A Very Berry Birthday


More birthday gifts from 52–blueberry and thornless blackberry bushes!!! YAY!!!! (He gives the BEST presents.)


  1. blossom says:

    52 should write a book on gift giving for the country girl!

  2. glenda says:

    You have had a wonderful birthday!

    I just had Blackberry Cobbler from our frozen blackberries……need I say more. Accompanied by Willow’s delicious milk.

    Ain’t country life grand.

  3. Leah says:

    Those are great!I like the containers, you could save those to put stuff in and they’re cute.

  4. Teresa from Lancaster, PA says:

    He probably appreciates that you are easy to shop for! I’m just wondering how you will top this for his birthday, or if you’ll even try. 🙂

  5. mrsgmc says:

    Are you planning to plant them in the garden, or up by your house? (the pots they came in are too cute)

  6. NorthCountryGirl says:

    What a man! He does give nice presents.

  7. blueberrylu says:

    awesome!!! I am just imagining all the post for pies, preserves, bread puddings, cobblers and such you will be able to write once these babies get producing in a couple of years. We planted raspberries last year and even though we just got a few handfulls of berries it was a joy to be able to pick and eat them. 52 had elevated even higher in my book of super cool gift giving people.

  8. Julie says:

    Looks like you had a Berry, Berry Happy Birthday!! :happyflower:

  9. Carmen Smith says:

    Now those are my kinda gifts!

  10. CindyP says:

    And I’ve been telling my SO all the gifts you got, now I’ve got to add to the list! I’m jealous, very, very jealous!

  11. scorwin says:

    I used to have a couple thornless blackberry and raspberry bushes. I mostly ate them standing next to the bushes : )) The birds got a lot of them! I want to put strawberries in again this year. I once had two big rows but let them go the few years my husband was sick. They are so much better than from the grocery store!

  12. marymac says:

    You gotta watch these men Suzanne. He knows what a good cook you are, lol this way by giving you a cow and berries he is sure to have a happy belly lol, but you know the old saying”‘the way to a man’s heart is through the stomach “

  13. nikki says:

    I got a blackberry bush for my bday last year! Love it. I also stand at the bush eating them from the plant! I have a bday coming up this sunday so I am hoping for another plant for my garden : )

    Yea 52!!

  14. Jenny says:

    Mmm…berries and cream. Our blueberry bushes don’t appear to have made it through this crazy winter we just had. But our raspberries and blackberries and strawberries did! Planning to get some more bushes this year, though.

  15. Connie Crowl says:

    That’s wonderful. I just got thornless blackberries, red raspberries, concord grapes and blueberries to plant. I got the blackberries planted and wanted to do the rest today but it’s raining here in Ohio.

  16. lavenderblue says:

    Way to go, 52!

    My husband knows the way to my heart, too. My Easter basket this year was a bag of potting soil and a bag of manure. 😆

  17. QuietStorm says:

    52 you are definately a “keeper”!
    can you talk to my husband about picking out presents?
    cherry trees, apple trees, bark mulch & some soil for raised garden beds?

  18. Michele says:

    Those are great presents, he is a winner! Your farm is going to be even better this summer when everything is ripe! :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

  19. Sharon Gosney says:

    Good job 52, its a win win for all. There is nothing better than fresh berries. The gocery store berries are awful. Hey now maybe in the future you can make wine!

  20. Stacy says:

    I planted those same berry bushes today! I love berry bushes! Happy Birthday!

  21. Yvonne M. says:

    You’re so lucky to have that man! I’m so glad you had such a great birthday and that everything went so smoothly bringing the cow home. I’m really happy that you’re happy! :snoopy:

  22. melissa says:

    :purpleflower: I’m a WV girls too and I want to buy some for my husband’s birthday this Saturday – I haven’t seen them out here yet – hopefully they are!

  23. Dana says:

    Those are my kind of gifts. My husband knows not to buy me cut flowers, he buys me rose bushes and plants. Thats the kind of things I like too.

  24. Gini says:

    Hope you had a wonderful, happy birthday! You deserve it!

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