn how to make cheese!

  181. Theresa says:

    Please enter me in the drawing. I would love to have this.

  182. EightPondFarm says:

    Finally gave in and registered (seems to be something new?? maybe associated with those nasty comments?).Anyway, long time reader and would love to be entered in the contest. Thank you!!

  183. YelloJelloBelly says:

    C’mon roulette wheel of random number picking, I want the cheese kit! 🙂 Please 🙂

  184. Jiller says:

    I would love to win this! I love this blog and read it everyday! Winner or not I think this is just a wonderful blog!

  185. roosterrun says:

    Please put my name in the drawing. I am still waiting to make cheese. Thanks, Sandy

  186. Debbie R says:

    Cheese please! Never even heard of this one. Can’t wait to try it.

  187. Raiquee says:

    I would love it!! Getting a Family cow in the next year or so. Here I come home dairy! 🙂

  188. BeckyW says:

    Please sign me up for the giveaway…finally getting enough milk to start making cheese again..

  189. sparkles2307 says:

    Oh, oh, oh the crazy chicken lady who milks mean blck angus cows wants one!!!!

  190. Faith says:

    Sign me up! I really, really, really(!) want to start making cheese!

  191. cindyb says:

    I would love to win this giveaway! Cheesemaking is not something I have ever attepted but am very interested in. Please count me in! 🙂

  192. okstormy says:

    I would love to start making cheese! Please pick me!

  193. meismeems says:

    Ok, this may be the cheese that turns me into a cheesemaker. Suzanne, you are to blame! I live in cheeseheadland, and I’ve resisted for 6 years!! If I win, I will definitely be forever known as the cheesy cat lady who’s gone off the deep end.

  194. Michigan Tina says:

    I would love very much to win this kit…Cheese does this girls body good…lol

  195. mb96210 says:

    I’d love to win. I’ve only made one cheese–mozzorella and would love to make more. Sure hope I’m random enough to be picked. Thanks, and BTW I love Clover.

  196. JerseyMom says:

    Enter me, please!!!

  197. Lana says:

    Please sign me up for the giveaway … finally found a farmer who will sell raw milk!! Would love to make these cheeses!

  198. swimer74 says:

    I would love to win the giveaway. We have raw milk at home every day and while I’ve wanted to make cheese, I have been intimidated by the lack of cheese making supplies in my kitchen when the mood/free time strikes.

  199. beneathhiswings says:

    Hey Suzanne,pick me! I need this kit! This cheese sounds great. I think I can do this cheese. Thank you.

  200. cheena says:

    Enter me please! :wave:

  201. Almost Heaven, WV says:

    Enter me please…..I can almost taste it through my computer screen. :woof:

  202. artsjoy says:

    Yes I’d like to win the NEC kit!!!!!! :snoopy:

  203. Omitade says:

    Thanks for the recipe. Sign me in for the kit.

  204. uklady223 says:

    I would love this kit-this is the first post I have ever made anywhere. Caerphilly is my favorite cheese-I’m an ex Brit. It makes the most incredible vegetarian ‘bangers’.

  205. cheesemaker says:

    I really like the Savoy cabbage idea. Can’t wait to try it. Please enter me to win!

  206. Gem says:

    I NEEEEEEEEEED This!!! (please?)

  207. mamajoseph says:

    I just tried this cheese last week and it is wonderful. Yes, I only let it sit in my fridge for a week to age. Still, wonderful. I did not have the flora danica and I don’t have a cheese cave, but I decided to make it anyway. I’m glad I did. I used 1 cup salt to 6 cups water for the brine. I’ll definitely make this again.

  208. MrsIpstenu says:

    This recipe looks like something I could manage, now that I’ve tried your stirred-curd cheddar. (Which, by the way, is WAY easier than bleu cheese, which is actually pretty easy.) However, I wanted to make the four-gallon batch. Would you be willing to share the changes you made, so I know what the original recipe was, and can make enough for all of my visiting guests next month?

  209. Caeryl says:

    Hi Suzanne – Long time lurker here. I just started making cheese and decided to start with this one. I made it three weeks ago, and my hubby and I just had some Wednesday with some homemade flatbread crackers (thyme and garlic), some fruit and some wine.

    A couple of things: 1) you made this SO simple that I was able to make it easily and have it come out just like your tutorial pics, :sun: and 2) It was great! Kind of like a feta so that is a winner in our house. :eating:

    Thank you so much for helping me get past my initial trepidation. I am off to make some Pepper Jack now. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend! Caeryl

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