Afternoon Moments


Jack and Poky, whispering sweet nothings and trading grooming:

Chicken, thinking:

“Did I lay my egg today?”

“How many times have I pooed today?”

“I’m getting a pen! I need to start writing this stuff down!”

Girl, not afraid of chicken poo:


She’s a braver person than me.


  1. yvonnem says:

    She’s braver than me too….don’t want to be steppin’ in poo! But when you are young, you really don’t think much about it do you?

    Have you two been riding Zip? And have you visited Patriot?

  2. alba says:

    LOL As long as she cleans her feet before she comes in the house.. Bucket of Water by the door might be a good idea.

  3. amateisgal says:

    I think my daughter and your daughter are the same when it comes to fashion – t-shirts and gym shorts. That is all my daughter has worn over the summer!

    Having grown up on a farm, we never went barefoot – too many stickers around, plus we didn’t have a lot of grass, either. And my mom was also a REAL stickler for making us wear shoes!

  4. tammyinwv says:

    A typical country girl. I grew up on a farm, and still like in the country. I helped milk cows, feed the chickens and gather eggs, etc. I love the country, and I wouldnt think of raising kids anywhere else. By the way. I am your neighbor from Doddridge county, wv. My husband has worked for an oil and gas company many yrs. It used to be Pennzoil, then Pennzenergy.and a few others. He has worked in your neck of the woods before.

  5. Murphala says:

    I’ve always gone barefoot, well into adulthood! We had stickers and I didn’t care unless they got hooked onto the sides or top. My feet were so tough a sticker couldn’t touch ’em. If I had hobbit feet with a warm furry natural cover, I would go barefoot all year round!

  6. djbrown says:

    I don’t go looking for poo, but at 49years old I love going barefoot. My kinda girl!

  7. Darlene in North GA says:

    Even as I read this, I’m sitting here barefooted. I’ll be 59 in two weeks. lol

    Anyone else able to use their toes/feet to pick stuff up? They make a nice adjunct to your hands.

  8. Ramona Slocum says:

    As kids we always went bare footed in the summer. Before the first time in the spring, mom would give us each an empty can and we had to walk around the yard and pick up all the glass we could find.
    We got so used to being bare footed, we could run on the rocks. If we did step in poo, we would run over to the garden hose and wash it off. When it would rain, it would feel good to let the mud ooze up between our toes. If it was a warm rain, some times we got to run in it and get all wet The joys of growing up on the farm.

  9. Joell says:

    I remember as a child on my Grandparents and Aunts farm stepping in chicken poo while going barefooted, you would have the shy was falling, it sort of squishes up between your toes UGH!!

  10. Remudamom says:

    Wow, stuff is so green! We couldn’t walk barefoot in our yard if we wanted to, the grass is so dry and brittle it’s like glass.

  11. princessvanessa says:

    When I went barefoot during my young years the only thing that really grossed me out was stepping on a slug and having it squish up between my toes. The slime then made all dirt, dust, fir needles and grass clippings stick like glue. It is almost impossible to get dried slug slime off your skin. Chicken droppings is just a minor inconvenience.

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