Coming Attraction


Somebody thought she could run. Somebody thought she could hide. But oh no, somebody was wrong! (Somebody’s probably gonna want a lot of cookies to make up for this.)

Clover’s annual holiday photo tableau is in the can. Don’t miss it on Saturday!

See Clover at Christmas in 2009! And Clover at Christmas in 2008.


  1. Darlene in North Ga says:

    Can’t wait to see what she’s doing this year! Since she gave you TWO kids, guess she can’t be on Santa’s naughty list.

  2. Nona says:

    :snuggle: I just love these photos keep them coming! :chicken:

  3. Mermonster says:

    Cruses! :hissyfit: I don’t have internet at home. I am going to be suffering some withdrawal symptoms.

  4. holstein woman says:

    I’ll be waiting…..
    I thought maybe she was going to drop more kids then??? When is she due???

  5. Ramona says:

    Sounds like she’s in trouble!

  6. texwisgirl says:

    Hurray! We get a good dose of Clover!

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