Cookin’ with Onion


Morgan has an unholy abhorrence for onion, so I often leave it out of my cooking to suit her. Since she’s out of town for the next several weeks, I’m cookin’ with onion–and lots of it.

Good thing I done went up the holler.


  1. mamajhk says:

    Do tell us what you are making with onions? Since I just put some in the dehyrator I am also going to carmelize some. I plan to do a big batch and save some for future use this week. I bought a bag of vidalia Onions at the store yesterday.

  2. merng says:

    My sister was a lot like Morgan as a child, so my mother used to put the onion in the blender with a little water and puree it, then drain the water. My sister never knew the onion was in her food! I couldn’t cook without onion!

  3. mamajhk says:

    My DIL likes the flavor of onions but doesn’t like the texture so I have to puree them or use onion powder instead. I tried onion juice but I think I will make my own from now on.

  4. rurification says:

    I LOVE onions. My favorite vegetable, by far. Especially caramelized with butter. But then, everything is better with butter.

  5. mamapeeps says:

    I’m with rurification – don’t think I could live w/o onions! Think of Lyonaisse potatoes without them. No way. Enjoy them while you can! :hungry:

  6. Cheryl LeMay says:

    I completely understand Morgan’s feelings about onions.I used to be the same way. I thought of them as tapeworms.Since then I’ve grown up and as a professional cook I can control how my onions are cooked.They’ve got to be well carmelized for me to eat them. Definately a texture issue,not a flavor one.My mother would use onion powder in her cooking because of me. I sympathize with you Suzanne.

  7. prayingpup says:

    Just curious . . . do you think they could be carmelized and then dehydrated? Anyone tried that?

  8. hawkswench says:

    I’m with Morgan about onions, and its a good thing now as I have become allergic to them.
    Just in case someone is wondering how to know if you are allergic without showing hives and such, if after eating something with onion powder in it, your mouth especially your tongue starts feeling like its on fire you may have the beginning of a food allergy. Its been harder to find things to eat on a restaurant menu that doesn’t contain onions in one form or another.

  9. leneskate says:

    Okay so what is went up the holler?

  10. Granny Trace says:

    :chicken: I want to go up the holler..
    I love onions.
    Granny Trace

  11. Pete says:

    Onions, onions, ONIONS!! To be allergic to them, oh, NO!!

    Just coming out of a caramelized onion phase here. Wanted some to put on a burger, then ended up eating them on EVERYTHING! Yum!! Grilled cheese and caramelized onion was just the beginning… :snoopy:

  12. lavenderblue says:

    We are onion challenged here, too. Love the flavor, hate the texture. Husband loves them but they “distress” him terribly. The kids must have texture issues, too, because they will eat them powdered and dried but not fresh or fried. They love garlic, however, in any form.

    Here’s a warning, too. There are mucklands (read: onion farms) a few miles from here and it has been way too wet to get the starts in. The ones that have already been planted were washed out. So if you see a good deal on onions, grab them and start dehydrating for the winter.

  13. Ramona Slocum says:

    One of my favorite ways to make onions is putting them whole on the grill. Leave the skin on. It takes about 1/2 hour to cook through. Doesn’t matter if the outside skin burns, the middle will be sooooooooooo delicous. Sooooo easy and tasty.
    We do a lot of grilling in MN. Do you in other states?
    MN Mona

  14. joykenn says:

    Like Hawkswench and Morgan, I developed a distaste for cooked onions. It was their texture and translucent appearence (“slimy, they’re slimy, Mama,” I whined.) I would grip about them, whine a bit and then proceed to pick out of the chili or stew every visible onion bit. The poor woman took to putting them in in big pieces so that I could pick them out faster and stop making Yuck noises at each one I found. Of course, my younger sister decided that SHE hated onions also cause I was getting too much attention and special treatment with my whining. It’s a wonder she let us all live to adulthood.

    Needless to say my aversion to cooked onion went away as I got older and started my own cooking. I’m still not fond of biting into a chunk of onion so I always chop them very fine. In macaroni salad where I like the favor but not unexpectedly biting down on apiece of onion, I started growing chives to use in their place. One pot outside spread and the winds blew the seeds so they are almost as numerous as mint plants in my flower beds if I don’t keep after them. I dried chive bloosoms and now chop them up and add them to salads for a delightful onion flavor without the actual onion. Try that on Morgan. I bet she can’t identify one bit of onion in the salad. “What do you mean this potato salad has onion in it? Show me an onion in the salad. I certainly didn’t put onions in the salad since I know you don’t like them.” (a twist of a Whipply Snidelash style villan’s mustache and a grin)

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