Killer, a Cake, and Two Teenagers


Weston loves his cat, Killer. (Read Killer’s story.)
He has this cat totally trained, and he loves Weston and only Weston. Killer lives for the weekends when his master comes home.

This weekend, Weston was home, girlfriend Mariah in tow. Desperate for a vegan treat (which I was too busy to stop and bake for her), she baked a cake herself. Somehow, Killer got into the pan to leave a message.

Anyway. The scholar, at work.

Or, actually, reading on his Kindle whilst Mariah watches HGTV.

He spies a disturbance in the force.

Or, you know, me.

Mariah: “What is it, honey?”

Weston: “MY MOTHER.”

And then, with so few words exchanged, she shows….

….that she totally gets him.


  1. Angela P says:

    Sounds like my son Jake and only his cat Emily….Just no gf.or cake.

  2. Cousin Sheryl says:

    Those two! :snuggle:

    That last picture of Muriah’s face says it all. Can you say, “Heart in her eyes?” Awwwwwwwwwwww! :heart:

  3. stacylee says:

    I love how you torture your kids in such a wonderful way! I have a teenage daughter, so I don’t think goo goo eyes are so cute!! Keep your eyes to yourself!

  4. yvonnem says:

    Those two have to be THE sweetest couple ever!

  5. jan n tn says:

    Those two are precious.
    Killer looks to be a Maine Coon cat breed.
    compare the markings…how cool is that!

  6. mamajoseph says:

    There is nothing like seeing your grown child with a mate that brings out the best in them. One of our sons got married in January; they are beautiful together. It’s delightful.

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