Maddy’s Favorite Disney Heroine Is….


Ariel!!!!!!! Out of the correct guessers, the comment number drawn was #22–Toni! Click the Contact button in the menu above and send me your address and pick from my contemporary backlist!

Spring break is over!! Mary and Maddy went home on a train yesterday. I miss them already! But the school bus came today and my kids went to school! Woo hoo!!!! Back to writing……….

Isn’t Maddy the cutest thing ever??? :heart:

(I’ll be posting more spring break pictures all week here–and watch the photoblog for cool pictures, too. AND–I’ll be posting our adventure cooking the West Virginia delicacy, ramps. Anyone know what ramps are? Come back and see what Mary did with ramps!! She made gourmet ramps!!)


  1. Jill says:

    I want to see pics of the kittens!

  2. Marcy says:

    Ramps are a type of wild onion. :mrgreen:

  3. Becki says:

    Thank goodness for Google!

    Ramps are some type of salad fixin’, looking by the pictures.

    For gourmet, mix with arugula and mushrooms, toss with a raspberry vinagarette.

  4. ruby55 says:

    Maddy sure is cute.

    What I’d really love right now is that bouquet of wildfloweres she’s holding in the crook of her arm. At least I think they’re mostly wildflowers.

    I love wildflowers more than cultivated ones. I have a huge bouquet that my great-uncle painted and sent to me from Germany when I was about 19. I had to tussle my brother and sister-in-law to get it back after I was in Germany for the 1970’s. I think I finally got it back about 15 years ago. I really must get it up on one of the odd walls here.

    Hope you had a good day without the kids.:grin:

  5. ruby55 says:

    I just looked up ramps too. Apparently they can be found here in Ontario, too, though maybe a little later than WV. I’d certainly love them. I love leeks–I know, not very politically correct–as well as garlic, whose Latin name is just a longer form of the French word “ail”. Hmm, love that too.

    I should maybe send my sister out into their woods on the farm to see if they can find some.

    Do you know fiddleheads? Also a great delicacy. :heart: Only they don’t grow wild here if at all.

  6. Cynthia says:

    Aww…what a cute picture!

  7. Toni Anderson says:

    Wayhay!! I won LOL. See–I told you I know 6 year old girls!!! :mrgreen:

  8. Jill says:

    She is adorable, and I wish we had wild flowers growing here, but alas, STILL snow on the ground!!