Awkward Trio


Rhett finally got his, only…. Nutmeg doesn’t want him. She was crying and hanging her head desperately through the fence for ECLIPSE. We separated her from Rhett again after she spent the day with him (and his needy efforts), and I’m thinking about wethering (neutering) Rhett. In a month, we’ll put Nutmeg with Eclipse, then we’ll know which one is the daddy by when she delivers.

Poor Rhett. He’s very tiny and the girls just don’t want him. They want Mr. Tall, Dark, and Handsome.


  1. Julie says:

    Sounds right to me. Don’t we all want Mr Tall, Dark, and Handsome? Poor little Rhett!

  2. Carol says:

    Yup! Size DOES make a difference.

  3. Lynn says:

    Poor little Rhett! He looks embarrassed!

  4. CindyP says:

    Poor Rhett…….he’s so cute, though!

  5. NorthCountryGirl says:

    I feel sorry for Rhett. He’s so cute.

  6. Kelly Walker says:

    What is wrong with your girls???? Don’t they know that it’s what’s on the inside that counts!!!! Hang in there Rhett,

  7. Anita says:

    Will Rhett not get any bigger? Maybe when he’s bigger they’ll respond better to him. Oh, don’t wether him too soon! Poor boy, never to know the taste of love.

  8. Barbee' says:

    He’s a pretty little thing, but I think your plan is the only answer I can see if you are wanting to keep him.

  9. Michelle says:

    But with time, won’t Rhett be tall, handsome and FLASHY?

  10. Nic, SD says:

    My husband is a small guy, but I guess there’s just no telling goats. Poor Rhett!

  11. Nancy in Iowa says:

    Well, shame on the girls! Rhett is small, but gorgeous!

  12. Anne says:

    He is so cute!!!! Poor little fella :O(

  13. Arlene says:

    Awwww……..some of them just don’t make the cut. I think that even happens in the human world doesn’t it? LOL!! :yes:

  14. Yvonne says:

    Rhett is gorgeous…..feed him MORE cookies! That should attract Nutmeg AND Clover!

  15. goatgirl says:

    I won’t be very popular saying this but I think Rhett may not be all buck. He is not very masculine and you have to trust the girls.
    I bought a buck a few years ago that was small and cute and didn’t grow much. He acted like a buck but never got any of the buck characteristics. He liked the girls but they didn’t like him. A goat lady came over and said that while he was cute she thought he was a hermaphrodite. Well he was because none of the girls got pregnant. I bought a new buck and have no problems.
    I say don’t use him, just use Eclipse.

  16. Chic says:

    Hmmmm is there a cookie scented cologne out there? :hungry2:

  17. farmershae says:

    NNNOOOOO!!!! Rhett is far to cute!!! I want to see little babies that look like him! There is clearly only one plan of action. More girls! This time girls that think Rhett is hot. (This is also a plot for me to live vicariously through you and to get more and more goats!!!!! :devil2: )

  18. chardeadman says:

    awww, poor little munchkin.

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