First Tomatoes!


Nothing like the first ripe tomato warm off the vine! I’m trying to resist inhaling today’s whole crop.


  1. cclear1959 says:

    Can’t wait for that first tomato of the year…nothing like it…yummm!

  2. GA_in_GA says:

    I tend to go to the garden before breakfast . . . leaving no grape or cherry tomatoes that are ripe! Such a treat first thing in the morning! Same for the blueberries – but those won’t last the day if the birds spy the ripe ones! :happyflower:

  3. Barbee says:

    Oh, yummm! Wish I were there 🙂

  4. Darlene says:

    Homegrown tomatoes are my favorite. I went to the farmers market a week ago and tomatoes were $1.25 each. Ouch!

  5. lavenderblue says:

    Those look beautiful. Are they cherry or full size? I wish I’d remember to plant a cherry tomato or two. They usually ripen up here before the full size ones and kind of tide us over until the big ones are ready. My husband doesn’t like them as well as big ones, that’s why we do the global bucket thing. That is the only way I can grow decent regular size tomatoes.

    Now if I could just keep the neighbor kids from picking them all before they ripen. :hissyfit:

  6. RuralGirl says:

    I would so be inhaling those first tomatos! Enjoy!

  7. rurification says:

    I picked my first tomato here today! I planted tomatoes from seed this year, but I bought one early girl plant just in case I killed all the others. They all lived, but they’ll ripen much later and I’m glad to have the early girl. Especially today.

  8. BuckeyeGirl says:

    You really should do quality control you know Suzanne! Need to make sure every one of them is top quality!

  9. Runningtrails says:

    Wow! I’m impressed that you have ripe tomatoes already! Our’s are a long way off yet.

  10. Angel Foods Kitchen says:

    Oh man… all I need is a little salt, and I would chow down.

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