Flooded In


It’s been pouring here, the internet’s been in and out, and I couldn’t get Morgan to the school bus today!


  1. Raiquee says:

    You need a canoe or something down there for when it floods. You can plop her in, kiss her goodbye and send her sailing! πŸ˜†

  2. mamawolf says:

    Stay warm, dry and safe. Instead of a snow day Morgan can have a flood day – together time for the two of you. The woods still look beautiful in their fall colors.

  3. Barbee says:

    I’m not surprised. It has been pouring rain here in Lexington, KY, too. The colors in those trees near and far are delightful!

  4. BuckeyeGirl says:

    Dreary and miserable here too! Lucky for me,(hah hah) I’ve got lots of indoor stuff to do!

  5. West Virginia Bound Ladies says:

    Don’t you wish this was spring flooding instead of fall flooding. Then we wouldn’t have such a long wait for summer. :sun: 8)

  6. Hlhohnholz says:

    Sounds like a perfect day to curl up on the couch. πŸ˜€

  7. twiggityNDgoats says:

    I feel your pain. Tis the start of the WV flood/snow/ice season. I had to go and shovel out the drainage ditches around the house and barn today so at least they’d flow in the right direction.

  8. BeppyCat says:

    Poor Morgan! She must be so sad about a “rain day”. πŸ˜€

  9. CarrieJ says:

    Get ready for her to move on over to your cousins house for the year!

  10. shell says:

    We don’t get that beautiful of colors here in :shimmy: :happypuppy: :happybutterfly: :snoopy: :snoopy: California. Thats a really nice picture. good rainy day for Arts and Crafts!!! :shimmy:

  11. Granny Trace says:

    :sun: Great day to stay in and BAKE!!
    Granny Trace

  12. whaledancer says:

    Too bad BP isn’t preggers yet; I’ll bet the idea of not milking her looks pretty appealing right now.

    How is the newly dug goat yard doing with all the rain? Are the gang keeping their tooties dry?

  13. cabynfevr says:

    Smile Suzanne…it sleeting and snowing here in CT!

  14. bbkrehmeyer says:

    Sad to say, its a gorgeous fall day here in Western Colorado. had some rain night before last, but today was lovely. Typical Western Co. weather. Blue skies,crisp golden falling leaves…. ahhhh. I LOVE fall.

  15. CindyP says:

    At least you can see the river now from your porch…without taking a hike down the drive (and back up!).

    Looks like a great day for the slashing and burning πŸ™‚ Morgan, how did your room do? πŸ˜‰

  16. JerseyMom says:

    We had rain yesterday and this morning I had to SCRAPE my windshield :hissyfit: This is south Jersey…we don’t scrape in October!! I am sooooo not looking forward to this winter if this is the beginning of lots of cold, and snow, and ice, and scraping….. πŸ˜₯

  17. Chickenlady62 says:

    maybe you can get enough pallets for a bridge ? you can have a bridge building 101 class at the next retreat πŸ™‚

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