Dueling Songbirds


“Do not be drear,
our spring is near!”

“Liar, liar,
pants on fire.”

Our power came back on yesterday! Just as another storm moved in….. We have rain, sleet, snow, and high winds on tap for today. We’re battening down the hatches, getting ready for another possible loss of power. Instead of brownies, this time I made Gingerbread with Nutty-Buttery Broiled Topping. I am prepared!


  1. Cheryl says:

    Love it!

    Praying your power stays on. You WV folks keep those power crews hoppin’! Last week, I finally got to feeling ashamed of wanting our power on. I knew those guys had been out in the cold, working long hours and at least we were warm.

  2. carsek says:

    Don’t you just love this weather? We have a boat load of snow here in Ohio to. Mostly today they are calling for wind, OH GOODIE. Ha!! Hang in there.

  3. NorthCountryGirl says:

    Here in northern PA it’s snowing and the schools are closed for the day. I hope your power stays on. AND, it’s nice to see the cardinal again. He’s so beautiful against the dreary winter background. Have fun eating your gingerbread.

  4. Debnfla3 says:

    Hope your power stays on!
    It is 30 degrees here, misty rain but no snow!

  5. Julia says:

    I am in Houston, where the weather is dreary today, but we are in no danger of losing power or of freezing. We have cardinals, too, but I swear they are not as red as this one!

  6. Wildcat says:

    I love this photo! Cardinals are the WV state bird, and they look gorgeous against the snow.

    Hope your power stays on this time! But even if it goes out… we know that you are READY! :shimmy:

  7. carol says:

    You are a Winter Whiz Bang, Suzanne….all prepared for the next wave of snow and ready to serve your family a treat fit for the Snow Queen’s table. I want to come live with you and sit by your fire, eat gingerbread with a fat cat on my lap and a Crooked Little
    Hen at my feet. (she IS living IN the house now, right???)
    Dallas is having a winter weather event this evening…rain then snow tonight and through tomorrow. Uh-huh. Suurrreeee, it’s gonna snow for more than two hours. But I’m prepared also…going to Krogers on the way home and will have Cajun Shrimp and Catfish Po’Boys for supper tonight. And maybe a muffin. Or cookie. Who knows!
    By the way, the cardinal picture is beautiful…such a contrast from the gray of the day and the brilliant red of the bird. You always have wonderful pictures!
    Be careful and enjoy your winter hiatus from life!(again)

  8. CindyP says:

    LOVE the cardinal pic! Gives the dreary winter a bright, fresh look!

    Hoping you still have power this morning!

  9. Chic says:

    Hang in there Suzanne….this will give you lots of time to finish your knitting! That gingerbread recipe sounds good….we’re not quite finished eating one I made a few days ago but maybe next week I’ll try yours. Keep warm and stay safe! :hungry2:

  10. Mary says:

    I don’t know why, but you seem to be getting all our Upper Michigan weather this year.

  11. Cyndy Buiniskis says:

    There is nothing like the bright red beauty of a cardinal against a gray winter background! Julia in Houston is right, they’re not as red in Texas! Still beautiful and a joy to see, but not as “show-stopping” I guess. Best wishes to Suzanne & everyone else dealing with “real” winter weather. I’m such a baby now, it’s been upper 30s/low 40s here and I just whine, whine, whine!!! I miss home and family sooooo much, but fear winter would do me in! Oh to be a snowbird! :snuggle:

  12. The Retired One says:

    I am SO jealous of your Cardinal shot…we had ONE Cardinal here (rare) earlier this winter and as SOON as I got out my camera, it would fly away!
    I think they are SO beautiful…this shot you got is marvelous!

  13. brenda harmon says:

    We don’t have cardinals here in northern Arizona (what a beautiful bird). We do have the Blue Jay, also a beautiful bird to see gliding in the air or sitting in my trees. They tend to come out more when it’s snowing or when the snow has already fallen.

  14. RuthieG/TXLady says:

    That’s just a beautiful picture and says so very much for those of us who know spring is just a few weeks away…

  15. Marty says:

    I LOVE cardinals in the snow. Their red stands out so well. It might be because of my West Virginia roots and the West Virginia plate my Granny had on her wall in Rainelle. It was a cardinal. WV state bird. I love reading your blog because I love West Virginia.

  16. Claudia says:

    What a beautiful picture, keep the fire stoked! :sun:

  17. Sandra in SC says:

    I have only recently stumbled across your blog, but I LOVE it. I read it everyday and feel like I’m missing something if I don’t. This picture of the cardinal in the snow is gorgeous! It should be on a Christmas card! Stay warm….hope your power stays on…but it sounds like you’re well prepared if it doesn’t!

  18. kerri says:

    Your cardinal picture is a beauty! We had 2 pairs this morning, along with dozens of other birds. We’re under a severe weather alert here in upstate NY, but so far not a lot of snow has fallen. Maybe we’ll skate again and this storm will mostly miss us. You sure are getting socked, along with so many others. The gingerbread will sure taste good during your hibernation. Hope the power stays on this time! :hole:

  19. Barbee' says:

    The Cardinal is also the state bird of Kentucky. I don’t see as many I used to see, but a few visit our feeder. Precious!

  20. Tabitha says:

    lol–you make me laugh and feel better about the weather here in iowa 🙂

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