And God Looked Upon All That He Had Made And It Was Good


Okay, I’m not God, but I tell my kids that I am. Does that count? And this recipe was good!

Recipe Winner #2: Marcy’s Crockpot Tamale Casserole! :thumbsup:

Marcy’s Crockpot Tamale Casserole

2-15 oz cans chili without beans (Marcy says she uses turkey chili), 1-15 oz can whole kernel corn, drained, 1 cup chopped onion, 2-15 oz cans tamales, 3 cups Chili Cheese Fritos (basically the whole bag except for, um, the ones you eat while you are fixing it, NOT THAT I DID THAT OR ANYTHING), 1-8 oz bag (or two cups) shredded cheddar cheese.

1. Place chili, corn and onion in a large bowl. Mix well.
2. Unwrap tamales. Discard shucks. Don’t worry if they break. (Marcy says she cuts them into 4 pieces anyway and I did, too).
3. Layer ingredients in slow cooker in this order:
1/3 of the tamales
1/3 of the chili mixture
1/3 of the chips
1/3 of the cheese
Repeat layers twice more, making 3 layers.
4. Cook 6 hours on Low or 3 1/2 hours on High.

This was great!!! Who’s gonna try it?

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  1. Marcy says:

    LOL I feel sorta’ famous now….and really hungry! :rotfl:

    I’m glad you enjoyed it.

  2. Tori Lennox says:

    Ooo, another yummy recipe!!!

  3. Shari C says:

    Ohhh, this crockpot tamale casserole recipe sounds so good I think I will have to try it. Thank you so much for sharing it, Marcy.

  4. Lis says:

    Looks good! Will have to try this one :yes:

  5. catslady says:

    I don’t have a crockpot – can you believe it!!!! :hissyfit: hmmmmm wonder if it can be made just on top of the stove? and i have another question – what are: tamales with shucks:?: I’m clueless:oops: but it sounds good and I would like to try it :yes:

  6. Michelle says:

    Yum! Sounds delicious. :thumbsup:

  7. Mary says:

    Looks great. I’ll have my husband get on that right away.:bananadance:

  8. Suzanne says:

    Catslady, the tamales come in a can–they were next to the canned chili in the Wal-Mart where I bought them. The shucks are a sort of skin covering on them and they just unroll/unwrap really easily. I think this recipe could easily be made just in a pan and put in the oven!

  9. Jennifer says:

    These recipes look great.

    And Suzanne, that’s who I tell my kids I am too and they still talk back. :rotfl:

  10. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    Another winner!! I can’t wait to try it. Do any of these recipes freeze well? I could make and portion out and freeze. That way, I wouldn’t waste any of it. Your son looks as if he is enjoying his dinner. Cute kid. Hugs.:wave:

  11. TeresaH says:

    Sounds very yummy!

  12. Toni Anderson says:

    Looks good but I didn’t know what tamales were either!!

  13. Suzanne says:

    Fannie, I think they could be frozen! I can’t think why not.

  14. Desperate Writer says:

    I made this recipe tonight– it looked too good to pass up. And it WAS good. We had leftovers, since it’s just the two of us, so I divvied up the casserole into lunch-sized portions and put it in the freezer. It kinda reminds me of Frito Pie.:grin:

  15. Mary says:

    Okay, you guys, I’m a Texan and I have NEVER seen tamales in a can. Problem is, they’re hard to find if it’s not Christmas time. This does sound really good, though.