Feelin’ It


I could swear that I can hear, see, smell, feel the grass growing. Soon, fencing changes and repairs will be made to this field, the Park Field, and the sheep will be grazing it.

The sound of chirping birds is back. Every day, I look around and see more buds on trees. I don’t know what this tree is to the side of my house, but it’s going to be beautiful when all those blooms come out.

Sometimes I feel as if this gift of early spring is a secret that is mine alone, but I bet you have it, too!


  1. silentgoddess says:

    I am thinking that is a magnolia tree? If not, what ever it is will be beautiful in a few more weeks!
    Love how green that field looks. Your new farm is quite amazing.

  2. shirley T says:

    The tree looks like it might be a red bud tree. They are all over my hilside along with dogwood. What a beautiful place to live in.

  3. Dogfarm says:

    I’m so proud of you. Your life is going to be “springtime” from now on. May this beautiful tree bloom and bring you happiness forever.

  4. SwissMiss says:

    We’ve always called them tulip trees, but I think they are a magnolia. They are also great rainmakers and wind producers around here. 😆 When it blooms try a photo from under the tree with nothing blue sky above or behind. Something about the color combinations is really eye catching.


  5. nursemary says:

    Our early spring is a double-edged sword, appearing just as long enough for the fruit trees to bloom early, then winter slammed the door shut before the bees could pollinate them. Now all those beautiful blossoms are littering the soggy ground. Fruit is over rated anyway. 😥

  6. lifeisgood/ Melinda says:

    I agree with the others that I think this is a tulip tree. Redbud or tulip, either way it is going to be a spectacular sight when in full bloom! Down here in the far south people call them purple magnolias, but I think they are in reality a form of poplar tree. If it’s a tulip tree in about a week the entire thing will be coverd with beautiful purple tulip flowers that smell like heaven!

  7. Barbee says:

    I too think it is a magnolia, “Saucer Magnolia” (Magnolia soulangeana). They are so pretty when the frost leaves them alone. See the photo here and see if you don’t think it is the same. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Magnolia_%C3%97_soulangeana

  8. Landodixy says:

    Looks to be what we, here in Virginia, call a Tulip Tree. So pretty!

  9. Spiderjohn says:

    The grass is definately growing!I live a few miles outside of Huntington, Wv. and I cut my grass last Sunday and it needs it again already. I would rather cut grass twice a week though than shovel snow even once a month! The tree looks like a redbud. We have several around where I work.

  10. MrsB says:

    I’m thinking you need to have someone come teach you how to drive that tractor – get a bush hog attachment and then cutting that grass will not seem bad at all. All those critters cannot possibly mow it all down.

    Drive tractor = Maximum GirlPower.

  11. tinamanley says:

    Everything is blooming in South Carolina!! It’s a mixed blessing with pollen coating every surface with a layer of yellow. Hope we don’t have a late frost like last year!!

  12. DancesInGarden says:

    We have come to find out that chickens are also great at relieving areas of grass (and anything else growing there LOL).

    It looks so springy there!

  13. STracer says:

    The grass is greening up nicely here in southern West Virginia too. Yesterday at work I was showing pictures of a new baby goat and the green grass was really vibrant in the pictures. Kind of don’t notice when I was looking at the baby. 8)

  14. GrammieEarth says:

    I agree that it looks like a magnolia…beautiful for too short a time. I find it kinda sad when all that beauty falls to the ground and looks messy. The mess doesn’t last long either though!

    I especially like the heart in the soil between the gate post and the gate!!!

    :heart: :heart:

  15. ZephyrHawk says:

    Hard to believe I registered just to respond to this post, but I am a tree geek. I believe that tree is the same one you showed in the pictures of “buds” you put up a few days ago. If so, I will confirm what others have said, it is a Magnolia. It will have lovely, large, pinkish-white flowers quite soon, which will fall off shortly thereafter. It is not a tuliptree (which grow up, not out), a bit too large for a dogwood, and does not have the “habit” of a redbud.

  16. CATRAY44 says:

    Hi Suzanne, Can we have a Georgia update? I miss reading about her!

    Spring has sprung very early, here in Michigan, too.

    • Suzanne McMinn says:

      Cathy, Georgia is doing as okay as she can be. She has really changed in the last couple of years. She is not the same Georgia that she was when I lived in the slanted little house. She has macular degeneration, which is a gradually worsening condition, and she can barely see. She has difficulty with balance, so she has a hard time getting around. She can no longer garden, can, putter, pick up sticks in the yard (seriously, she was always picking up sticks!), and so on. It’s very sad, but her spirits are as good as they can be. She’s a tough cookie, but her age has really taken its toll in the last few years.

  17. yvonnem says:

    Me thinks it’s a tulip tree (or type of poplar), too. At least that’s what I’ve always heard them called. The magnolias I’m familiar with around here have dark green leaves year around. I work at the State Capitol in Charleston, and there are several of them on the campus and they have white blooms in the summer. But I’m sure there are many different types of magnolias. :happyflower:

  18. kiwigal_nz says:

    Spring – I’m jealous! (well except for allergies)

    Makes you wonder what’s up with the seasons at the moment … we had no summer down here in the southern hemisphere, it was miserable in my part of the world – and you guys had no winter.

  19. khart says:

    It is a tulip tree. The buds on a redbud tree are much smaller but the same color. Both are very pretty when in bloom with its lavendar color.

  20. khart says:

    I have also been looking for an update on Coco and Chloe. BTW – congrats on doing the write up about the horse rescue. I’ve always said that they can not talk for themselves and need someone who can talk for them.

  21. beforethedawn says:

    The grass is coming up under all the dead stuff, but the elk and deer are already mowing it down. Today was REALLY warm! But snow is coming next week. We’re not out of the woods till the last days of May.

  22. khart says:

    Great work Suzanne! I’ve been following your blog for quite a few years – just a silent follower but love all of your posts! I check it everyday! Please continue to keep all of us posted!

  23. CATRAY44 says:

    I am sorry to hear about Georgia’s struggles. She will be in my prayers. She is a neat lady!

  24. mackenzie93 says:

    There are different types of magnolias, but that does look like one (mine is on the verge of blooming, too, but as I’m in northern Illinois, I’m sure it’s a different variety).

    Suzanne, my aunt began developing macular degeneration some years ago. One of the things that has made her condition more bearable is still being able to read via the free audio book lending program for the blind. The tapes are sent and returned via free mailers (I think). I’m so sorry to hear that Georgia is no longer able to do the things she loved best.

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