Candle Shop


It’s the week before retreat week, which means I’m likely to exhibit a pattern of tardy behavior, so please forgive me. Yesterday, I was in the “candle shop” practicing and prepping for my cake candle class. We’ll be making cake candles and cupcake candles. Here in the studio, I was mostly making a mess.

But while I was at it, I made some extra cake candles and cupcake candles to sell, then played on filling up some pint container candles, too. I’ll be selling cake, cupcake, and container candles at the Sassafras Farm Flea Market at the Party on the Farm along with my soaps and preserves.

They smell yummy. I love candles!

Responding to a question yesterday as to whether I will have any of these items for sale in my online farm store, I don’t know yet. I’ve been planning to add more items to the store, but haven’t had time. The flea market has pressed me into service, and after the party, I’ll definitely be putting more items up in my store.

I’m also getting ready to weigh and package up some of Annabelle’s batting, which is suitable for felting projects, and will also be selling that at the party and later through my farm store.

I’m so excited about the retreat and the party this year. We are about to have a BLAST!


  1. Ramona Slocum says:

    I would be interested in buying some candles from your shop. I also love the soaps.
    I received my picture of the butterfly on flowers from your project.
    Thank you very much. I will enjoy it.
    My daughter keeps encouraging me to come to the retreat on the farm. I talk about it to her so much. Maybe next year.
    Have a great Labor Day.
    MN Mona

  2. GA_in_GA says:

    Sign me up for Annabelle’s batting, please! And I sure hope you will sell your Whiskey Raisin Apple Butter & Drunken Cherries at the online farm store!

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