

My 12-year-old said he was too old to go trick-or-treating this year. HA! The call of free candy cannot be denied. At the last minute, he dragged out his mask from last year from the depths of hell (his room) and off he went with a trash bag. Yes, a TRASH BAG. He was planning big. He didn’t fill it up, but he did return a few hours later with a nice haul.

And doesn’t my little witch look cute? Three years in a row now….. How many more years will she be a witch?

And now that Halloween is over, that must mean it’s time to start planning for Thanksgiving. And Christmas. I need to put on that Scream mask…………… I haven’t bought a single gift yet. You?


  1. Katie says:

    Ahhh – I feel ahead of the game. One gift so far – I bought The Princess Bride DVD for my 11 year old. She’s gonna love it! Me, too, which is always a perk. :thumbsup:

  2. Tammy C says:

    I have all my Christmas shopping done except for 2 gifts for my hubby which will not be released untill sometime in November. I usually will get a few last minute gifts if the mood strikes me though. :thumbsup:

  3. Michelle says:

    Oh man. Christmas. Too soon!!! :hissyfit:Noooo!!!

    Cute kids, btw. ๐Ÿ™‚

  4. Shelly says:

    Ugh, I just bought my first official gift yesterday. This weekend I’m going shopping and trying to knock out a little more.

  5. MartyK says:

    Nope, no gifts yet. Not even any ideas. But since your book is released in stores today…there’s an idea!

  6. Melissa says:

    Haven’t bought any gifts and don’t know what to get anyone. BAH HUMBUG!

    Please tell your son I like his WV t-shirt.

  7. Eve says:

    75% of my shopping done. It’s the baking that gets a deadline.

  8. Mary says:

    I finished my shopping yesterday. I have to buy three bottles of wine for house gifts but I’m done, done, done! I didn’t have to rush, stores weren’t picked over, the salesclerk wrapped everything for me and I had a great lunch.

  9. Sandy J says:

    I usually have most of it done by now, but not this year. :hissyfit:

  10. Le Ellis says:

    My kids have already written their Santa letters! Yikes! and I haven’t bought a thing. I’m in trouble.

  11. Marcy says:

    I buy things throughout the year whenever I find something that seems perfect for someone on my list. :thumbsup: Getting things sorted, wrapped and shipped is the hard part.

  12. Jill says:

    Most. Disorganized. Person. On. The. Planet. Not bought a single gift … it’s not mid December yet! :fryingpan:

  13. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    I have one gift idea. Does that count? Hmmm guess not. I plan to do some serious shopping this week. I have three grandsons to buy for. Is it just me or have little kids stuff gotten higher each year? I am amazed at the prices. When you are on a fixed income, it takes some plotting just to get the little one stuff. Is’t a good thing I don’t have a lot of adults to buy for. They are easier though.

  14. Robyn says:

    I have a few gifts bought; I also buy over
    the year when we go to the city and I see something appropriate. The baking has gotten less and less each year but still have to do some.:smile:

  15. Maddie says:

    I love Christmas but I have to make it easy.I usually go for one type of gift per year and EVERYONE gets it. Like, a wine year. Or..this year is a book and music year. I will go into CHANGING HANDS independent bookstore for local family and friends, and get gift certificates. Barnes and Noble for the rest. VOILA! DONE!

    Last year I had a CHRISTMAS MUSIC CD year and everyone got a nice Music Cd to add to their collection.I gave out gifts early so everyone could enjoy music throughout the holiday.

    For DH and son: I usually buy a few odd items they forget they have requested, throughout the year and hoard them!

  16. Jennifer says:

    My daughter goes as a Rennaisance vampire every year.

    Gifts?:???: I’m not in the mood this year. Wonder if I can skip the whole thing.:wall:Out of ideas and out of $.

  17. Estella says:

    There are so many in our family now that we don’t buy gifts—–just a nice large family dinner that everyone contributes to.:grin:

  18. Kelly says:

    Are you kidding, Suzanne?? Around here the Xmas shopping doesn’t start until at least the second week of December. :yes:

  19. Rene says:

    My daughters’ birthdays are 11/16 & 11/19. My son’s birthday is 12/23. I have a lot of shopping to do. I bought some stuff for my one daughter this summer during the Target clearance sales. According to my mother & MIL I have stuff at both of their houses that I bought last year and forgot about. ๐Ÿ˜ฏ

    The big Toys r Us ad came out this Sunday so I will be making the trek. I do a bunch of my shopping on the day after Thanksgiving. I love that day.

  20. Emma S says:

    I did some shopping in Hawaii, but other than that I’ll wait until after Thankgiving.

    This will be the first time in years that I won’t be working on black friday (as the day after Thanksgiving is known in the retail world) and I’m thrilled. Of course, I’ll probably go shopping.

  21. Mary Stella says:

    It’s only November 1st! Christmas presents yet? EEEEEEEKKKKKKKKKK.

  22. Melissa Marsh says:

    What? Christmas shopping? I’m supposed to do that BEFORE December 24th? ๐Ÿ˜†

  23. Jordan says:

    I can’t even think about Christmas. Yikes!!!

  24. Lis says:

    Cute picture!
    I have a few gifts, about half my friends are done and I bought mom’s calender on the weekend. Trying to finish this month so I don’t have to do anything but shop with dad on Christmas Eve lol

  25. Mik says:

    NO gifts yet…and I’m usually DONE by Thanksgiving. :wall: Yikes. Your witch is adorable. Mine was Buzz Lightyear (posted a pic on blog too). ๐Ÿ˜‰

  26. Tori says:

    Christmas shopping? This early? Surely, you jest!

    As for your little witch, maybe you should consider sending her to school at Hogwarts. ๐Ÿ˜†

  27. Carol says:

    :hissyfit: I haven’t bought a thing and I’m not looking forward to it at all!!
    It gets harder and harder every year!

    Estella, I wish my family did that!

  28. Toni Anderson says:

    I’ve bought most of mine–and paper and cards–of course my family lives abroad so I have to plan early!!! :wall:

  29. Eve says:

    Fannie – my mother has 8 gr-grandchildren and 1 grandchild under 18 (that’s all she buys for) and the only way she can do it is to put it on layaway in September.

  30. Danica says:

    I have actually gotten a lot of shopping done. Only because I tend to buy things that look cute when I see them, and then save them until Christmas.

  31. TeresaH says:

    I’m one of those disgusting people that start my shopping the day after Christmas for the next one.:rotfl:

  32. Toni Lea Andrews says:

    This was the first year I had a halloween costume I actually wanted to wear (see a picture on my site) and my office was closed–no electricity post-Wilma. Waaah! :hissyfit: Now I have to wait until Romantic Times 2006.


  33. Amy K. says:

    I’ve bought exactly two. Which means I’m WAY ahead of where I usually am at this time!

  34. catslady says:

    Never before Thanksgiving! Pretty soon the stores will start decorating on Labor Day!:no:

  35. Courtney says:

    My sister has been a witch for Halloween for 23 years now. She and my mother had quite the battle of wills when my sister was 3 years old. Mother wanted her to go as Little Red Riding Hood but my sister insisted on being a witch. She’s never changed. Halloween is her favorite holiday. She still dresses up each and every year as—you guessed it! A witch!