The Goat Who Gardened


Goat Burger’s been a little nervous since he found out he wasn’t included in this winter’s hay count. He’s been working hard to help out how he can, like trimming back the ivy on the cellar.

(Check out the fat tummy sticking out on both sides!)


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  1. Imperious Fig says:

    Too funny!

  2. Hlhohnholz says:

    Sooooooooo delicious……I’m jealous!

  3. Pete says:

    Awwww. What a cute little landscaper! :snoopy:

  4. dropofkim says:

    How is goat meat? One time I tried goat cheese and it tasted like they smelled so I was wondering if it was the same for goat meat.

    • Suzanne McMinn says:

      There shouldn’t be any buck scent/flavor to goat meat OR cheese. I’ve heard that if you run a buck with does you’re milking, that can happen. When I was goat milking, I didn’t have a buck with the girls, so I don’t know personally. (The girls do NOT have that scent–that is only intact bucks.) I butcher wethered (neutered) male goats, so they do not have the buck scent.

  5. Cheesemaker Gayle says:

    I raise Nigerian Dwarf dairy goats. I make milk daily and make cheese. I am now breeding the milkers and as they come into heat they are put with the bucks for the day. I have tested/tasted/smelled the milk from each milking and have not seen any difference. NONE of my cheese smells bucky.

  6. Janb says:

    I keep hearing people say that the buck will taint the milk, however I have never had it happen. The day a girl is bred I will wash the udder extra carefully, soap, water, then the normal udder wipe. After the girls are all bred, I let the buck back in to run with his herd. The only time he is separated from the girls is from about mid-August til mid to late October just so that we don’t have any winter babies. It does help that my girls are strong seasonal breeders and only go into heat in the fall months.

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