In the County Paper


Today’s Roane County Reporter! I don’t think they have articles online, but you can pick up a copy if you’re local.

From the article: McMinn, who scheduled this interview around a hair appointment, admits she is anything but a traditional farmer.

That cracked me up. And hey! I had eight inches cut off last week and got highlights.
Hair is important!


You can order Chickens in the Road: An Adventure in Ordinary Splendor now!

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  1. holstein woman says:

    You’re so cute. How fun to read your posts every day.

  2. liberalhippiequeen says:

    I will NOT scream “WHY?” … I will politely ask “What inspired you to cut off your beautiful hair, dear ?” 😕

  3. rhubarbrose says:

    You are so funny and I enjoy your posts so much! I rarely comment but have been following you for years now!I can’t believe it, but we are headed your way tomorrow and will be in Charleston tomorrow evening. I so wish I could stop in on your booksigning but will be leaving early on Sat. a.m. for Lexington!! If I happen to spot you somewhere on the way I’ll stop and shout hello. We’ll try to not let the snow follow us from Ontario to WV! Ugh!
    Congrats on the book and hopefully I can pick up a copy soon. All the best – and your hair looks great BTW.

  4. Pat says:

    You look SOOOOO good in the book signing photos–happy, comfortable, relaxed, glowing. Your hair looked really good in those pictures, too. I have your book but haven’t started reading (crazy at my house right now). Best wishes for a happy fall and Halloween with Maia. Pat in Eastern NC

  5. VaGirl2 says:

    been following your blog for several years now…and I’m loving the book…and all the great publicity you are getting. This from a former hairdresser…your new hair length and highlights make you look younger girlfriend!…just sayin’ 🙂

  6. WvSky says:

    You’re telling ME hair is important! Lady, you dont know the half of it! 😉

  7. Leah says:

    I like your hair, you look very pretty! :wave:

  8. Della says:

    I like that we get to see your face. I think your hair is pretty and healthy. Some of us get the natural highlights it called gray.

  9. Dghawk says:

    Wish I could read the article. Oh, well. I did read your piece in O magazine at the grocery today, So you want to learn to ride bareback. It’s not that hard (at least I don’t think so). The best advise that was given to me by a camp counselor, was to grip the horse with your thighs. Put a small stick between your thigh, just above the knee, and the horse, and grip it so it doesn’t fall out. Your thighs will be sore for a few days, but it’s worth it. I love riding bareback. :shimmy:

  10. DebiJ427 says:

    Love the new “do”!!

  11. corazon says:

    Finished your book in three days and passed it along to my mother who has heard stories from your blog from me but has never logged on. The other night she goes “oh i just love chickens in the road!! Some people just have that way of writing that makes you feel apart of their life”

    My dad just bought her a kindle which she is mad about as she loves her books and hates technology. I set up some favorites on it and bookmarked your blog. She may just embrace the evil computer soon enough. Great book and inspirational story of hard work and determination.


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