My Favorite Activity


Moving cows outside fencing is my favorite farm activity.
Often, I do it by myself, such as for milking when Glory Bee is in the field across the road. Other times, I wait till I can get some help. It depends on the situation. Yesterday evening, I moved the cows about 100 yards outside fencing to get them to a different field (across the road). Because it’s spring and the grass outside fencing is so enticing, I waited until my hired hands were here so they could help me herd. It was still a challenge. I always take charge of Glory Bee, on the lead, because we’re so close, tight, bestest friends, you know.
And in short order, the girls were successfully moved!
They were quite pleased once they got there. And I was, too! (Dumplin was the biggest obstacle this time. But she came after mama eventually.)


  1. Dumbcatluvr says:

    Where’s the little one?

  2. Countryat heart says:

    In western Wisconsin, we are still waiting for ANY sign of spring. Seeing the emerald green of your grass and the flowering trees gives me hope! Thanks for posting such beautiful pictures.

  3. Joell says:

    What a lovely place for them to dine–a 5 star pasture.

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