News & Thoughts in Vignettes


So there was a sale on Doritos. If you’ve been reading my blog for awhile, you know that I hardly ever buy junk food. It’s too expensive. But then there was a sale. Three for the price of one on Doritos. I became the proud owner of 345 million bags of Doritos. Everyone was excited at first. Everyone was eating Doritos. Like, my GOD, we have Doritos! Then the Doritos-munching slacked off. And we still have 344 million bags of Doritos.

Yesterday was a busy day. I was out quite a bit then other things were going on when I was home, including unexpected visitors. At 8 pm, I looked around and realized I had to do something fast and easy about dinner. We had a pot of pinto beans I’d cooked the night before, so I made a pan of cornbread and called it dinner. While the cornbread was baking, because I was starving by then, I reached into a bag of Doritos and ate a handful. Then I took the cornbread out of the oven and had a warm, buttery slice and thought, This is so much better than Doritos.

The last several years, I’ve eaten almost exclusively homemade, homebaked, and often homegrown. I’m not sure I even like Doritos anymore. I think this is a good thing, except I miss Doritos. Which is hard to explain when I have 344 million bags of them.

The ducklings have moved on from their brooder to join the big chicks in the chicken yard.
Mr. and Mrs. Duck (the big ducks) were fascinated and plastered themselves to the fenceline outside the chicken yard as soon as the ducklings appeared. I had a lightbulb moment and decided to attempt an adoption. I moved Mr. and Mrs. Duck into the chicken yard with the big chicks and the ducklings. I hated to move them back in to the chicken yard after only their first week of free-ranging, but I’m hoping they will take the ducklings under their wing and ease their way into free-ranging, too, and they can all go back out together in another month or so.

Spot took his test run with the chickens. He loves the chickens.
Except when they look at him wrong, then he runs.
I love Spot.

Yesterday I walked out onto the porch and looked down at Mean Rooster and he flew up five feet off the ground in a desperate attempt to attack me.

Just sayin’.

That rooster is out to get me. As soon as he can figure out how to fly up high enough to reach the second-story porch, I’m a goner.

One of the reasons I was so busy and out of pocket yesterday was because we went to pick up Pepsi. He’s here, he’s here!
He is a gorgeous goat.

The kids have been waiting for him with great anticipation. Weston said, “What if he’s a defective fainting goat? What if he doesn’t faint?”

He had to test Pepsi right away………….. (to be continued)


  1. Ms E says:

    I really hope Mean Rooster doesn’t put sweet little Spot on his hit list! That rooster needs an attitude ajustment, ASAP IMHO. Pepsi is quite handsome, when will Sprite be arriving?

  2. Patty says:

    Aha now that I can see all of Spot, he’s definitely a Rat Terrier. Ironic since you hate the neighbor’s “Rat Dog” haha. “Ratties” are also known as “Feists”. I have a standard Rat Terrier, Sophie who is the sweetest most adorable dog ever, other than the Rattie I had as a child. I think Spot is a mid-sized (about the same size as a Jack Russel). Here’s a link to the AKC page with photos. The markings are so variable, which is so nice – no two look exactly alike. They were originally a mix of the Fox Terrier and other smaller breeds like the Winchester Terrier. He may end up being a better mouser than your cats! Consider yourself very lucky to be owned by a rattie!
    By the way, I am in love with Pepsi. He’s so cute!!!

  3. Becky says:

    Its time for a showdown with mean rooster! Seriously, Get on you hockey pads, and something like a garbage can cover.You need .to show him whos ahead of your spread im not kidding!.go in pen and he will obviously come after you, dont back down!go forword toward him after everytime he comes after you. Dont let him come after you last. make sure you follow through, it make take a little while like 30-40 minutes. But you should be able to go in without being botthered. When you realize that your leader now he should shy away from you but never back down!

  4. Leah says:

    Wow theres so much going on at your place! The ducklings are sweet. And, Weston cracks me up! I dont think I could make Pepsi faint,lol!

  5. Heidi533 says:

    Oh my gosh you have been busy. And Pepsi is just adorable!

  6. gwen says:

    you really have the most amazing animals, the stories are just to funny, thank you for sharing…….smiling at the computer again 😉

  7. Cyndi Lewis says:

    Spot looks adorable and right at home.
    Perhaps you should carry pepper spray just in case the rooster perfects his flying skills.
    As for Doritos… as yummy as they taste, they’ll just kill you faster than a stick of butter. Stick with the cornbread.

  8. Diane says:

    So much going on at your farm. Spot and Pepsi are looking right at home. The baby ducks and chicks are very cute.

    How is your garden comming along. We need to start on mine this weekend. Good thing I put it off. We had frost last night. ugg.
    And too much rain to till up the garden at that.

    Picked up your book last week.:) I was at Walmart and it was calling me. lol.

    Corn bread is so much better than Doritos. But then a good Dorito can be just as yummy at times too.

  9. wildcat says:

    I love the Sweet Hot Chili Doritos. I don’t have them very often. Afterwards I get heartburn, and I swear I’ll never eat them again. But eventually I do – I can’t help myself. LOL

    So when do we get to meet Pocahontas? Is she there yet? Huh?

  10. Fencepost says:

    Having a chicken stalking you is no fun!
    My Grandma had one of those, I was scared to death of him as a child. :bugeyed: Nothing worse than getting flogged or spurred as soon as you walk in the chicken yard.
    Can’t wait to read the rest of the story!

  11. Bev says:

    Pepsi is so cute. And I have to say Spot is adorable. I am so happy for that poor little dog…he is finally loved and I am sure very happy.

  12. Heidi says:

    I have a pair of mean roosters – they wont attack me face on, instead one tries to distract me while the other attacks me from behind! They never go for my husband though – not sure what that is about!

    So now I have a walking stick (which I made from a fallen tree branch) and I make sure I have it with me, they are learning to keep their distance!

  13. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    Awwww, Spot looks so cute with the chickens and the ducks look like they have made themselves right at home.

    Pepsi is absolutely adorable!

  14. Suzette says:

    Well, I’m relieved that Spot doesn’t see the chickens as dinner. Owning a terrier, I know how predatory they can be. I was worried for you. Spot is a cutie. And Pepsi! What an adorable goat! I never thought I’d say such a thing. Can’t wait to see him faint. 🙂

  15. shirley says:

    I see Clover on the other side of the fence yelling “RUN SPOT RUN”.
    I think she’s messing with his head.Probably told him that chickens eat dogs. :devil2:

  16. Julie says:

    Pepsi is adorable! My son gave me two fainters for Mothers Day still trying to name them?? He has 75 fainters they are so entertaining and loveable! So I have 1 jacob sheep, 2 pygmy’s, and 2 fainters in my family now! I just love them.. Can’t wait to see all your funny happenings with Pepsi!

  17. Kacey says:

    Pepsi is adorable… :yes:

  18. Claudia W. says:

    Hurray that Spot is not interested in catching the chickens. That would have been devastating! On more than one level. Hurray that Pepsi has arrived! Hurray that the ducklings are out in the yard. WOW! Everything is going just as it should. It’s all because you live life right!
    Send a bag of Doritos here, I’ll help ya get rid of them!

  19. Jenny says:

    Pepsi is so cute. Babies goats are hard to resist! I’m guessing tomorrow we get some pictures of him fainting.
    One of our roosters was racing the perimeter of the chicken pen yesterday to chase my daughter. He’s going to the freezer soon, though. Can’t keep mean roosters and little kids.

  20. Stacia says:

    Spot is adorable and Pepsi is so cute! I am jealous. I think I’ll have to make cornbread for dinner tonight too.

  21. jean says:

    I think it might be in your best interest to kill off the Mean Rooster. What do you think about that? And to just leave off the end of the story about Pepsi was cruel.

  22. Beth Brown says:

    I can’t wait to hear the rest of the story! Pepsi is adorable – I honestly am amazed that it took me 45 years to realize how udderly adorable goats are! And your Spot reminds me of my little farm-hua-hua, Tipper.

    :chicken: Have a wonderful day!

    Beth in PA

  23. SuzieQ says:

    Maybe there’s a “Rooster Whisperer” :whip: somewhere that can show you how to become the “Flock Leader” so Mean Rooster will cease and desist!!

  24. Sandra Leigh says:

    I do love goats. I remember a scruffy old Toggenburg buck that used to come up and put his head in my lap so I could scratch behind his ears. It was a smelly gesture, but very endearing. Please give Pepsi a scratch for me.

  25. Ken Mueller says:

    Are there standards for how often a good fainting goat should actually faint? Who sets those standards? Enquiring minds want to know.

  26. Treasure says:

    It is time to have mean rooster for dinner.

  27. shirley says:

    You should change Spot’s name to Heinz.(57 varieties)
    He clearly is just a lovable mutt. :happypuppy:

  28. Melanie says:

    Did you happen to catch the episode of Dirty Jobs where Mike Rowe and the camera crew were at a fainting goat farm and they kept trying to purposely make the goats faint in order to catch it on camera? Of course, it didn’t work. It was great.

  29. Sheryl says:

    Oh my Goodness! Those ducklings are just adorable!!
    That Spot is so funny! My dog does that too – scared to death of the chickens. lol!

  30. Caryn says:

    Spot looks like my type B teddy roosevelt rat terrier. He even has button ears like Snickers. His tail is docked the right way and he has the tell tale spots in his skin and a naked stomach under area.

    The type B ratties are shorter to the ground and longer than the type A ratty. You can see the doxie body in them.

    When he gets excited and his ears pop up you will know for sure!

  31. Estella says:

    Pepsi is too cute!

  32. Susan says:

    Coco will have to teach Spot how to handle mean rooster. Pepsi is adorable!

  33. catslady says:

    All such good news – I’m so glad Spot is fitting right in! A duck family awwwwwww. And Pepsi is adorable.

    Now as to those Doritos – send them on up to my new son in law – I think they are is favorite food group. He would be very disappointed if I didn’t have a bag available whenever he visits lol.

  34. Jean says:

    Sort of on topic: You can understand my need to share. We got 200 baby chicks today dirt cheap. The woman at Tractor Supply wanted to get rid of them. Our “farm family” is out getting them settled.

  35. Amber says:

    The rooster in those pictures looks as big as the dog!! I had no idea roosters got that big.

  36. Christy O says:

    Pepsi is beautiful! I’m glad Spot isn’t a chicken eater.

  37. maryann says:

    With the mean rooster, have you tried keeping a squirt gun with you? He comes near you and you shoot him with it.
    As far as the Doritos go, crush them up in a bag into fine crumbs and use them like bread crumbs in chicken or in a meatloaf. I have done both with the sweet/hot flavor. I also one time heavily covered the chicken pieces and let sit over night in the fridge before dipping them into egg and then flour. My husband liked it but my advice would be do it with one piece of chicken for a sample as it was a little too much for my taste buds. Of course I add ranch to spice BBQ sauce to calm the bite. I wonder what it would do to cornbread?

  38. ML says:

    It’s strange but there’s a casserole you can make with Doritos. A girl brought it work once and it was gone in a few minutes. Maybe you could make it with one of your 344 millions bags that are left. :eating:

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