Drama Donkey




Are you okay, Jack?!

Jack: “Never mind. I just couldn’t see Poky for a minute.”


  1. Deanna says:

    My two mini donkeys have been together for 10 years and my jack acts the same way when our jenny gets too far away from him. LOL

  2. rain says:

    Oh Jack–I’d feel the same way–you are both so adorable!! :o) :heart:

  3. Nancy in Iowa says:

    I knew it had something to do with Poky!!!

  4. Nancy Stickler says:

    Oh my goodness…did he sound as bad/sad as he looked????

  5. Quietstorm says:

    Oh My Gosh…. poor Jack!

  6. Brenda E says:

    Oh how funny – poor Jack – he would be lost without Pokey.

  7. Theresa Winstead says:

    Love the devotion!

  8. Michelle says:

    Well, she is his raison d’etre. 😉

  9. Joy in Iowa says:


  10. MaryB says:

    Jack is so cute, I just want to scratch his head. Awwww :heart:

  11. Karen Anne says:

    Do donkeys not have any grinding teeth?

  12. Johanna says:

    He’s just a sentimental romantic, isn’t he? Devoted to his Poky.

  13. Johanna says:

    He’s not a controlling stalker, right?!

  14. Myrna Mackenzie says:

    Jack is a true and romantic hero. The woman in his life is everything to him. You go, Jack!

  15. Tracey In Paradise Pa. says:

    :snuggle: Oh how sweet.love love love it..
    Granny Trace


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