Fully Carbonated


If you missed my CITR newsletter insider preview yesterday (what? are you not on the newsletter? find out how to subscribe), our newest bottle cap has a name! He’s Dr. Pepper. He’s just a little doctor. Like Doogie Howser!

And here’s the bouncing baby video:


  1. Gem says:

    Help! I can’t view the video. (I suspect it’s me) What do I need to do?

  2. Christine says:

    Love the sound of the dinosour in the background. LOL

  3. Lisabeth Olson says:

    What a wonderful, healthy little boy. Hes is sure fantastically colored. So pretty!

  4. IowaCowgirl says:

    What a doll. It always amazes me that little cloven-hooved rascals are folded up nicely inside Mama, then slide out and become bouncing balls.

  5. mrkittysmom says:

    Just made my day!
    What a cutie pie!

  6. Yankee Gal says:

    Can’t stop grinning. What a handsome little kid. So full of beans too! Love the name chosen – it fits!

  7. Window On The Prairie says:

    oh how adorable! Thanks for sharing with us.

  8. Ramona says:

    It just don’t get any cuter than that.

  9. Gem says:

    Life IS good at SRF πŸ™‚ (Gotta love that YouTube, thanks Suzanne!)

  10. Becky says:

    I was kinda wondering if that was going to be his name! Love it. Although from the way he is starting out the Wal-Mart Dr. Thunder name might be more appropriate!!! He is just an adorable little thing!

  11. joycee says:

    that made my morning, he’s too sexy for his legs!

  12. BethieofVA says:

    Wouldn’t you like to be a Pepper, too? He is a adorable.

  13. Miss Becky says:

    I love that white spot on his side and the frosting on his ears. He’s so happy entertaining himself. Great name Suzanne, I love it. And I love your newest addition to the family. :heart:

  14. Carmen at Old House Kitchen says:

    He’s such a cute little guy. The kiddos loved it! :snoopy:

  15. Imperious Fig says:

    I love how he bounces around! What a cutie!

  16. texwisgirl says:

    LOL! He’s adorable! Nutmeg, you did good!!!

  17. tammy n says:

    How in the world did you keep from laughing πŸ˜† while filming this…it tickled me and I can’t wait to share it with my Grands on facebook! Thanks for brightening :sheepjump: my morning!

  18. Deni says:

    Oh my gosh what a cutie!! Thanks Suzanne, seeing that video was a great way to start the morning!

  19. BrendaE says:

    How sweet he is — I just want to pick him up and hug him. Little springs on his feet – how cute.

  20. Jeannie says:

    Our girls (3,4,9, & 12)are absolutely LOVING following this little guy’s journey! They have watched the birth multiple times, and want to see every post about him since he was born! Thanks for taking us along!

  21. Kelly in TX says:

    Ah, Dr. Pepper…one of my favorite things in the world. Great name!

  22. Angela P says:

    :sun: Once again you have started my day with happiness! Thanks Suzanne. What an adorable, bouncey baby! :happyflower:

  23. Theresa says:

    Seriously! That is probably the cutest thing I’ve seen all week. Love it. Thanks for the early morning giggle.

  24. Urbanite says:

    He is so cute bouncing around! And Dr. Pepper is a great name, honoring both the soda theme and the spice theme. I love the dark stripe down his back. His coloring is truly beautiful.

  25. northcountrygirl says:

    He’s such a cutey! I love his dark booties on each foot. He has a “mask” over both eyes. I love the way he’s so full of life and bounces around the yard. Dr. “Peppy” Pepper. :sheepjump:

  26. hershiesgirl says:

    OMG how do you get anything done? I’d take up residence in the goat barn. πŸ™‚ That is just too much cute, I love his little black “booties”…..

  27. Robin Crittenden says:

    He is too dang cute. It’s a good thing I can’t have farm animals in the neighborhood where I live!

    Love it! :sheepjump: :sheepjump:

  28. drucillajoy says:

    he’s so bouncy..love his little flippy tail :yes:

  29. Holly says:

    He’s got flying nun ears!!

  30. Marianne G says:

    I could watching a streaming video of him, he’s adorable!

  31. blueberrylu says:

    Hoooray—–I love the name. If you had a name the baby contest, that was going to by my suggestion. :snoopy:

  32. Shelley says:

    That totally brightened my morning!

  33. brookdale says:

    What a cutie! He gives new meaning to the term “bouncing baby boy”!
    DH and I laugh every time we watch this video. Thank you so much for sharing.

  34. Jane says:

    Aw, he is adorable! I love his colors.. he is just the cutest little fellow. Enjoy:)

  35. Cheryl says:

    He is the cutest thing ever! I want one!! πŸ™‚

  36. Nancy Stickler says:

    I so needed to see this today! This is the first year I’m without my mother on her birthday. I laughed and cried watching that little bundle of new life…Thank you Suzanne.

  37. Journey11 says:

    I cannot wait to have some goat babies running around here! I am on a budget and stickin’ to the plan right now and it will be another 2 years before we can add goats (gotta pay off a student loan first). Argh! You are killing me with all this cuteness! πŸ˜‰

  38. Joanne Semanie says:

    Very funny, makes me want one of my own.

  39. Lynne says:

    Annabelle step aside. This is now the cutest baby I have EVER seen! Wow, I would have to scoop him up and love on him all day long! :hug:

  40. Carol Langille says:

    Anyone who can watch this baby bounce and not be smiling, if not laughing outright, doesn’t have a heart. He’s beautiful! Welcome to Stringtown Rising Farm, Doctor….The Doctor is IN!!

  41. Turtle Mom says:

    But Mo-om, I REALLY want to go out and play in the snow. P-LEEEEASE!!! Look I can hop around and everything! Please mom, please! *** Dr. Pepper is just too stinking cute! I NEED a goat baby!

  42. pam from ohio says:

    LOL…what a cute baby. I love his colors…looks like he has on Uggs. BP’s moos are LOUD! Your farm is so much fun to visit!

  43. Ramona says:

    Oh, so precious. Reminds me of when I was raising sheep and birthing. Such a miracle of life. I love the name.
    MN Mona

  44. Grammie Earth says:

    I’m with Holly on the Flying Nun ears, but thought I would be divulging my age…pfft! Dr Pepper is adorable and his ‘full carbonation’ is apparent!

  45. Jessica says:

    awwww such cuteness. Dr Pepper is gorgeous, and fully carbonated is just right! Love the video, thank you for sharing!!

  46. Casey says:

    So adorable! My 4 year old says she wants one. She loves his “cute little floppy ears”.

  47. Bev in CA says:

    Thanks for such a great video. Watching him bounce brought to mind the wonderful things about “Tigger.” The song fits him,too. So cute!

  48. Maria says:

    So cute! and INCREDIBLY bouncy !

    I could almost smell the hay while watching that…

    and Suzanne – I see chevre in your future! haha

  49. Tobey says:

    Just watching this makes me smile.

  50. Carrie Johnston says:

    I love love love his black stockings!!

  51. Sarah says:

    So I know this post is about the baby who is totally adorable… but gosh BP is so loud in the background! And it’s funny because I’ve heard you comment that she’s the dinosaur of the group, but I’ve never really understood until I heard that. Gosh, she is a dinosaur. It would kind of be scary to wake up and hear that thing bellowing outside!

  52. Vicki in So. CA says:

    Boing… boing… boing! DP) is just one springy little guy β€” and SO cute! That last twirl in the air gave me a good guffaw! πŸ˜† I’m still smiling!

  53. Yvonne says:

    Suzanne, I’m not getting the newsletter any more!!! I didn’t get it last month, so I signed up again, and I didn’t get your preview yesterday. It’s not in my junk or spam either. I changed my email from verizon to frontier and updated it, and received your newsletter at the new address until recently. Whaaaaah, I want my newsletter! Should I sign up again?

  54. PossumManor says:

    If I am ever having a down day, I will come back and look at the baby. Sooooo cute!

  55. greensborodailyphoto says:

    I’m struck by the sounds of the farm. No noise but farm noises. Your little piece of heaven in Almost Heaven, West Virginia. :sheep:

  56. Yvonne says:

    I signed up again and it tells me I’m already subscribed! I tried the link for further assistance, but that didn’t work either. :hissyfit:

  57. greensborodailyphoto says:

    Oh and, keep him away from :woof: and :happypuppy: and :snoopy: and :woof:

  58. Mz E says:

    Awww, that bounce would make a Tigger proud!

  59. Nancy in Iowa says:

    What a beautiful kid! He bounces, he wags his tail, he dives into the world with all his curiosity! His name is perfect!

  60. Tammy says:

    I didn’t know baby goats were so sproingy. That video cheered me up just when I needed it. πŸ™‚

  61. whaledancer says:

    Dr. Pepper is just what I was calling him in my head! Son of Mr Pibb and Nutmeg, it’s the perfect name, honoring both lines. He even LOOKS like he should be named Dr. Pepper.

    But I think your Dr Pepper must be extra high caffeine, from the way he bounces! He has such pretty markings, and so much energy. He makes me laugh with delight. “At 10, 2, and 4, you’ll always want more!” (Does that date me?)

  62. claudia w says:

    That is just so stinking cute! How are you getting anything else done around there? Or are you getting anything else done? I could and watch that little Dr. all day long!

  63. Judy says:

    What a precious baby…He is so full of energy.

  64. Yvonne says:

    Suzanne, It’s not your fault and you don’t have to apologize. I do appreciate you checking into it…maybe I’ll start receiving them again as quickly as they stopped – LOL! Who knows where they are…out there in never, neverland I guess! (I can always read them a month late, I know how to get there!)

    Thanks again, and Dr. Pepper is so sweet and adorable!!!!

  65. lizzie says:

    He is so cute, dancing around Mama, I think he wanted her to play with him, but she was busy eating, just so adorable. Thank you for the movie of him, brought a smile to my face. Good thing I don’t have goats, he might just be in the house because he is just to cute! :snoopy:

  66. Tink says:

    my,my,my!!! That kids got it goin’ on

  67. Nona says:

    I love Dr. Pepper! both the baby and the drink!

  68. Becky says:

    LOL!!! So cute!!! Made my morning!!

  69. Michele says:

    What breed is this little guy?

  70. Leah says:

    Dr. Pepper is such a cute baby goat! I think I would call him Boots once in awhile though because he looks like he’s wearing a couple pairs! πŸ™‚

  71. lauren says:

    Oh my gosh!! he is adorable πŸ™‚ I wouldnt be able to get anything done with that little cutie running around πŸ™‚

  72. lavenderblue says:

    So, so cute. It’s a soda and a spice. Two, two, two treats in one! And I can see that he is keeping very warm. I’m very happy. It wasn’t that I thought you weren’t providing for him and Mom, I just wondered how you could keep a little baby like that warm enough. I know lambs born in the winter often suffer hypothermia and outside of bringing everybody in to the woodstove (which I know you would do, if possible), I’d have no idea what to do.

  73. kritter keeper says:

    ohhh, what a little sweetie! i want one! thank you for showing us your newest baby. love his little black socks!

  74. kay keen says:

    I just loved the video, he is so cute and full of life. The next time I come home to Bluefield, I am coming to your farm. I will let you know when that will be. Thanks so much for sharing this with us. Kay

  75. kj says:

    I want a goat…..I want a pregnant goat..I want a baby goat!!!!

  76. elfoss says:

    I LOVE DR. PEPPER! hes so energetic!!!!!

  77. Tula says:

    This was so Beautiful. Welcome to the farm little buddy.
    YEA Mama, You were GREAT!!

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