Egg Factory


After all my complaining about my lazy chickens, I realized that I have somehow accumulated six dozen eggs despite the fact that they don’t lay that many each day. Maybe I should start telling them to slow down!


  1. Barbee' says:

    That is terrific! What does one do with 6 dozen eggs?!

  2. Heidi says:

    Or make Eggs Benedict, Deviled Eggs, Scotch Eggs, Shired Eggs, Egg Salad…….You get the idea.

  3. Karen says:

    That’s good especially since it’s winter and that’s usually when we had to buy eggs because they basically quit laying then.

  4. Nancy in Iowa says:

    Wow! Do you sell them? Give them away? I know you cook and bake daily, but how can you use that many? Can you freeze eggs? I think I remember reading that you can if you separate the yolks/whites, but never tried it.

  5. Kare Lennox says:

    OMG, I love fresh eggs. If only we didn’t live a whole country apart I would relieve you of some of those extras!

  6. princessvanessa says:

    When my mom had milk that was reaching its expiration date and eggs that were getting older she made egg custard.

  7. carsek says:

    My hens have started laying again to. It is pretty early in the year actually.
    Of course, homemade noodles uses lots of eggs. I use the whole egg since I don’t bake a lot to use up the whites. You just won’t have those really yellow noodles. Add a drop of food coloring.
    Homemade chicken and noodles sounds yummy!!

  8. Cindy says:

    I vote deviled eggs!! YuM!! :duck:

  9. Michele Messier says:

    Lots of egg salad! Quiche is good too! :moo: :moo: :moo: :moo:

  10. B. Ruth says:

    Make “chickies”…..they are all fertile aren’t they?

  11. B. Ruth says:

    We have ice over the snow….Power off for a few hours during the night…came back on…..but off again….now on…now……
    Well, I hope it stays on long enough for me to read my favorite website…..
    Hope the freezing rain avoids WV….

  12. CindyP says:

    Wow! You need to start baking! There are some great pound cake recipes over on the forum you could play around with….and show us some more delicious pics!!

    Or what about dehydrating them for next winter when you have low egg production?

  13. kerri says:

    Good for the girls! :chicken: I’d love some of those wonderful brown eggs.
    Are you planning to sell the eggs when the girls step up production?

  14. Kathie says:

    You can separate the white and yolk, freeze them in ice cube trays, and then toss them in a zip lock bag and keep them frozen until you need them.

  15. Debnfla3 says:

    I would so love to buy eggs from you! Gladly would I do that!!!
    I have tried to find someone around me that sold yard eggs but it seems no one does. If only I had my own chicken yard….my own chickens like I had growing up! What joy those clucking hens brought to our home.


  16. Chic says:

    Isn’t that the way it goes with chickens…sometimes it’s “all or nothin!”. Ours are just starting to lay more eggs finally and I’ve got over 2 dozen sitting in the fridge. I lost another chicken last week…my favorite Marigold (buff orpington) so now we’re down to 7 hens one rooster. My husband takes eggs to the guys at work and they LOVE them…they’d buy more if we could supply them so we’ve ordered chicks for spring. I know…we could ‘make’ our own since we have a rooster but we haven’t done very well in that department but maybe this summer we’ll do better. :hungry2:

  17. Leah says:

    Id make at least a couple pound cakes and freeze one of them! lol

  18. Elaine says:

    Yep. Looks like they cam through their molt. Eggs usually start picking up in Jan. Sounds like Creme’ Brulee to me.

  19. lisa says:

    My friend has 9dz in her frig at the moment…. can you freeze eggs?

  20. Athena says:

    Angel Food Cake, it usually uses a dozen eggs for just one cake!

  21. Mickey says:

    When my chickens get really energetic and I start getting lots of eggs I make homemade egg noodles with them. Great way to use some of them up!Can freeze them : )

  22. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    I went from getting a big fat 0 to getting 9 a day last week. I love my country eggs!

  23. Laura says:

    Make an oven omelet—-it takes a dozen eggs to make and it is yummy!!! Mix it up with different ingredients, make it twice a week for brunch, breakfast or dinner and you’ve used up 2 dozen easily. My family loves this!!!!!

  24. Laura says:

    Yes–you can freeze eggs. I have read to mix them slightly, then freeze in whatever portions. I can’t remember if people ate them like scrambled eggs, but they used them for cooking and baking.

  25. Christine says:

    Yum,yum….such a wonderfully versitile golden nugget!

  26. Technobabe says:

    This is exactly why I keep showing pictures of small chicken hutches to my hubby and hoping some day we will live in a place that we could have chickens and then have our very own chicken eggs! Lucky you!!!

  27. Cathy J says:

    Beat them up like scrambled eggs and put them into ice cube trays, freeze them for baking, etc. Works great!

  28. Carol Langille says:

    I wouldn’t tell them to slow down….not that they would listen. But let them lay as much and as long as they will. Time will come when they decide, okay…time to freak the farm woman out again!
    Make some egg salad! Some Chiffon Cakes!!! Eggs Ala Goldenrod!!! Fry them, scramble them, bake and fricasee them!!! Make eggnog and pretend it’s Christmas again!!!
    I wish I had six dozen eggs!

  29. NorthCountryGirl says:

    I have 10 hens and it takes little over a week to accumulate boxes of eggs in the refrigerator. Who knew they would lay this many this quickly. You can tell I’m new at this as I had to scramble and put out the word to everyone to save egg cartons. THEN, I start giving them to family, neighbors, and friends and before I know it, I’m down to two or three dozen. At least family, neighbors, and friends will not starve in these hard times.

  30. catslady says:

    I’m totally impressed!!!! Oh I guess since they are so fresh they last a lot longer than store bought.

  31. Mia says:

    That is SO funny! my brother and sister in law WORK in an egg factory – a real one hahaha. And check out my post today – i hate to be wasteful but…. *grin*

  32. Kathleen in Michigan says:

    I suggest some large quantity egg recipes.

  33. Miss Becky says:

    those eggs are beautiful. when I was a little girl it was my job to sort the eggs by size and put them in the egg cases for sale at the local farmer’s exchange. We had an egg sizer that went by weight, each egg was weighed individually but I only used it when I couldn’t eyeball them. Upon seeing today’s farm photo I recalled doing that many years ago. thanks for the memories Suzanne :heart:

  34. Ulrike says:

    I sense a theme among the next four hundred recipes someone’s going to post on her blog. 😉

  35. Jo says:

    Suzanne, those eggs are lovely.

    How do you handle your eggs? I used to get some farm-fresh eggs from a friend and sometimes they had chicken gunk on them, but I heard that you really shouldn’t wash them as there is a protective covering on them that helps keep them fresh. But the chicken gunk just wasn’t very appetizing.
    I know the first step would be to make sure your nesting boxes (or wherever they’re laying) should be clean, obviously. Yours all look so nice and clean.
    Can you elaborate?

    • Suzanne McMinn says:

      Jo, yes, the best thing to do is get them to lay in fresh straw in nesting boxes, but they won’t always do that! I clean my eggs. I won’t have dirty eggs around when I’m baking. I don’t want to crack open an egg into a cake and worry about a bit of dirt (or worse!) falling in my mixing bowl. You should NOT clean eggs if you’re going to incubate them because they do have a protective coating you don’t want to wash off, but for kitchen use, I absolutely wash mine!

  36. melissa ann stone says:

    If I lived near you I would take a couple dozen, lol. I live in north carloina. My grandmother lives in kenna, west virginia, I would love to come see her again one day.

  37. auntbear says:

    …pickled eggs?

  38. Angela P says:

    :purpleflower: My chickens are laying so many eggs I put a sign at the end of the drive, I now have 4 repeat customers. I also donate many of the eggs to others. I always say “Thank You” to my girls for doing such a wonderful job. Always thankful. :yes:

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