Biscuits with Icing


Biscuits with icing. Apparently, it’s a thing. I never knew it was a thing. A biscuit thing. Did you?

I found out it was a thing when customers at my Etsy shop started asking me for icing–to go with their biscuits. This had never occurred to me, but! I offer icing to go with biscuits now and have been surprised by how often it’s ordered.

I’m more of a sausage gravy with biscuits person. And a molasses with biscuits person. And a honey and butter with biscuits person. And a jam with biscuits person. And a ham with biscuits person. Basically, I’m a biscuit person.

What kind of biscuit person are you? Are you a biscuits with icing person? Is it your biscuit thing? Is there another biscuit thing I don’t know about???


  1. wkyangel says:

    I saw some blueberry biscuits online the other day and thought, hmmmmm. So I went to make some, but I used blackberries instead, complete with icing. The whole time I thought that I wouldn’t care for these because I’m a biscuit lover from way back and always liked them exactly the way you said you did. Okay, I admit, these where pretty good!

  2. geekette says:

    Biscuits, country ham, and red eye gravy!

  3. yvonnem says:

    I agree with you, however, I have enjoyed cinnamon raisin biscuits with icing (Hardee’s).

  4. Jen says:

    I’ve actually tried to stop eating biscuits…all bread really. I’m married to a man who cannot eat them because he has juvenile diabetes, so I’ve tried to give them up too. But I do indulge. When I go to Cracker Barrell I always ask for fried apples with a side whipped cream for one of my sides. I slice open my hot buiscut & pour it all on. It’s a perfect dessert!

  5. Old Geezer says:

    What’s next? Deep fried chicken with grape jam and chocolate sauce?

    (Hmmmm. Worth a try.)

  6. beforethedawn says:

    Hmmm haven’t heard of icing on biscuits, but that does sound good for a sweet tooth. I love my biscuits slathered in butter and honey.

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