I Hate It When That Happens


There was a mass internet outage (Frontier DSL) in and around Charleston, so I’ve been offline. I’m glad to be back! Precious and I watched a lot of TV, and noticed the warm breeze, green grass, and tiny flowers bursting out from the ground. And heard the spring peepers! I can’t believe how fast we went from wintry blast to burgeoning spring here. Wow.

(That’s Precious playing with her new kong. Which she promptly lost. It’s probably with her old kong….)


  1. Joell says:

    Spring visited us yesterday as well, I think it moved on to a different part of the country last night, cold and a bit windy this morning, but yesterday–wonderful, I spent most of the day out side cleaning up the fenced portion of our yard and noticed the “daffies” are poking there little heads through the soil.
    What is it about those kongs? everyone we have ever purchased for our dogs seem to dissapear never to be found again, is there a giant kong in the sky that beams them up? We never seem to find them again.
    Your baby looks very happy and content, I am happy that you have her, they are such a comfort and the love they return is beyond measure. :snuggle:

  2. Louise says:

    You picked the absolute Perfect name for her, she is precious. Spring has arrived in North Alabama too. Two weeks ago we had ice, now it is supposed to be 75 today. The sun is shining in my window at work and my dear husband has gone fishing. LOL. :sun: Everyone have a wonderful day.

  3. jodiezoeller says:

    Spring seems to be here in North Texas after a couple of cold spells. On the Kong situation, they seem to all gravitate to under furniture, lost until you move that piece to vacuum. My dog also hoards them and then magically finds them sometime when he’s hidden all the elk horn chews too.

  4. yvonnem says:

    Never heard of a kong…had to google it…LOL! :woof:

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