Free Book Friday: Sum-sum-summertime!



Really. Honest. I swear.

Okay, I’m not really relaxing in a friend’s pool this weekend. I’M DOING WRITER WORK. Hard, exhausting, grueling writer work. I’m flying to Toronto this morning to give a speech on Saturday for Toronto Romance Writers. I might accidentally get wined and dined along the way. I hope so.

What are you doing this weekend? Are you going to be in Toronto? Come see me! I’ll be the one drinking a Fruity Fucker…. :mrgreen: I mean, I’ll be the one engaged in GRUELING writer work!!! One random comment number will be chosen to receive an autographed book from my contemporary backlist!


  1. TeresaH says:

    Oh man, that water looks good…

  2. TeresaH says:

    Oh yeah, forgot to add, that I will be playing with the granddaughter this weekend—we’ll probably go fishing/swimming.

  3. Laurie says:

    I’ve never been to Toronto. Best of luck with your speech. Definitely take some time off to relax and to see the sights! Have you ever been there before? I’m going to a wedding on a dairy farm. I’m not kidding. I’m praying for a sunny day and a strong breeze away from ME!!:yes:

  4. Minna says:

    Well, I can’t say I would be doing anything fun this weekend. I’m going to my dads funeral tomorrow.

  5. Melissa says:

    Suz, dahling, you look mahvelous!
    You’re funny as hell. Please drink a FF for me. ๐Ÿ˜†
    This weekend I’m running errands. Thrilling, eh?

  6. Angie says:

    Minna, I am so sorry about your dad. It’s always hard to lose a parent. I lost both of mine within a year of each other. Its been six years and I still miss them at times. You are in my prayers, sweetie.
    So, Suzanne, just what does it take to make a F’er Fruity? Too many Barbra
    Streisand movies? Too many Judy Garland show tunes? One too many Richard Simmons exercise videos? ๐Ÿ˜‰

  7. Cheryl S. says:

    Love the pic Suzanne! You really should try to unwind and relax a little. ๐Ÿ™‚ This weekend, I am going to pretend that I have control over my kids and get them to clean their rooms. :rotfl:

  8. Marcy says:

    {{{Minna}}} ๐Ÿ™

    I’m doing what Cheryl is. *sigh* Anyone want 2 messy but lovable boys? ๐Ÿ˜ณ

  9. Fannie M Wiggins says:

    I will keep you and your family in my prayers Minna. I lost my Dad 48 yrs. ago and I still miss him. Hugs and warm thoughts to you.
    I am relaxing this weekend after having ALL my family for 5 whole days last weekend. I am exhausted. I have to rest for next weekend my new grand daughter arrives on Friday and my whole family will be here again for a week. When will I have another chance to rest I ask you? Enjoy Toronto Suz and have one of those “writing works” for me. :yes: Hugs

  10. Jennifer Y. says:

    Hugs Minna!

    I am going to be reading books this weekend.

  11. Robyn says:

    Oh Toronto, you will be only several hundred miles away from me; too bad it isn’t closer. Enjoy Toronto; I’ve been there once only.

  12. Madeline says:

    I think you are TOTALLY expressing the lovely SOLSTICE ENERGY of kicking back and RESTING on ONE’S laurels.. or something like that! Enjoy the Fruity thingys…

  13. Joyce says:

    The story of my life right now is :blahblah:

    Have a safe and happy trip and be sure to have fun. :bananadance:

  14. Maureen says:

    Have a great trip. I think it is a weekend of gardening and housecleaning for me.

  15. Estella Kissell says:

    Have a safe trip and enjoy yourself! I’m going to be rip-rapping a bank along my driveway with gabion rock—ugh.

  16. Carol says:

    Minna, I am so sorry about your dad. Big hugs!

    Now that it has stopped raining I have lots and lots of yardwork to do this weekend.

    Enjoy your trip to Toronto!

  17. catslady says:

    So sorry, Minna.

    Probably just yardwork that I never got to because it’s been raining forever.

    Is that really the name of the drink????

    My older daughter is spending the weekend in Canada but unfortunately Niagara Falls and not Toronto. I would have made her find you :rotfl:

  18. maggie says:

    I am an avid romance reader. I’m going to look for your books in the store.
    Have a great weekend,

  19. Melissa says:

    My deepest sympathies, Minna. I can totally relate to what you’re going through ’cause I lost my Dad in Feb.

  20. ruby55 says:

    Minna, I’m so sad to hear about your dad. Hugs and prayers for your whole family.:heart: I was just reminded of my parents’ deaths this week and it definitely still hurts. It would have been their 64th anniversay on Tuesday. They made it only to their 40th together before my dad died.

    Suzanne, I would have loved to come and see you. But I’ve got no vehicle and really not enough money either. I would have asked if anybody in my brother’s family was going down this weekend but unfortunately, relations are…let’s say…somewhat strained for me to ask for favors. I would really have loved to meet you. But have a great time and I hope you have a little bit of time to sightsee if you haven’t been there before. :wave:

  21. Sue C says:

    Hugs, Minna. So sorry.

  22. Suzanne says:

    I’m so sorry, Minna!!!

    Ruby, I wish I could have met you while I was in Canada!

  23. Minna says:

    Thank you all for your support!