I Don’t Need to See Out the Back Anyway


This is what my Explorer always looks like. People often comment on it, which tends to take me by surprise because I’m so used to it that I forget what it looks like. I’m going to drive through the creek again tomorrow, so why bother cleaning it. Every once in a while, Morgan uses her finger to write, “Wash me” on it. And then I make her wash it.

Hmmm. She hasn’t done that in a while…..


  1. Louise says:

    But i thought that’s what cars look like!

  2. Chic says:

    LOL…that’s what all three of our vehicles look like…I forget what they look like when they were clean!!!! :hungry2:

  3. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    Yep, looks like mine too! If I ever take it through the car wash, I always ask why did I waste the money as soon as I go back down our road to get home!

  4. Darlene says:

    I’m in good company here! Most of the time I just let a good rain storm do the cleaning for me. But then I don’t have creeks and rivers and all to drive thru.

  5. TXLady says:

    I’ve said to many persnickity friends that when you are seriously ill, you learn to live with a lot of things that you wouldn’t normally…….that’s true of living in the country too…like chicken poop on the front porch or for me at the moment….the smell of rabbit poop from my little critter on the porch…OK so I’ll empty the tray today……maybe.

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