

Ironweed blooming along the side of my country road.


  1. Tracey in Paradise Pa. says:

    :dancingmonster: Morning!! I bet you really really love MEAN ROOSTER!! How boring life would be without him…I have a love hate relationship with a old mean beagle, who does not have two many days left. He likes to take a bite out of my ankle every now and then but when he is having a bad day he lays by my feet wherever I go…I am gonna miss my rotten stinky beagle one day!!

  2. Jenni in KS says:

    The ironweed is blooming here as well. Snow on the mountain is everywhere, too. I went out to take pictures yesterday evening, but had forgotten to charge my camera battery. Maybe today.

  3. Terry Owen says:

    Just a little folklore for what its worth – another name for Ironweed is Star-spangled Banner. One of my grandmothers used that name.

  4. Pete says:

    Ironweed is one of my favorites, to the point that I actually have some of it in a flower bed. (On purpose!)

  5. .Nancy in Iowa says:

    It’s beautiful!!!

  6. KentuckyFarmGirl says:

    I just posted a pic of this over on my blog yesterday with a few more wildflowers that we have blooming right now. It’s beautiful!

  7. Ellen in Conn says:

    Oh, I love purple ironweed!

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