Free Book Friday


The roofers are back! And they are Still Not Hot. :hissyfit: And I am having a bad day already. It’s not even 7 am and I have:

1) found cat poop in the corner of my bedroom

2) discovered I ran over a roofer’s nail and my back left tire is flat

3) spilled an entire cup of coffee on the pale beige living room carpet

4) run out to the high school bus in my t-shirt and underwear to get the driver to wait

5) lost my glasses

:bananadance:Which two incidents actually happened this morning?? Guess the correct two things and win an autographed copy of your choice–either The Billionaire and the Bassinet or Tropical Heat! (And don’t forget to check my blog tomorrow for the winners!)


  1. Cheryl S. says:

    Dang, Suzanne, I can picture all of those things happening to you. 😆 But I guess I’ll have to go with:

    1) found cat poop in the corner of my bedroom


    3) spilled an entire cup of coffee on the pale beige living room carpet

    Hope your day gets better!

  2. Suzanne says:

    LOL, Cheryl! That is scary that you can so easily imagine all of those things happening to me!:mrgreen:

  3. Stacey115 says:

    Hmm, I will have to go with 1 and 3.

  4. Peggy says:

    I’m going to go with (1) and (4)hehehe (too funny not to)!

  5. Katie says:

    Spilling coffee is just wrong wrong wrong!!!! So it can’t be that one.

  6. Toni Anderson says:

    I figure the nail and the glasses.

    I can never find a man when I need to change a tyre.:hissyfit:

  7. Mary Stella says:

    Going for the cat poop and the coffee. Although, I have actually lost a tire to a roofer’s nail in the past. The roofer, alas not the hot, thonged guy, came off the roof and changed the tire for me. He also paid for the repair.

  8. Mik says:

    I’m going to guess 1 and 2.

    And if you spilled the coffee I hope you were able to get it out. 😯

  9. Estella Kissell says:

    I’m going to guess 2 and 5. It is easy to imagine all of them happening, tho.:grin:

  10. Cherlyn says:

    This is tough, but I’ll take a stab at it.

    I’ll take #1 for cat poop,
    and #5 for glasses, Suzanne.

  11. mary beth says:

    Hmmm. I’m going to guess 2 and 3.
    If it was 4 HUGE HUGS!

  12. Emma says:

    I’m going to guess 2 and 5. Hope your day get better.

  13. Lis says:

    I’m guessing 2 & 4.

  14. Eve says:

    Since I came out this morning and found out one of the cats had hacked a hairball on the new slipcovers, I’m going with the cat poop. I’m also assuming that since the roofers might come DH told you to put your pants on, so number 4 would be eliminated. I’ll go with Cherlyn, you lost your glasses and that would be bad because you can’t work without them? Two of your books came in the bookstore last night that I wasn’t aware you had written – “My Lady Imposter” and “My Lady Runaway”. Guess I should check your booklist? Anyway, snatched them up and brought them home to read.

  15. ValMarie says:

    I’m going to have to go with #2 (flat tire) and #4 (although I can’t actually remember if you’ve ever mentioned your kids taking the bus or not. I just had to pick it anyway…)

    😉 Hope your day gets better!


  16. Mary says:

    You wear glasses, I never would have guessed.:lol:

  17. Robyn says:

    1 and 2.
    I don’t know if you have glasses.
    Oh my goodness Suzanne, I actually thought
    that each one had happened as I was reading and I thought that you having a bad day was
    an understatement.:wall:

  18. Lynn Daniels says:

    You scared me for a minute there. I thought *all* those things had happened to you and I was about to crown you QUEEN OF BAD MORNINGS.

    But since only two of them happened and you’re not telling which, I’ll guess the cat poop (1) and the roofer’s nail (2).

  19. StDebb says:

    I’m voting for 1 and 2, but I’m having great fun picturing number 4, and the older son’s reaction to it!


  20. Melissa says:

    Is Mercury in retrograde? It seems everyone’s having a bad time right now including myself.

    I say 1 and 3, Suz!! :hyper:

  21. Emma S says:

    For your kids sake, I desperately hope it wasn’t 4.

    But I’ll go with 3 & 5 (just to be different).

    Regardless, hope your day gets better and you’re not tempting the fates by mentioning the other possibilities.

  22. Sandy J says:

    Ok, Suzanne, I am going to be Devil’s Advocate and say 2 & 4. Only because that would be the absolutely worst things that could happen to anyone in one morning! 😯

  23. Cynthia says:

    I’m going with 3 & 4! Sorry you’ve had a bad morning. Hope your day gets better!

  24. ArmyWifeToddlerMom says:

    gonna guess 2 and 3 and I know if the roofers were hot, it would have made both more tolerable

  25. Alyssa says:

    I’m going to go with #2 and #3.

    Whatever really happened, I hope your day starts looking better!

  26. Marcy says:

    1) found cat poop in the corner of my bedroom

    5) lost my glasses

    LOL It’s a guess, but I could see all of them happening. :mrgreen:

  27. Kelly says:

    Hmmm, I’ll go with 2 & 5. Hope your day gets better!

  28. Tori says:

    Well, I already know one of them, so I’m just here say hi. :bananadance: But for a small bribe I might be persuaded to share what I know…. (just kidding!) :rotfl:

  29. Angie T says:

    I warned you about those nails, so it can’t be that! :mrgreen:

    I say #1 cat poop and #3 coffee…:grin:
    because that sounds a lot like my house!

  30. Christy says:

    I’m going to guess 1 and 2 (since I’ve had both of those things happen to me.) Hope your day gets better

  31. Michelle says:

    Rough day, huh? At least the weekend is ahead of you! I’m guessing 1 and 4. :guitar:

  32. Melissa Mc says:

    Hugs on the rough day. My guesses are 1 and 4!

  33. Carol says:

    2) discovered I ran over a roofer’s nail and my back left tire is flat

    5) lost my glasses

    I love your daily photo! :yes:

  34. Laurie says:

    Hi Suzanne,

    I’m also going with the 2)flat tire and 5)lost your glasses.

    Cats seem to clean to go on a carpet.
    Coffee’s too precious to waste early in the AM. Running out to the bus was a possibility…first week and all..but I went with the safer choice of lost glasses.

  35. Lori says:

    Sorry for the rotten morning – I’m going with 3 and 5 – but hope I’m wrong. Hey, that reminds me. I need a cuppa

    Lori :0

  36. MartyK says:

    One of the not-hot roofers left a nail for you to run over. And you lost your glasses. That might explain the rest of the list, lol.

  37. ruby55 says:

    Whew, (wipes brow) I’m glad not all those things happened to you. Two is definitely bad enough. So sweet thoughts on things getting better.:thumbsup:

    I don’t know if you wear glasses or what the habits of cats are. I just know dogs are great about holding it all in. I also know cats have their litter boxes.

    I’ll go with 2)roofer’s nail and 5)the glasses though I’ve never seen pictures of you wearing any.

    Would you really go into your living room to drink coffee before 7:00 a.m.:?:

  38. Danica says:

    Okay, I’m going with the cat poop and nail, and like the others, I really hope it wasn’t the underwear!

  39. kacey says:

    what a fun guessing game! Suzanne’s lousy morning! :wall: I’m guessing 1 & 4… (and never waste good coffee by spilling it! So I didn’t guess that one!)

  40. Christy K. says:

    Oh, should I roll two dice? How about 3 and 5?

    A few others said it, and I have to admit that I also thought they ALL happened to you at first.

    If so, was going to send YOU a free book to make you feel better!! :yes:

  41. Gina says:

    I’m thinking 4 and 5! Sigh, there should be a law that they need to be hot and not :loser: looking!

  42. Carol Burnside says:

    Well, hopefully you put your pants on, so that eliminates 4. I’ve never heard you speak of glasses or bad eyesight, and your cat looks too well behaved to do such a thing as poop on your carpet…
    I’m going with #2 & #3

  43. Katie S says:

    Hi Suzanne :wave:

    I am going to guess 1 and 4. Number 4 would explain your husband reminding you to put your pants on the other day. Maybe you forget a lot?! 😀

    Katie 😉

  44. Kim says:

    I’m going to guess #2 & #3. I hope it’s not the poop problem. That’s one place it doesn’t belong. :shocked:

  45. Darla Dixon says:

    I think #2 and #3 are the true ones…
    Even with 2 of them not being true, that’s a lot of bad junk to deal with! I hope your week improves!

  46. Maureen says:

    I’m guessing #1 and #2 because cats are like children – they get you when you’re down and I just ran over a piece of metal on the street a few days ago and ruined my tire.