It’s a Big, Big World!


Fanta’s two babies, at the gate of the goat house, wondering about the big, big world outside. (It’s FULL of giant animals and all sorts of interesting sounds and smells!)


  1. Kelly says:

    OMG! Could they be any cuter????

  2. mrkittysmom says:

    There are days when I want your life – but then I remember that I am not spring chicken anymore.
    So, thank you for providing me with another life thru your blog and wonderful pix.
    Such cutie pies!

  3. Yankee in NC says:

    I remember the little ones first few days and the giant hawks flying overhead when they spotted them outside of the barn! Yikes..It’s a big scary world out there!!!!

  4. Carol Radtke says:

    :snoopy: Goat babies are so darn cute! I can’t wait for our next ones. My precious Annie is due next month… sometimes those 5 months take FOREVER!!!!!
    Oh and Annie is just like your Fanta.. she doesn’t make a noise while kidding. The big stinker kidded last year for me while I was standing in the barn (less then 10 feet away) tending rabbits. I didn’t hear one peep from her.

  5. Ramona says:

    They’ll be joining in before they know it.

  6. Becky says:

    I had to laugh at myself today going down the grocery aisle to get my Cherry Coke Zero. I was looking at all the sodas thinking of names for the goat babies!!! You just about have them all covered! But I did think Sierra (Mist) and Sunkist would be good girl names!

  7. Grammy Jam says:

    Do you think that goats and cats would get along? Cause now I really want a goat baby. Only problem is she’d have to live in the house. But the good thing is my very demanding, bossy, milkaholic cat would have a live in milk machine!

  8. texwisgirl says:

    Love their tiny little selves. 🙂 I don’t know how they stay so clean. Guess Fanta’s been a good mom…

  9. patchkat says:

    Those little guys are adorable! I would love to have goats…maybe someday!

  10. beverly says:

    sweet little peas :hug: :snoopy: :heart:

  11. Lisabeth Olson says:

    Barely able to contain my joy when I see them.

  12. claudia w says:

    I ma smiling from ear to ear!
    They are so dang cute!

  13. Brenda E says:

    Are these new babies?? Hmm don’t remember when Fanta had babies. BTW Suzanne – do goats have more than one baby at a time? Someone at work told me that goats never have more than one baby – somehow that doesn’t sound correct to me – couldn’t they have twins or something?

  14. Bev says:

    Are the new babies male or female?? So dang cute, especially the brown one… I love it’s ears…..

  15. Kim W says:

    Simply WAY too cute!

    Blessings from Ohio…Kim<

  16. Miss Becky says:

    they are so tiny!!! and adorable too. :heart: :heart: :heart:

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