Coco’s Secret Shame


She’s scared of clowns! She never told me till now.


  1. Kathie says:

    I am with Coco on that one!

  2. Tracey In Paradise Pa. says:

    :fairy: Tooo funny so is my daughter Nicole she is going to be 25!! give me a clown and she is on the run..She and Coco would be great friends..

  3. Anita says:

    Well, who isn’t?

  4. Sue says:

    I don’t blame her, so am I! Ugh, :no: clowns!!!
    Poor Coco, nobody understands us do they? :hug:

  5. Ms E says:

    Concur Coco – they are creepy!

  6. Miss Becky says:

    laughing out loud here! :airkiss:

  7. .Nancy in Iowa says:

    Oh, dear – don’t let her watch Stephen King’s “It”!!!

  8. Carol says:

    It’s okay Coco – I’m terrified of clowns – and I’m almost 40!

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