It’s Hip to be Square


“When my dad was growing up in Stringtown, a small rural community in West Virginia, entertainment included things like molasses-making fires in the fall (where sugar cane juices were boiled down to concentrate into syrup), trips to town to the “newfangled” movie theater, skipping rocks in the river, and barn dances. The dance events up the road and around the bend in a big red barn on Saturday nights meant fighting with his brothers for the best clothes, and the chance of holding hands with a pretty girl. There was a risqué edge to the activity despite its wholesome atmosphere. The lights, the music, the dancing, the laughter and the flirting eyes lent a special excitement that was enhanced by the starlit darkness just outside….”

Read the rest of my article on barn dances at Chevy Culture, the lifestyle and auto site sponsored by Chevrolet.


  1. brookdale says:

    Interesting article, Suzanne! I remember going to square dances as we called them, back in the 1950’s when we were teenagers. Lots of fun in the country!

  2. yvonnem says:

    Great article, Suzanne!

  3. VictorianGirl says:

    Loved the article, Suzanne. Thank you for sharing.

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