Free Book Friday: Stitchin’


She’s working on a little project! Cross-stitch–it’s a frog with a flower. When she’s done, she wants to send it to her grandmommy! (Shh! Don’t tell! It’s a surprise!) I’m going to do a cross-stitch project, too. I used to cross-stitch all the time, but haven’t for years! My daughter wanted to learn, so I decided to get something for me, too. What about you? What are your hobbies? Tell me, and one random comment number will be selected for their pick from my contemporary backlist!:mrgreen:

(Where did the WHOLE REST OF THE WEEK go??? Oh–and it’s NICE here! Really nice! I’m wearing shorts!! I got out my “Happy Spring!” sign and put it by the door! Say it’s spring and it will come……)


  1. Cheryl S. says:

    I crochet. I know the basics of knitting and I’ve done some, but I prefer to crochet because it’s faster and I’m all about instant gratification. 😆 I’ve also done some cross-stitch but that’s hard on these old eyes anymore.
    Have a great weekend, Suzanne!

  2. Jill says:

    I crochet too, if I’m not in the middle of writing a book, which I am at the moment, so that means I’m just looking at the blanket I’m making. I’ve been looking for awhile … it’s only about three inches, lol. I need to finish this @#$@ book!!

  3. Marcy says:

    I do cross-stitch and also quilt. The problem is I do it for gifts and really don’t have anything for me. LOL I do have a quilt cut out for our bed, but haven’t started putting it together. :loser:

  4. Sonja says:

    My hobbies are eating and sleeping. Baha.

    But seriously, probably my biggest hobby is writing, followed closely by reading. I also do some website work and, of course, blogging counts as a hobby, right? I tried learning to crochet once but I think my fingers are too fat or something.

  5. catslady says:

    I taught myself to knit (but never finished), crochet (4 afghans for everyone else), needlepoint and cross-stitch (ornaments but unfinished projects (seeing a theme here :loser:), jigsaw puzzles, crossword puzzles, sketch, collect stamps and of course BOOKS but honestly the only thing I seem to do now is get on this computer but I still read thank heavens:yes:

  6. Carol says:

    I’ve done some knitting and some cross-stitch in the past but now I read, exercise and babysit!

  7. Minna says:

    I used to cross-stitch and knit, but I never seem to find the time to do either these days. I collect cook books, dictionaries and stamps and I read. And I visit regularly certain net pages and discussion groups, especially the ones that have something to do with food and travelling.:bananadance:

  8. Tori Lennox says:

    Reading, of course. Blogging. And genealogy. 🙂

  9. Jennifer Yates says:

    Reading is probably my biggest hobby. I also did a latch hook thing. I like to color too. :rotfl: Great stress reliever.

  10. Maureen says:

    I used to cross-stitch also. I read and garden and on a day like today I start thinking about what I’m going to be planting. Enjoy this beautiful weather.

  11. Toni Anderson says:

    I draw and paint, but it has been way too long!!! No time.

  12. Angie says:

    I love to garden. Flowers, not veggies!
    And read and…well,is shopping considered a hobby??? :rotfl:
    And I enjoy trying new recipes and baking.
    I sound like Martha Stewart! :loser:

  13. Michelle says:

    I love baking for my hobby. 🙂

  14. Courtney says:

    Last spring, my mom and I took a knitting and crocheting class. I didn’t grasp the crochet but I do love to knit. I also used to love cross-stitch and latchhook when I was younger. When you and your daughter’s projects are done, post them here for all of us to see!:smile:

  15. Jeanette Jackson says:

    I like to read and I also have some models to put together when I have time…one is a submarine, another is a plane, and I have to finish my Bride of Frankenstein model sometime too

  16. Estella Kissell says:

    I have cross stitched for about 15 years now, and always have a project going. Also read(lots), knit and sew.

  17. Robyn says:

    I knit, scrapbook and do various crafts like Christmas ornaments, plastic canvas items, blue jean quilt.

  18. KimW says:

    My only hobby is reading. Oh, and reading blogs and browsing around the net. That’s really all I have time for now. When I retire, I want to do some scrapbooking and learn how to crochet. That’s a long, long ways away.

  19. ruby55 says:

    Well…I read and collect books. I also collect postcards, travel posters and travel guides. Also used to collect stamps but when my hands started hurting too badly when I worked with “little” like needles and stamps, I had to give up sewing and all that stuff. Handwriting is bad enough but for the last 40 years anything fiddly with my hands won’t work. I’m glad if I can get a button sewed on or a split seam.

    I used to do cross-stitch and other embroidery as well as a child but that’s long ago. I really do wish I could still sew though.:sad:

  20. ruby55 says:

    Well…I read and collect books. I also collect postcards, travel posters and travel guides. Also used to collect stamps but when my hands started hurting too badly when I worked with “little” things like needles and stamps, I had to give up sewing and all that stuff. Handwriting is bad enough but for the last 40 years anything fiddly with my hands won’t work. I’m glad if I can get a button sewed on or a split seam.

    I used to do cross-stitch and other embroidery as well as a child but that’s long ago. I really do wish I could still sew though.:sad:

  21. TeresaH says:

    I like to read, embroider, beading, and gardening, oh and must not forget fishing! (at least that’s all I’m going to take the time to list LOL) :rotfl:

  22. Jessica says:

    I like making plans for my jogging regime, which will start…. one day soon…. in the future. 😳

  23. Sandy J says:

    Scarbooking! Love to scrapbook!

  24. Sandy J says:

    Gaw! Can’t even spell this morning! It’s Scrapbooking not scarbooking! Sheesh!

  25. Joyce says:

    Love to read, surf the net and blog. Use to cross stitch and counted cross stitch and hook rugs. Tried knitting but one end kept getting wider and wider. Tried crocheting but instead of a doily ended up with a purse. Anyway books are so much more interesting.

  26. Jennifer Yates says:

    Oh and I forgot all about Jigsaw puzzles…I love them too!

  27. Lis says:

    In the spring and summer, love gardening. Can’t wait till the snow melts and it starts warming up again so I can start tinkering with my pots.
    Other than that, do some sketching and painting, though haven’t done that in quite a while.

  28. Ashley says:

    I used to cross stitch, it’s been a very long time. Now when I get a chance I bead = necklaces, bracelets, sun catchers. That or read or (much to the surprise of other moms) play pokemon on the gameboy..

  29. Margery says:

    I used to do a lot of counted cross stitch, but I haven’t done much lately. I’ve been crocheting and knitting baby wear. I was so excited about finishing something, I even posted a photo of it on my blog a while ago.

  30. Laurie says:

    I need more free time!! I primarily read when I have spare time. I used to knit and cross stich when my children were younger. I taught my daughter how to knit at x-mas time…she made a nice, long neck scarf to take back to school.

  31. kacey says:

    what don’t I do?? Write, of course. Read, knit, spin, weave, geneology. Suduko, crossword and jigsaw puzzles. Wonder how I have time to fit life in around my hobbies???

  32. TeresaH says:

    I forgot all about crossword puzzles and jigsaw puzzles! It’s not wonder I don’t have time to clean the house! :rotfl:

  33. Crystal says:

    My biggest hobby is reading. I also like to cross stitch and crochet, to garden and to exercise.