anyone know where I can get a burka?


Yesterday, we dropped the kids off for Sunday School and sneaked off to Manhattan Bagel where we drank coffee and talked about the merman. That my husband would voluntarily talk about my book for an hour must say something about how much he didn’t want to sit through adult Sunday School. We returned to take the kids to the worship service–sermon yesterday was about dressing modestly. I was feeling just fine since I was modestly covered from head to toe, then the preacher started talking about people dressing like the opposite sex. Eyeing my pants and long-sleeved shirt, I wondered if he was talking about me. But hey–my pants had a pink pinstripe and my shirt was pink. I was sure it couldn’t have been me. No man would ever wear this outfit. Anyway, just when I was thinking about what sexually titillating outfit I could wear next week JUST TO BE DIFFICULT, my husband passed me this note: I want you in a burka next Sunday. Then my daughter grabbed the note, and to make things worse (since I was already laughing) she announced (in her outside voice), WHAT IS A BURKA? just so EVERYONE could know that her disrespectful, hell-bound parents were making jokes about burkas. Maybe all would be forgiven if I actually got a burka…

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